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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Well.. thats a great shame.. Indeed a giant of the game. He was a respected plyer even if one of "them". Quite surprised, he was shown on camera at a game recently. Seemed ok. Condolences
  2. still....at least we have a plan !!!!!!! whatever it may be....lol http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E19742,00.html
  3. Not just me concerned regarding Judd's OP http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...81-2863,00.html
  4. We lost far more than we won in centre hitouts...it IS a concern. Still you can always shark the oppo ruck
  5. apparently this doesnt seem to worry anyone.. ..thought the same...but hey !!! lol
  6. If Sheeds was still at Windy hill i could understand the Bummers being in the mix.. without him ( or anyone...lol ) I just dont see the deal. Carlton.. well i can see.. The Filth, will just because they would have to be ...and us..the sentimental blokes !!
  7. I have never denied he is an exceptional player. I still want to be convinced his medical situation in fixable. I still dont think he will be the magic bullet everyone is hoping for..It will take a team to perform to provide the results we all crave. But pragmatism is there too. He is on the market.. We are in the mix.. yeah...why not.. Reality also suggest we arent to get Kruezer or Cotchin.. Judd is perfectly acceptable ( roflmao ) I still worry over his fitness, and Id hate it all to fly back in our face if successful.
  8. Gaz.. get property to give you a new guernsey with "3" and ambush Judd.. "" Mate ...its all yours !!..c'mon...lets get a beer to celebrate !! "
  9. No disrespect to those two gents but I wholeheartedly concur. is almost the first test of their cunning isnt it. 2008 hasnt even started.....or has it ??? lol
  10. yeah..only two Rucks.. Must be tough with Cox and Seaby with Lynch filling in.. poor bastards !!!
  11. money is a concern any which way for sure... but apparently managable..so all tell me facilities are coming...profile is a work in progress ( I am really expecting that to change over the next five years actually ) Gang up with Stynes, Gaz, Barass etc.. The enthusiasm and 'new era' of Bailey /Connolly ...its still not a likely scenario...but not improbable
  12. pretty close to saying it all really !! well in the context of all this anyhows !! and the context is what the game /media/ et al is making him to be. ( beyond his actual talent ) His stocks are super-valued precisely because as alluded to above, he IS the franchise.
  13. which ever club gets Judd will probably get a good deal out of it.. WCE all but has to accept anything halfway reasonable as a trade..or forfeit it all. edit But Judd will be making the call.. and only him.
  14. logically it would be out of two clubs has to be a club with early pick and some cattle .. Only two fit the bill
  15. read those words...there's a term for it...its called supposition !!.. Probably related to Chinese Whispers !!! lol.. these same sources had Voss at Carlton, Sheedy at Melbourne, Bomber is apparently a done deal at Windy Hill etc etc etc heard of f a mate.. who spoke to this bloke...who knows the horse that ran second to this other blokes horse who lives next door to the sister of some guy who drinks with some num nut who details the car of the neighbour to Connors !!! Hell it dont rightly get more gospel than that huh !! lol :-)
  16. Many seem fast and loose with "inside' knowledge..or the good mail... Im going to suggest that for the most part no one KNOWS JACK !!! unless you are inside the mind ( John Malkovich style ) of Chris Judd or a fly on the wall of his manager. What we say is by the by mostly speculation and extrapolation.. So can I ask that if anyone has any REAL knowledge..or purports to have it...that they back it up !!! otherwise its all sh!t !!!!
  17. I realy dont think that Carlton will give up its precious pick 1.. possibly its pick 3. If thats the case then anything they come up with is prettysimilar to what we have and possibly, to put it bluntly we have more cattle for trade. I wouldnt hold our breath, but al is not lost for sure.
  18. Why do i sense that if CJ ( the Mesiah to us apprently ) comes it will be as a result of a very convoluted deal. i.e more than 2 teams involved.
  19. Whether its right or wron teh fact we dont have better trade picks than Carlton may influence the outocme. The Blue baggers certainly didnt do themselves any harm did they. Time will tell.
  20. I must admit... should we be his desired destination, then there is as much chance of Dees getting him as anyone. we simply arent the glamour option.. Carlton can wave their moeny and pick 1 around but it wil be down to Chris to direct where negotiatios take place. if its us.. then be prepared for someone goinf west...hope they like reds and surf !!!
  21. The element to all this that i will be very interested in is how MFC go about it. With the appointment of a coach we took a very deliberate and ordered manner together with due dilligence. The benefit to the club was viewed in an ovrall holistic manner. Despite a high profile coach available for all but the asking ( an d I wanted Sheeds..but am happy with Bailey ) the club pondered and went about the decision in a controlled manner. I wonder if the same sanity etc will prevail with Judd. Whterh all facets of this will be looked into and a decision made on the overall benefits versus drawbacks ( or uncertainties) ?? Happy for him to come.. but not at any cost...or just blindly.
  22. Chris Judd quite simply can please himself. He doesnt have to agree to anything. Its a supply demand thing.. One of him.. versus many clubs salivating at the prospect. WCE either agree to let him go to where he likes and make some sort of fist of it...or lose entirely. Wouldnt that be a real shame hehehehhe
  23. Now I know I shouldnt talk out of school... but is it just me or has Jaded seemingly usurped and relegated to third in the entertainment stakes, is now going all out in the Avatar contest. Your efforts havent gone un-noticed !!! lol The mind boggle as to what others will do.. the beast is loosed !! My god Jarka...youve opened Pandora's Box.....then again , possibly an appropriate thing for Devil worshippers
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