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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. occo....alas...a little lucifer is a little peeved. Over what who knows..who cares. you see apparently a true Melbourne supporter has no wits about them, no capacity for apprasial, no obligation to reality. They just have to jump up and down and wave things red and blue. Still its amusing isnt it
  2. he said we "played dumb football in the 2nd and 3rd " so what d we take from this... we have a rather ambiguous game plan thats easily miscontrued ? they dont listento him? he didnt realise in time ? he didnt make the right corrections at half time ? he didnt reiterate and explain the misunderstandings at 3/4 time ? HE HASNT A CLUE about how to fix it ? or G) all of the above granted he cant run out and play for all 18.....but he can make his ideas plain and known. this apparently doesnt happen. that is a concern.
  3. i'm with ya occo.. alas !! lol
  4. I dont think any particular plan works..or doesnt.. elements of plans may be handy etc but there are 2 teams on the filed; and it depends on who's in the accendancy onthe day as to how you play the game. Its interactive. One team cant play a particular style in isolation. It has to modify it on the run ( literally ) to adjust to it seffectiveness at the time. This THIS is what we dont do... we keep on going blindly when its obviousl a particular style is failing. And it comes back to teh bloke at the helm...he's not adjusting anywhere near quick enough. He is oft to say he has faith in his charges, quite applaudable; but pointless if they arent going n the right direction or method, thats what he's paid the big bucks for...to orchestrate and coach..EFFECTIVELY
  5. this is 2007 you DONT adjust to the game you play.. you PLAY it from day 1..this is what professionals do...its their craft and thats what the preseason is for...to iron out the bugs and hones the gameplan etc. .to hand your opponents..all of them a 3 game freeby is suicide.
  6. exzactly Bizkit ...very much the point.
  7. yes Grant kicked the shocker..but is he to blame.. no way.. he should never have been there.
  8. children deserve unconditional love I expect a bit more from the Dees
  9. I sincerly admire your optimism. As commented earlier and elsewhere...by others and myself; friday was not a debacle in isolation. This has been out modus operandi for the whole year so far. Just, friday was shown for all its foibles !! ...and by a team wwe wouldnt rate at the top; and that becomes the true worry. God knows what a West Coast or Sydney will do to us if we play like that !! Sometimes those things that look and sound like ducks......are DUCKS !! and we were a lame one indeed. But whilst the players were the ones on the field...I lay the blame squarely at Daniher as he is supposedly controlling those guys and instructing them in the manner of play. So we can still win the flag this year.... well i suppose anything is possible.. but what is goinf to change players? Nup !! Coach ? Nup !! the way we play ? thats going to have to happen if any hope is possible. What irks me and worries me is that this 'style' of play had been trialed in the preseason and practice matices etc...and found desperately wanting and yet Dunderher still rolls this out !! unless something dramatically different and more closely resembling a REAL gameplan and style surface next week we are in for a long long long season !!
  10. I disagree... the penalty should have been on the goal line...almost imposible to miss... Grant should never have had the opportunity to miss.. should have been a gimme !! you would have different sentiments I'm sure had it been the Dees !!
  11. no he's not alone... I must confess i did not hear the whole interview...only the main sound grab....but it was both lamentable and contemptable that such a buck passing effort should occur so early in the season. The buck starts and stops with him. Forgive me brehtren and sisters....this does not bode well. The season didnt start on friday it started many weeks ago when his lordship instigated this mania masquerading as a game strategy. It did not work well then, it hasnt all along. Is he waiting for the loose bike chain to suddenly jump back onto cogs simply by perservering ? There were times last night when is was laughable. Players werent aware of where the ball was or where it mught be delivered or from where. The ball all but fell on a group at one stage such was their disarray. One can only hope that that was a serious wake up call; yes already. Keep that up and we wil be playing catch up footy all season. ND must realise he is on thin ice. That this wil be his last season if he continues to deliver that cr@p on and off the field must surely be some component of his thinking. has he used up all his tricks and now canvasses any folly as optionable ? Lets hope not. I'm hoping he's better than that. I can only hope ...as in all the years he has been at the helm he has not shown this supporter he's capable of much more, certainly not at the very highest level. He wil lneed to nip it in the bud immediately for if it were to continue even for a short while some may sense he's for the chop and then all cohesion goes up the race: ....season over now before you all acuse me of ultra pessimism...I'm not. But I am entitled to be observe and decipher as i see it. Go Dees ( but go a lot better than that )
  12. kangas were robbed...simple as that... the filth would be grinnig from ear to ear.
  13. a little thing called percentage going into the finals might argue against that comment. Every game counts, tis foolish to think otherwise.
  14. easy fix Pickett in Yze out :-)
  15. you know what ? i'm betting Daniher is no genius !!
  16. funny really... Thomas @ StKilda....v Demons....= Demons win Thomas goes... Saints win.... Id be werry werry qwiat Mr Thomas !!!!!
  17. 3 words huh.... What the..... ? Did Daniher coach ? Bad Demons...bad !! Jaded' comments accurate WHY WHY WHY ??? where's my skis ?? and of course....... Always next week :-)
  18. well including the nab fiasco and some practice games..thats either 4 or 5 games depending on what you actually call a game, that we have persisted with this you beaut bumble and fumble game style, with very little to show for it. Is it too early to suggest the fat lady is warming up her bell tolling skills ?
  19. one word review cr@p !!
  20. well its got me stuffed what Oozy actually has to do ( or NOT !! ) to be dropped...he better do something to repay Danners faith...as many of us Im sure have none left for him. If the Sainters are to run rampant it will be straight through our Half backs... Miller at CHB must have Lyon smiling !! It wont matter who is on our backline then.. not as confident as Id like to be... go Dees
  21. it al really shows that the AFL are really "serious" about drugs.. they seem happy enough to allow it surrepticiously...throw lip service at it.. As they seem so concerned about inferences of collusion to pervert the outcomes of games...aka 5 dollar bets on self...then the only way to put everyone on an even footing is to adopt the same efforts as athletics etc.. ..random dope tests at games. otherwise surely drugs are impacting results , even adversely more than any penny enny bet might. I think its marvellous that Ben is geting the help he so obviously needs....However its a profession apparently..and he ought to accept all that means.. There arent to many work environements where drug use is tolerated. Cant help but feel he's brought it all on himself ..poor diddums !!
  22. a question to those better informed... Am not for one moment suggesting Cousins is indeed guilty of drug offences, thats for courts and such to decide. What is the AFL's stance regarding penalties for drug offences of the nature suggested ( but not substantiated to date ) to have happend in the Cousins instance.....i.e should a player test postive for substances such as Meth Amphetamines etc. does the three strike ideology still apply..and what happens at the third strike ? Surely something of this nature must bring the game into disrepute. The AFL seem remarkably ( if not typically ) quiet on all fronts On a personal front transgressors should be encouraged to and assisted in getting help. On a professional footing, dismissal is the only outcome, zero tolerance.
  23. http://www.realfooty.theage.com.au/realfoo...3722755480.html Well good on Gardner and Co going lateral. funny wonder where we've seen this idea raised before ? :-) Hope it pays off
  24. concur... damn shame for Thommo... poor bloke.. first nomination for basketcase team for 2007..... Roos !! unfortunately.....dont mind the shinboners.
  25. pretty well on the money.... nothing most of us havent been espousing for yonks.. its very must Dee or die ..for about half a dozen players and a coach !! go DEES !! :-)) its all possible... but will it ?
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