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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Well I reckon they've left out some punctuation in this : Frawley leaves Dees for premiers....... probably supposed to be ... Frawley leaves. Dees for Premiers !!!
  2. An Oldie but a goodie
  3. really mate, you should have known better
  4. Will he be right ?
  5. Hawks list manager Graham Wright now on Trade Radio: "Frawley is contracted for 4 years, we're hopeful he can play 5 to 6." To me this DOES suggest a 'play-on " clause.
  6. I was thinking the same ....re that 5th year. Age is very much a factor ( if they want it to be that is .... )
  7. I would think..JUST !!! ( and yes if its as I suspect really a camouflaged pseudo semi assistance pick )
  8. very little= NONE its a sham....a con.... a political beast
  9. they all say that !!!
  10. Didnt see that coming
  11. Its unbelievable isnt it DC. Hed have to leave Melbourne, the Country even, back to his little Village de merde. Whod want to even walk on the same footpath !!
  12. I have an inkling when this is done a certain other thread may be enhance to The No T$ No B$ No M€ Thread ..maybe
  13. Hird could launch contempt of court proceedings against Bombers How long before Essendon just goes bang....in a puff of smoke. Its really ( for mine ) just Hird wanting his last 2 mill ion 10 million , whatever out of that club he 'loves'. Has there ever been a more contemptuous, hypocritical, self righteous, narcissistic , money grubbing piece of shlt to ever wear a foot ball jumper ??? Cant think of any to hand. You are a piece of work James Hird, even under-rock dwelling snakes dont want a bar of you !! I'd prescribe that you rot in Hell but as that's OUR domain you can just exist as white noise buzzing in dark damp empty cave as even purgatory requires one to have had a soul !!
  14. Its been a long weekend for me....possibly yourself as well... all good
  15. Obviously dont get jokes
  16. Given Mahoney seemed free and easy mentioning the pick I also deduce this...that is, the clubs been given the heads up. Would make sense Theres what happens behind doors between AFL house and Clubs and then theres the public consumption rubbish !!!
  17. arguably yes...And indeed that is my opinion. But may I proffer that if after three years you have fukk all return that it might not be as I suggest ?
  18. Of course that would depend who he ran foal of ?
  19. similar. .understand your words completely
  20. Thats depression. ..ahhthought it was deception. Mea culpa
  21. Who is this Mitch ??? Am buggered if I can think of anyone at Melbourne with that monicker worthy of a moments thought.
  22. because ????Edit. You posted answer at same time lol You actually touch upon a cornerstone to much of all this, a sort os slidinv doors scenario, what would the outcomes have been had not Essendon cheated ? Some very big players in all this. Murky murky murky !
  23. has already started I would have thought
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