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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. how predictable that reactions be like this..lol but on one note.. the hypothetical is ..one coach with no premierships and no real nouse as to how to get one.. for one with 4 ..and an almost chameleon like ability to reinvent ??..who has history of playing and developing youth etc. I'd be in it
  2. That makes the most likely sense ( if one plays this game..lol ).. also Hollywood would want to maximise his wages...as indeed would any sane person. Just strikes me that something else is going on thats troubling ol' Byron and have nothing more than observations of his season so far to base that on. I'm not th eonly one to sense he's not 100% here this year. Hope it all works out for the Byronator. Love to see him continue in the red and blue. On a good day he brings something to this game no one else really does. Its like Chinese whispers inst it :-(
  3. lol...and its not even half way
  4. I have to say...the kicking for goal was a 1000 times better this week.. but I still lament the passing in play kicking...often more than metres off..or some very unecessary kicks to outweighted contests. Properly weighted kicks are very hard to defend against.
  5. ummm...cant think of one !! been saying this for a while now...welcome to the cause !! lol Our game would almost be unrecognisable if only we could hit targets and split the posts !! you'd think it was the first skill required wouldn you.....just amazes me.. and you it seems..:-)
  6. says it all really !! Now many will automatically put this into the crackpot basket... are ya ready guys ??? I'l lgo one further and say we wont win a flag UNTIL Neitz and co go.... but wait...there's more.. a quick explanation Neeta , White, Ooze..and a handful of regular suspects have tried. Tried very very hard at times, and for a while it clicked..Then just as quickly it unclicked. You can only surmise the fabric that bound this team was a bit fragile to go the distance. The man in charge of weaving didnt help matters much either. A decent tailor perhaps, just no Amani !! David's dangerous era has passed. its a shame, but the stats tell the story as does his injury sheet. Asa team we have for far to long become obsessed with this bloke or that bloke, especially at the sharp end and when they arent there we underchieve, even by our debatable standards of present. The really good teams can take this player out...that one..some others...plug replacements in.. just like changing all tyres and off they go on their merry winning way. we dont know how to do this .........yet. As others have mentioned a new breed is coming through. They are short a few players and we'll leave the game itself alone for the moment, but they look more likely to forge as a more cicumspect unit focussing less on the individual and more on the machine. For this reason i suyspect whilst Neeta is still up front that some old habits that refuse to lay down will prevent us from going to the next level. Just as I wish that the likes of Flower , Lyon , Stynes to name but a few could have tasted Grand Final Victory its a shame that Neeta and some others wont either. wen it come down to it I couldnt care less who it is who's playing in that GF win.. it will be a Demon side and really thats all that matters. The team is greater than the individual and at the moment that individual is David Neitz. got those arrows ready fellas !!
  7. Id simply have Newton in place of Miller for the exact reasons alluded to earlier.. he's ( miller )one too many.. and quite frankly, he'd be the less dangerous to the scoreboard. As a forward..I reckon that counts a bit :-) Untried...he'll always be untried...until....yep...he's played. Sort of a catch 22 isnt it !!.
  8. take out Miller, play Neeta and Juice upfront with maybe Ooze in the leftfooters pocket. Dunn at CHF. with Neeta leading out .. Juice can hang around providing a tall target that can not only mark....but kick straight.. Ooze can play the missed grabs etc but we all know Newton wont get a crack... he's not even on the radar !!
  9. but... if we have only 64 pages ....are we not requiring 43 more ?
  10. Unfortuantely very true...... maybe Neale and boyz might want to pay attention to this !! from both perspectives, one to emulate, second to stop them. Something that was almost poetic about the Dees has cetainly gone awol for some time..i.e accurate and meaningful disposal, hopefully to return soon :-)
  11. lol.. not sure what youre both reading but thats essesntially what Ive been saying all along. Didnt advocate tanking .. just goig forward.. without the baggage .. you two can continue your tag team nice "me too " there gods.. run out of originality ?
  12. nicely put.. some of course will say what has this got to do with footy !! when in reality the proces is just as applicable and sound. I tend to agree... list who's going forward, build around that.. all others are only patch players. Short term pain for long term gain
  13. Ol Blighty, as did Thomas suffered from what can only be described as a close encoutner with what is the AFL's answer to the bermuda triangle..... Linton Ave !! I'd certainly entertain Blight, might put the fear of god up some which is quite ironic given our current preacher!!
  14. I had managed to purge that memory !! thanks :-(( lol it was a bloody miserable day all round... even worse than '87
  15. allow me to expand.. you can go ot there trying to shore up a side with some 'rose-coloured' view that you might get somewhere this season, or you can start to asemble the 'new' team...a team with real chance of going forward through 2008 and beyond. its a low and steady climb often with not much result at first, until the gears mesh and the machine becomes whole. you are NOT playing to lose... but you are simply trying to play good cohesive football with purpose. If you happen to win , all well and good...a bonus if you wish. its not as simple as if you are not playing to win .. then you are playing to lose. First of all you actually have to play..and play well...instead of fumbling and misdirection of basic skills !! You again assume..then make comment.. Id suggest you lay of assumptions.. you know the old adage
  16. its simple.. whats wrong with saying...we need to concentrate on some basics.. and that i ( ND 0 might be more favourable to those kickng straight than those that arent... that ought to fit in with his non descript rhetoric !! There is much to like ....in arguably smaller than optimum amounts ... about the team. Going forweard we have some great potential shown by RSN Pettard ( congrats ). we have yet to see Frawley but by all accounts he looks a likely lad. We have Bartram coming back sometime soon. Bate seems to be geting better by the game ( imagine that as a concept, playing them and letting them grow !! ). Hell even Ooze is playing somewhere near his ability...but lets see if he keeps it going ( hopefully he does ) Neeta does help , but to be honest i would have let him sit out another week , he's not ready, and dont want to risk another unecessary injury , would like to have him next year. Juice should have played, his straight kicking may have even been the difference between that near loss and our first moral building win. At who's expense? well Miller comes to mind firstly but probably Pickett atm.( he needs more fitness ). I would also prefer Newton to get a run before Warnock. At present PJ and jamar only get s a run as second ruck, neither really setting world alight, but hey are safe for moment as Neaves still maybe a year off. But wouldnt mind see him get a gig when year had been officially called. 7-8 wins... knocking at the door.. wow ...thats a big achievement after 10 years huh ? and which games do you see us winning ?? there's a vast chasm between pessimism and reality and get it right..i didnt want ND resigned years ago.. like many others here...we seemed to have been right !!
  17. I dont advocate 'tanking' as that is simply playing to lose..togain the draft picks.. as i said.. we will get them to some degree anyway. You (historically) will need 7-8 wins toclaim anything above bottom four.. and i just cant see that happening anyway. Butif anyone feels, thinks, believes otherwise.. go for it ...your perogative. Everyone assumes you must run out and grab the kiddiest kids with all your picks. Byall means grab the best you can, but I have advocated for some time to look elsewhere and maybe grab one or two ready mades with some decent footy in fornt of them. we still need some KPP .. who knows what will appear come november etc. You always play to win, but sometimes your means isnt what you would like. A healthy dose of reality is needed by some here. we arent playing in september..get ove rit.. play and plan for next year....which brings us to the reason of this thread, Daniher. played the very straight bat didnt he, and really what else would you expect. He's hardly going to say..well ive had a gut full, although if you listened carefully he all but said that towards the end. He seemed a little fed up with some of the fellas, that they simply werent coming up to scratch !! But who's fault is this really. If you give kids, players ..employees...anyone too much range then its often going to come back and bite you. many thought he kept players on the track far too long after transgressions ( of play etc ) ...and now he wonders why some didnt/dont respond !! dug your own hole there Neale. I personally felt he ducked behind the " I ought to keep and stick to coaching ... a la Wallace directive " when asked about club involvement etc. Onthe surface it makes perfect sense and possibly thats all it is. But you might be forgiven for thinking that it also is what youd expect from someone repositioning themsleves for a move come end of season. Of course he would do the right thing by the club, I reckon hes an honorable bloke. I also reckon e would be positioning himself for what ever is best for Neale Daniher. You'd be an idiot if you didnt, and he's no idiot. Youd also have to be blind as to what is happening at Neales ol Alma Mata. There are serious suggestions that this is Sheeds last year at Windy Hill.. the fit is like a glove !! Bomberland likes its old boys. The thing that truly annoys me about Danners is we never seem privy to the most basic thinking of how he intends to changes things , I mean, surely its not OK at present . Just the laconic we need to play better footy. Since we've heard that now for 10 years id like a little more detail, just a smidge. He emphasised our loss of the weekend came down to poor kicking..and thats 100% right it did, but nothing about his views on this. I dont expect a bulletin outlining the training drills, but some communication of the nature that the boys will improve this ..or else. Some sense of annoyance and the requirement that they ( lads ) will be appraised and found wanting, make room for someone who can. but we dont get this, we get "We've played........... " etc. So..he seems to intimate theres not much more he can do. maybe thats just it....Not much more he can do.. next !!
  18. I don think we will need to try ...to finish in the bottom four.. unfortunately.. Thats just going to happen save for the pre mentioned miracle and possibly that would do us no favour anyway. I wouldnt even really bother trying to win per se at the moment..I'd be trying to get a bit more experience under the blets of the young ones ...( why does young ones and Neale suddenly make me laugh !! ). Not only for them to get some more game time...but more importanbtly...game time together, so they begin to get a feel of playing together at this level. I'd be trying to get them to play more than 2 quarters of good footy consitently, to get their basic skills up.. Do all of that and the payoff will come later. its not ''chucking it in " as such...its just playing as best you can the cards you have !! I actually think if we did this we might start coming good later in the year.. too late for anything really, but a good headstart into next year.
  19. well we didnt really learn a lot from all that. Thought they really tip toed around the Rev. lots of words all around...very little actually said. Intersting as one could view that as Daners wanting to move on, or as Carrro commented maybe he does want to stay..after all he has a lot still to prove, he knows he hasnt succeded, that must hurt. I suppose he has to say that its not over yet...hed have to say that.. as I point out elsewhere..it prettty well is...if you're a realist...all emotions aside.. Good to seethough that he ( ND ) realises it was indeed Melbourne and no one else really that lost the game...it was there for the taking. What he never seems to say is what he is going to do about it !! He is the coach...isnt he ? he in charge of these things..traiining that is...emphasis on skills.
  20. well... lets see 16games to go these inc : WCE @ Sub Port @ AAMI Fre @ Sub Bris @ Gabba but wait ...there's more !! Dogs @ Telstra ( twice...got screwed there !! ) Dons @ Telstra and Syd at the back of beyond ( Manuka ) Well.. by my reckoning you need 12-1/2 to 13 wins to secure a place in the final 8. Of the 16 left.. 4 are hard...and 4 even harder. Given that we havent actually won one yet .... I dont think its too much of a stretch to call it over ...do you ? Might as well experiment and get some games under these blokes !! just my view...as its not going to make the slightest difference really.
  21. especially as one of them actualy KNOWS where the goals are !! would be handy dont you think !! :-)
  22. I must admit I read that as well and thought...wtf..... No...you havent used all potential players.... then I calmed...and reread it, hoping for further enlightenment... but none came. At first I was trying to see if I could read it as alluded above that we have nearly exhausted our supply. But if youve ever heard the ol' rev talk...he's actually very careful with his words.. and so I am at the point where I am preapred to see it as he thinking there isnt really anyone else to come. I too immediately thought...HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !! Newton !!!!!!!!. well..again time will tell. but in answer to original post.. yes.. I thought it a tad strange
  23. ****"It was a tough one to take," Daniher conceded. "I thought we played pretty good footy. We won enough of the ball, won enough of the stoppages, kept the Burgoyne boys under control, kept Chad Cornes under control but we just weren't able to kick it through the goals when it mattered."***** Ah....even the Rev has twigged... we cant kick !!!....its rocket surgeryisnt it !!!! It doesnt matter what else you do ...if ya cant kick !!! ....time to learn some basics boys !!!! start enrolling for Footy 101-..and in the beginning....we kicked the ball...
  24. not a lot of gain to be had from blaming all the things we cant change... umps..injuries etc.. but things we CAN and SHOULD change.. skills...i.e passing.. and kicking...esp for suasages !! the terrible truth of today.....is that the game was there fo the taking.,.. and we didnt... we couldnt buy a goal today.!! 30-40 out at the G ought to be a given !!
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