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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. make Brocky captain and have but one team order !! TAKE NO PRISONERS !! :-)
  2. am thinking that Danners will be reluctant to try anything too maverick whilst he deludes himslef that september beckons
  3. how is it a choice between Juice and Byron ?
  4. of course they have...the exuberance of youth.. funny the coach isn t saying quite the same thing !! Wiser heads will know that youve bettter chance to win lotto than for the Dees to participate in Sep..thats just reality. How or what gets the boys over th eline...thats up to them!!
  5. Well thats it really isnt it.. why havent they. But we cant change any of that...its gone ....under the bridge. But arguments for his inlcusion must be stronger now than they were over the last cpl of months. Yes I agree there is no 'perfect' time.. but what is perfect?.. Bit like saying when do you have kids etc.. there isnt one. Yep...spose we're essentially in agreement..as are we with many others.
  6. No No No NO !! Not Miller.. he is worse than useless at AFL level up the sharp end, yes he's a proven entity.. aproven flop!! Well yes..Dunn is ok.. but we know a bit about him.. All this cr@p about Newton not proven at thsi level..well what a no brainer that is..all those taking this path of reasoning ( sic) take a bow.. What utter tripe !! How do YOU or I or anyone KNOW what he's capable of at this level...until he plays at this level. how can anyone present an argument for not bringing him in against the BOTTOM team ?? when would many prefer...we wait for West Coast ? About the only line of thinking I can abide to is if its raining cats and dogs !! and current forecasts are for a a shower or two !! hardly cause for concern. richmond would love miller to play.. they know he will run 70 m away from goal..hell might as well list him on their team!! Thursfiled...youre kidding me that anyone will worry about him yet!! he's a long way to go..Juice would eat him for breakfast. have some faith in Newton to do the job, and if he doesnt..well we'll all know..and can move on.
  7. So ..does Juice only get a run if he can play in 'stealth' mode, with no decent defender on him. ?? wtf.. He will play up front..he WILL get a defender. Its the nature of the game for chrisake !! its an opportune time because no one is really being dropped for him, injury is doing it. Juice is a similar height to Neeta.. and can mark. You know its the so like this club that ppl take the negative route to this situation. Instead of thinking how any team and in this instance the Tiggers will counter a talent like Juice , many take the stance of how will he fair with the defenders. He will deal with it thats what he and any forward does. The pressure is on the defence not the forward. He is either going to play next to Robbo..or nextto Neeta..as happenstance has it an opening is there to play next to Robbo. Robbo will naturally get the best minder...what happens after that can only fall into our lap.. either the Tigs #2 defender will take up Juice leaving an opportunity for our forward line to expose this mismatch..or Juice WILL get the #3..giving him some room to move, either way its a win for us. I really dont see what the problem is
  8. again youd have to think this was the perfectly scripted opportunity !! Chuck him in..see what he is up to whilst Neeta recovers.. seems all too logicial really ( sorry..that put the mockers on it huh !! ). I reckon it would worry Wallce if a semi unknown quantity was introduced up front. It would seriously strain his already dodgy defence. The last thing Richmond want is breaking out of the middle and lobbing to a guy(s) who can mark in contests. well lets see if Danners is paying attention..lol
  9. you shouldnt exactly run yourself into the ground playing up front !!
  10. Surely this IS the moment to play Juice!!. Give him a coupla games whilst Neeta's on the mend.
  11. we are finally going to see a 300 Demon :-) that HAS to be in Melbourne.. so we can all salute the bloke !! EDIT : We arent flying... just getting up a bit of speed on the runway !!
  12. was wondering how long before someone spotted that article about Voss.. I could just see al the pundits salivating.. I'm not. Hes totally unproven at anythign but a player.. That can often be a very different kettle of fish. I have a sneaking suspiscion that shoudl be get up a little head of steam, then the board may be convinced to offer him another 2 to 3 years.. to see out the transition. is this good. My gut says NO. With ND at teh Helm we have come close-sih...with ot ever really threatening. i am somewhat bemused at all this 'dcrap' from the players about keep Neale etc. whay do I dismiss it ? it can only be transitatory, where was all th ededication etc earlier, why are suddenly a fewguys starting to actually play to potential I'm not refering to the Brocky's and Neetas of this world....though strangely they are the most vocal, as they always put in, often fitness determining the outcome,, but their effort is always there. many other player's hasnt been WHAT GIVES ?? Im not talking team achievement.. just the individuals. Something seems not right. Is it any surprise that we play better when we play "Demon" footy, why had Danners stuffed around with it. Yes , many questions with few answers. ND goes 'OK" on some days.. and is left for dust on others. Im left to feel it more by luck than design on occasions and this isnt sufficient to take a flag. Im happy for the board to 'officially' leave it til end of season, but hope they are cavassing options as of now. If in their collective wisdom they decide to literally stay with the devil we know, then I will respect that. I'd personaly prefer to see someone else come in and reinvigourate the list. Give it a bit of a shake, put some players on notie that they are there to do a job not take in the scenery and that every position of everry game is EARNT !! An era is ending over the next year or two.. as some stalwarts retire and/or leave. You can see the new growth coming through now and maybe a different caretaker with diferent ways is called for. Its going to be interesting isnt it. I reckon Danners would be a great Dad..he sees the long term big pictures , for sure. He entrusts the lads to find their way etc. All comendable qualities taekn over a seaso n etc. But he seems reluctant often to push when shove comes to make hard changes. Im wary of this. Its his undoing. Im on the 'change' list. Lets see what happens. And whatever does happen, lets just get on with it and support whoemever.
  13. Couldnt give a stuff what all the others think...I actually do ski !! ( have done since 13).. does that make me stereotypical ?? lol Dont have a Tractor though !! ( I wish ) ...I have got some suitbaly red and blue beanies !! :-)))
  14. Many contiually wrote of us as an enigma.. a top eight team languishing at the bottom without real merit, awaiting the new day to return to form. Gradually we are finding some of that ilk in order to win. Richmond have yet to do that and yet have still managed to niggle a few teams with surprise and indeed looked almost about to break through . Dont diss the Tiges with the same contempt the masses afforded us. I fully expect Wallace to dig into his back of unconventional tricks in order to combat our favourite style of game: a flowing hard running style. If he manages to drag this down to a scrappy tussle I will be happy to walk away with a One point win. If he cant force us wide he is in for one harrowing afternoon. Its going to be a very interesting game really, a more insightful look at where we really are than many will give kudos.
  15. Bell has talent Miller only has endeavour !!
  16. I simply dont think he has the smarts to be an effect key back, a good forward will outthink him 7 days a week. Wholeheartedly agree he has all teh personal attributes, just not the footy ones. trade him !! while we can and get value for him. Possibly new fields with different tact might see him valuable to another team. We simply work better as a unit when he's not stagnating the forward game. No ones questions his work ethic or dedication.. but folk, this is a sport at its elite level. You need to be effective to be in the team. In our team he hasnt proved effective. This is not a charity run, its a business. Its the business of winning.
  17. Frasers was very ..so -so..nothing spesh.. a good mark..but thats all. Green is impressing..he's really stepped up a bit ( well as has half the team ) Green is almost making htis style of mark a trademark.. well ok.. but two weeks running he's pulled off clinchers by going back into a pack at height , which is really another way of saying...this could really really hurt !!. Kudos to the fella..well done :-) keep it up.
  18. miller hasnt a clue as to how to play FF at AFL level..its just a reality. Why do people persist it pushinghtis argument when he has never shown any adeptness at the sharp end. At best he's a link man, but he goes left when he should go right. His hearts in the right place...he does try, but trying aint good enough at this level...DOING is !!
  19. why ? they PRE are obviously in breach of copyright. The AFL as well as anyone with ownership of content is perfectly in its rights to vigourously defend them. We dont do it here at Demonland, and yet we manage to have ( thanks to those that provide it ) a very robust dicussion and debate forum. Coutesie to content providers are made when posting.. put simply..hell we can do it so maybe the tiiggies ought to clean up their act. but please ..let anarchy rule...ffs
  20. firstly....Chook was correct n his assessment !!!! lol.. and ROBBO EL MAGNIFICIO !!!
  21. well 75 as it happens...it was more flippant than anything else.. my point was how many games do we 'Trial' him..?? he hasnt jelled..simple as that
  22. this is not rocket surgery is it.. Miller...good at VFL pretty average at AFL simply we dont need him...in fact as I have said before ..incorporating him into our plaing regime actually makes us go backward......literally...he doent play to the goals..he constantly plays away from them. This allows a defence to regroup and reload ; it put our defence half a kick or a kick futher away. He ought to play rugby this guy !! this is at AFL level..what he does at VFL level I personally couldnt give a rats about. As they say..he just doesnt cut the mustard !!
  23. i wonder what the new netball team will adopt as team name and colours ?
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