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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. still ....given it takes about 10 wobblywarts to match the quality and intelligence of your average Dee....I think we're still in front...VBG !! lol Dont worry too much about what people of little imagination say....after all...they couldnt even understand colours... they just have shades !! :-))
  2. Book your holiday mate.. tis pretty safe..and if it involves skis....just keep mum!! :-)))
  3. Thanks John for your interest. I'l take your suggestion under advisement !! ( looks for bin )
  4. Now for the rest of 2007. im not sure why...i feel totally....well ...nothing at the moment. Its like it really doiesnt matter a whole lot for the rest of the year as we seriously cant be included in any real finals aspirations.. You would need to be super optimistic to think we will even end up in the top 8. Out littel red ( and blue...and boy is it blue ) wagon is a tad wobbly at present !! It squeeks !! It rattels !! and it gets rolled !! its grim.. that dawn cant be far off then hey...its geting blacker by the day. and yet we have an opportunity....Mr Phelps should you take the case !! ( showing age there ) Many clubs look upon the Nab cup as a chance to play the talent, some of it fresh, some of it out of the normal possie.. to see what the cattle do...how they react and do they measure up !! if you get somewhere , all well and good. if not its the exercise thats the idea. So to the question on many lips..... Do we bandage up the wounded, bind them in splints, shoot full of juice and get'em back out there with some feint hope of success, yet with no real end game strategy , because we wont have one. Falling over the line bleeding is lofty for us even now. Or do we travel the road not talked about? Its not throwing in the season, for to do so presumes you have some capacity to have one. Do we acknowledge that there is a pending changing of the guard...at various levels and start plotting and plodding our way down it. we may not win many games... hardly a diversion from the present. But we may equip some of the new Demonic wariors with more valuable experience. Not just of having played. But of having played with each other. To start to rebuild that knitting, to fabricate belief. Neale has done much for this club, but I dont think winning a cup will be amongst his achievements here. But he could do somethig very brave, very unselfish and probably totally within his own honourable character and thats rebuild the foundations. recast them in a new mould as the current one just doesnt work. the following are 30 ,near it or past it.. ( read into that what you will ) Doggy,Bizz,Benny,Neeta,Ward,White and Ooze...and then there's the peripheral players that may not stay too long. Much was made of our window of opportunity. Dare i suggest its shut !! A team can be like a dealt hand of cards.. sometimes you come up trumps....sometimes you can play...bu tget beaten. You did try but were outclassed. Other times you tried to bluff with a dud hand. We dont so much have a dud hand, but the cards arent playable like we thought. So what really are our choices..... bumble along as we are cannoning into all opposition getting no where. or do we take the best of what we have and add more cards ( better ones ) and be ready for the next game ( season ) Yes...Im prepared to call the season on present indicators and forseeable resources. Short of a Bradbury !! we aint playing in september...not this year. But we could turn it into an opportunity !
  5. ok...so we're talking of positves... not really that many... but the game could have really slipped away..and it didnt, but Im wonderig if thats as much a comment on the Dees..or the lack of 'finish ' by the Dockers. Dont get me wrong, its good we kept going, especially with no real bench. I thank the lads for that :-) Good to see frosty rememebr where the goals are and have a crack.. mate keep that up and many will get of ya back some !!..BUT ... is there some competitiion between him and Neeta as to who has the biggest rubber chest ?? Neither are setting the world on fire with basic marking, endeavour good, marking bad !! ( yes I know Neeta is out ) was there any real game plan in deence....they all looked like startled rabbits in headlights !! Hospital pases left and right.. and what on earth was Jeff trying late in the game.. backwards kick for touch ?? There just doesnt seem any real poise to the team, no precision. Many times there was NOTHING to go on with !! where as the dockers created paddocks fpor themselves. Much better game for the Ooze...still way to many useless possessions ...people...numbers mean squat !! its EFFECTIVENESS !!.. but still he showed a little today...to be fair. Does anyone at Melbourne remember there is a middle corridor on the ground...?? whats this fascination with the boundary line....they on mileage rates ?? Dunn needs to stay in.. he has some brains on the forward line at least.. more games will give confidence and results. Positives ?? well we postively cant kick in for sh!t !! I'll concede its hard when you lack your A team, and have stuff all confidence.. And Im positve we will finally see some debuts next week....even Neale will have to give us that!! :-) To all you injured Dees...get better guys !! but take your time.. heal properly..get fit.. be ready for next year.. coz Im POSITIVE this year has gone by the wayside....such is life !!
  6. Im just wondering if others would concur that it might be prudent to bring in Sylvia and/or Petterd given the track might be heavy and not suit the taller timber ? PJ would be an obvious candidate for exchange... brings into question Dunn...yes yes..love to see him back but is this the right day ? Or do you retain Dunn and leave out Russian.. ? just questions !! :-)
  7. we differ in opinion.. others agree.. some might not such is life hope you do well in life as official ajudicator
  8. not really... the original scenario holds in my estimation, as its is you ( or your team ) against all that would present itself to thwart that.. not so different.. whether its schedules , hold ups, manpower insufficiencies, manpowr incorrect types, no shows etc. let downs by suppliers ,supply of wrong materials, weather, chnages in plans etc etc.. fill in the list with whatever......they all have one thing in common, they are against...and they rail agaisnt you like an opposing team.....what a coincidence !!
  9. you know the expression...... send in the clowns !! they've started !! lol i dont mind Pete... its not like it all really makes any difference. he's out there......might get us a bit of publicity.. welcome aboard Berner... grab a lifejacket !!
  10. there was no vindictiveness..everyone was being good.. sudeenly its locked.. who and why..am sure others migh tlike to know also
  11. I'd entertain Mark Harvey... add to the interview list for sure
  12. lol....dont give them ideas !!ffs !! lol
  13. I dont for one minute wish o suggest there is anythig funny about Nicks predicament, there's not. Hope he recovers and continues his career. however there is a humour side story: anyone notice the bagging by chanel 9 on Footy Classifed where they took to task a report by channel 7 onthis very item, Nicks's injury. They interviewed Nick and all but gloated as to how silly and ill -informed 7 was compared to 9's far bettter ability to have its finger on the pulse.. well...9 certainly have their fingers on something !! :D
  14. but you would have to admit StKilda is a very strange environment...clubwise. God himself would get sacked by them once some click-group got a bee in their bonnet !
  15. gee..they hardly let you do it on the field either now spot on Red.. I cant quite understand where th ebalance is ( sorry what was I thinking ) with the AFL's methods of promotion. They sanitize the marketing to appeal to all, the family...its good natured but hard at it game ..... They've re-ruled the game to make it softer.... And after all this they carry on perpetuating some mythical attitude within the game where its all, "nudge nudge , no what I mean SAY NO MORE " in fact....say nothing !! For me the AFL is very out of touch of the realities of community expectations.
  16. Im sorry...maybe its just me that sees this as quite hilarious. Here you have someone who works in the media.. yes the media...that innocent of all contributors to life !! yeah right ..lol ..taking umbrage at how we amatuers view and comment on things sporting. People have probably been cr@pping on about sport since roman times,, hey Antony, did you catch those lions last night.. that forward pawket seemed limping, maybe his trainer ought to be sacked !! Honestly there is nothing new at all about any of this. perpsective..hmm...we all have one..and this article needs to be put into one. quite frankly I think its bit of self serving rubbish makig its author out to be a bit holier than most. Sure it's commentary, but what does it say...Yo..people get a grip !!.. so what s new. People will get invective whether its the ol bay 13 times or the members ( seen it happen ..lol ) the office on monday.. . Ive seen AFL argued 12000 miles away.... well he was an idiot wobbly supporter ( vbg ) . His article is commentary on...COMMENTARY !!...and this I suppose is commentary on that. None of it really matters. What he did manage to evade in his wordsmithig was the fact that had not the AFL in this instance fallen into some swamp of ineffectiveness over the last...ooh say 5 or so years, then possibly the rabid masses migt not seem to vindictive ! why is he at all surprised that in a city where the predominant religion IS football.. I mean...add up all the patronages to the various grades , levels of footy on a weekend and compare to church attendances !!lol.. melburnians are passionate about football, so what new for Abletts sake !!
  17. awww....pawwwww Gerard.....must have been having just a miserable day !!!
  18. I thought there were automatic penalties ?? The AFL are now certifiably funny..... bunch of clowns !!
  19. fair crack peoples.... the AFL is too busy buying up 'property ' on the Gold Coast..or is that only a ruse...or a roos ??
  20. There have been many times in my working life , and indeed in some working environments where push came to shove....and it was either the boss..or the client..or someone who was in charge or held the purse strings that decided for their betterment that things werent going according to some plan, or quick enough...or smelt nice enough...or too much debris etc... you sort of get the picture. it wasnt what was needed, or wanted, IT WASN"T RIGHT. the order went out.... GET IT DONE. There was no real discussion or care as to why things werent going well...what did it matter...it simply wasnt happening...and it was supposed to be. Its amazing what can be done when you are held to ultimatims, when you are held accountable ( sometimes without cause, but thats another story ) You find things within yourselves, within your abilities, within your team to pull the extra digit out, and repeat it, to burn the midnight oil. To simply (as Nike would love ) to just do it. If you dont , there is no second prize, no reward, no repeat contract or work order........there is nothing....a whole lot of nothing !! you perform ............... or ...................... you perish !! this same criteria applies to AFL. MFC ... we dont need you rhetoric....we dont need reasons why things dont happen, we dont want excuses. we just want results we've all waited a long long time, been promised a lot of things that havent come to pass, if you were a listed company you would be bankrupt through expediency, carved up and buried, you've promised rebuilding youve promised better times... many people invest their hearts, their time, their money into that slim hope of substance come September. MFC...repay this faith do something, GET IT DONE what is IT...It is forward movement, it is sempbalnce of success, it is an acknowlwdgemetn that 43 years of drough tis long enough, that 10 years of preaching without manna is enough. you're geting the business right... how about trying your hand at football. please keep in mind there is more than one election this year MFC if it isnt happening...change it .. thankyou
  21. trust me youre not alone... bit there were many more things you could ascribe to the " next useless pice of garbage" little things...why is Dannerrs so good at noting what went wrong....afterwards !! always seems to take 1/2 a game to sink in etc. others have already noted we should have played bottle up he oppo from the get go....yet it is trundled out as some sort of surprise...afterwards. Cb esponges that we ought to put in 4 quarters...well haleluajh people there's a revelation...we have to play 4 qrts...who'd da thunk ?? Keep in mind JJC ...Danners seems easily pleased...apparently...well if you lose and put in a mediocre half then he's good with that. well he must be...he wasnt calling for anyones blood...or at the very least voicing distinct heartache. All is well.. despite injuires.. ..well.. at least HOPEFULLY the team will rejg itself.... these are his opinions...not mine !! Do I not appreciate he's got a bad plate.. I do.. I didnt make the plate. Nor did he to be fair...but he holds the knives and forks. he can orchestrate he plate thats left. JJC...it will now depend on what ultimate outcome he thinks is gainable for the club as to how he plays the few cards he has left for the year. JJC...youre not alone....not by a long set.
  22. on that note how about half time...and a new topic...its going to be a long season !!
  23. confidence is a qualifying factor...it sort of colours things. player A can kick a ball....that is a skill. How he uses that skill or its effectiveness comes down to a number of things. 1) what is going on around him 2) what he thinks he can do 3) what he has been told he can do. 3) what he actually can do 4) confidence to execute any one of these things will interact with the others. but strangely the only one that is contagious...is confidence. i rate confidence highly...we have zilch...we try and fake it...but its exposed.
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