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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I might swap 4 for 3 there.. one has an other as victim...one doesnt... otherwise good list. Its a perfect world huh...lol
  2. are we limited to the number that can be on the vets list ? are they the only two ?
  3. youd have to think the Tiges will have 1st look...and they need a ruck.. ( amongst other things..lol )
  4. I really like this kid ( Pettard) has a very good head for thinking on those shoulders, puts some others to shame really. This guy will really open games up in the future. Gibbs has had the head start, but Ricky wil eclipse him soon. Yes agree...a very good pickup there CAC
  5. pls dont get me wrong....it would be marvellous..., stupendous... to go the fairytail way..and stride into the finals !! who doesnt want to see Melbourne there, with purpose and potential !! Id love it.. and............. then there's reality Its not going to be this year.
  6. so youre pencilling in freo at Subi ?
  7. I'll put you down for how much Calabreseboy ? B)
  8. not sure how many ever get up in in a hurry after bagged by Byron....shame he's not fighting fit !!
  9. anyone wanting to put cold hard cash down on winning 11 of the next 12.... the book is open !!!!!! In the words of one Dale Kerrigan...yor're dreaming....but im happy to take your money B) Greenie trotted out what I suppose what he thought was the club-correct thing to say....thats about all calm down all!! lol
  10. taken purely as an exercise in comapring his abilities compared to liabilities, this bloke is a train wreck waiting to happen ( again ).. take a punt ? for sure drop punt him as far away as possible !! quite simle put. MFC going forward doesnt need to take a backward step !! A big No from this observer.
  11. yep...keep him under wraps for a few more weeks,,,, then prime him for the finals !! (vbg) no sense at all rushing him back this year is there
  12. or looked at another way...they would already have some knowlwdge of all those who HAVE played before.. so its only a handful per club that might be lurking on the lists that they might need to sway up on. Any which way..its their job to know stuff.. they are the "experts' its their trade. would you turn up to work with out having done your background study?
  13. stats on their own are absolutely useless. take for eg. a long kick.. was it ? a) to a contest B) to a target c) to a target but the receiver had to back peddle and lose positional advantage d) to no one e) out of bounds probably half a dozen other variations easily.. point is.. its context...or more simply what was the result good, bad..or what in between. now take same and aplly to hit outs, handballs, short kicks scrimmages etc etc etc.. the powers of observation will far outweigh sheer stats !!
  14. thats just it..davey isnt best suited to the midfield. not apples and apples
  15. keep in mind come trade week all the weird scenarios come out of the woodwork !! it may not be what we have to offer directly...but what we can organise !!
  16. pretty bloody funny...lol explains much !!!!! B)
  17. to me the difference was we started hitting targets.. as simple as that.. Created a far more positive game ...well untill the last quarter.
  18. yep...this is sensible...though I'd like to add Rivers to that...we work so mauch better with him. But Bruce, Green , White, Miller, Trav... all up for grabs.. Id add Ooze and Robbo... but age will work agains that deal...( hate to see Robbo go though ) Chances are any deal involving Judd may be one of those convoluted three way efforts where the resulting player/s and pix to eagles arent obvious
  19. ahh..But Sam Newman despite his buffonery actually does know what he's talking about !!
  20. well actually...in old language..lol.. to catch the UP train meant to take the train to the city...so maybe catching the UP flight is the same...coming to the big smoke !!
  21. not picking onya Queen...lol... but its an interesting comment. Whilst maybe not knowing every player.. I WOULD expect them to have a very good depth of background on most anyone thats knocking at the next level..ITS THEIR JOB !! They are paid media professinals (???) after all. They are put there because of their supposed insight That gazza didnt know the kid is reprehensible for someone with red and blue blood !! BT wouldnt know what size his shoes are most days.. so I'll ignore his comments for the moment. Why are we excited about a kid like Juice... well quite frankly there isnt much else to get too carried away with this year is there ? No one expects him to be the panacea for all ills, nobody could expect him to run on and bag 5 on debut ( but how sweet if !! lol ) Juice is the next wave, the new hopes. He represents the start of an era that hopefully will ACTUALLY deliver as opposed to all the false dawns. To dump all of this on just one kid I suppose is unfortunate. The champing at the bit is not for him per se...just what he represents. MMM are like much of the vanilla variety commnetary currently on offer at moment... all drivel and dross coated in spin and gel. But back to original thought provoking line.. yes I do expect the so call experts to actually know ( in an up to date and meanigful way ) what the hell they are talking about !
  22. Im sort of inclined to agree...however.. why mention it at all?? There was no real need to mention the first bit.. if only the second was inportant !! i.e..why qualify something neddlessly ? just struck me as strange thing to say
  23. Well as we savour the gloriously aromatic air of a win our eyes will soom turn to Monday week and a meet with the Filth !! for the first time in ...well cant remember....we will actually meet with this vermin twice in a year. Like it or not they...that supposed rabble of wobblies are actually one of the better teams taking to the turf this season. Yesterdays success whilst glorious , to me, isnt really a true indication of whther we are suddenly remembering what to do as much as the collision of many factors. The Crows simply Dissed us to begin Im sure, then hit by injuries they had limited abiloity to retort. BUT they nearly did. There is probably no match on anyones calender that you look forward to quite as much as Dees / Pies game. Micky Mouse will have been watching the tapes and checkig his list and checking it twice. I have thought all year that irrespective of form that this ought to be a cracker of a game. Some good matchups and for mine more importantly no glaring mismatches. If nothing much more should come of this season a win on QB wil be some consolation. Then later...we can do it all over agian roll on QB.. go Dees
  24. freudian slip ?? lol...
  25. I actually could imagine danners saying quite the opposite..well meaning to. "c'mon...lets build onthis.. lets not throw away this.. intelligent footy..... etc etc etc " only ... half the team got a bit yippy.... a mold panic...and Adelaide smelt it.. wel done to those that stood firm. remember this...you'll be doing it again next week :-)
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