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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Golly.. using a one year extension with 'heavy" sweetening as a prelude to full renogiating.. and escaping GWS clutches... wow...thats Einsteinian surely !!! lol Canr help thinking ive seen that idea somewhere before Yousee what this says is.. Pendles wants to remain a Pie...burt wants his slice of it too All easily done... and again I ask why a certain other young man doesnt display the same sense of staying-put with his club ? quack....quack !!
  2. thats a very below par stretch for you old. Not same at all. and you fully well know it. The comparison ought to be the here and now.. with the relevent external factors etc The ribbing's fine though
  3. Many of us arent panicking...but are bemused...that some can.. and.some dont. Theyre all in the same comp...same factors applying...differing outcomes..
  4. You couldnt laminate a set and sneak in and post them on all the lockers at Bubbledome could you ?? Does this come under 'culture " perhaps ??
  5. Nice opening salvo there Crawf.. Welcome to the wailing wall lol
  6. Anyhow.. It occurs to me as we mulder over things Scully thatthough we have our views , differing as they are as to the why and the hows of him staying and the shenangans of the process to date, theres somethng else, there would ( possibly ) be quite differing outcomes to compensation depeneding on his status come seasons end. By this ..If he just goes ..then we are at the beck and call of the AFL as to compensation. Im aware of nothing in stone yet to describe that. If however he was in some way contracted to us but still wanted to chase the bright lights of Blacktown and the streets paved with gold then we'd be in an entirely diofferent position to bargain. It now to me is as much about what we get as it is does he go. Again..I have no real qualms should he go. I think weve been stiched up by the AFL in the first place but wold hate to think we'd get whacked twice.
  7. those..yanks....cunning b@stards !! lol
  8. Im sorry ..i could have sworn he was traded for a late 1st round and a third round pick....my bad.....actually..not !!
  9. The devil in hindsight...eh. Im not actually convinced Junior 'deserved' another year, though it might have been handy as it turned out. Still such a combination of events, i.e injuries and the lack of ticker in the usual suspects was not glued on 'tomorrow's notice board" I n Juniorws case I only think Bailey regrets the manner in which it transpired not the 'matter that it was going to. Theres every likelyhood that Junior would also be on the sidelines given his run ( or lack of ) as time eeked out. I join the chorus that yearn for his leadership on the field , but im not convinced he would have , under normal conditions , made it out here terribly often. But this year has obviously shown the folly of rushing to judgements ...sometime. Back to Scully. It is by taking my Demon emotion off that I can see much of what this is...for what it is. Hes playing Hold'em...and hes as prepared to swap tables as he is not. Id back the club to CALL...and I think thats what Jimma was intimating to recently. Maybe just me. Sometimes is ..lol
  10. touche...you won this time...lol
  11. and heres me thinking 7-11's were pepetrated by generally those of the Indian sub-continent in a diabolical scheme to have us addicted to slurpees whilst fleeciing us with inflated product pricing.. Bugger... I got that one wrong..
  12. yeah ..post war years were boom time.. do we see similar with mining ??? god I hope so ..lol
  13. I think thats very much the case 36DD It seemed a strange ( to me ) thing to suddenly surface. Had we not danced this dance,and put it to bed for the interum ? And then..!! Odd..I thought, others too . Nutbean ..I do understand that argument and it does carry much water. he is..or has put himself into the box seat and quite frankly that irks me. Hes good, he may be better but I , as a Melbourne supporter and member have had a gut ful of players holding us to ransom then not delivering. Im a bit over it. HT.. not sure which setting are affecting things but thanks for your clarification ..cheers
  14. post 128 is from Artie.. So its I who ask..what are you on about ?
  15. what are your criteria for X and Y ?
  16. I have a very good grasp of English. Law is written very carefully using specific words to convey ( hopefully ) an umambiguous idea or rule. It does so for the simple idea of ensuring one thing is said and not another. Here we have Scully ( & Co. ) using very carefully chosen words to skirt around actually answering the questions raised. In this instance its definitely semantics, playing it for all its worth. A politician would be proud of their efforts to date. They ( Scully/Vel ) are being very cagey and ensuriing , in their view, they arent being backed into a corner. But that in itself raises the question.. Why a percieved corner ? They are maintaining a position of flexibility and yet they wish to suggest theres no cause for concern as we dont need it. They are positioned next to a gat eand its open.. They are guarding the gate with much dedication. Again..we all ask...as does the bottom feeding estate , whats the gate for Tommy ?? After all arent we supposed to be discussing how many rooms and what furniture and which car...and all the whiles youre standing next to thge gate with one foot in and out ?? Yet...and this is the kicker.. Theyve never actually said they intend to leave. Hey guys we're just standing at the gate.Just waiting...at the gate. Theres no lie. Theyre actually saying....nothing.
  17. Interesting that many suppose the culture will germinate from the players. At the most successful clubs the culture has been shaped and determined by those that define the direction the club wil ltake and the nature of it getting there. Players are moulded..they arent the moulds !!
  18. you just dont read or comprehend do you...surprises me. That is easily overcome..its a non argument..its a furphy..a smokescreen. He's smart for sure
  19. got a concession on the popcorn and beer ?? lol
  20. why ?? lol some seem overly blind here. He only has to take the stance that he doesnt talk to anyone. per se. He is of course entitled to talk to his management..as thats perfectly accepptable ..Thats what you do. VelSports will be in the course of many players talking to GWS ( and others ) An outcome could be Vels knowing what terms Scully is looking for could come at him at some point with a ...Here look at his..liike ? sign here.. At that point Scully could turn aroiund to th eclub with a "well its like this " At what point up til then has he lied or been at all dishonest ?? None Its entirely possible that the first th eclub really knows of any outcome is when its passed into the " past" Now that may not be the way Scully operates at al. But it could be the way Velocity does. Scully seems very happy to leave it to them. Anyone here know or comprehend the notion of "plausible deniability ' ?? Hypothesis of course....none of this ever happens....never never never nupp !!
  21. a purple PATCH !! bloody hell for what hes being paid I want Purple seasons !! not bits and pieces
  22. lol... define immediately... and tell them 'what" ??..Ummmm wellll...its like this !! "
  23. Its not different...but it could be different lol There is nothing that cant be built into a contract. There really is nothing to stop him signing with no disadvantage to his position, known or envisaged. NOTHING !!
  24. I have to ask..what does it explain at all ?? A lot of argument about al lthis suggest that Scully's position wil lbe different at the end of the season to that which is is now. Some base this on his injury etc etc. What nonsense. The club did such a thorough due dilligence before picking him they probably know how long his toenails are and whether cuts toast diagonally or across. No one is really in any doubt about percieved values now, a months time or come the 'big day " So this rubbish about waiting til then for that reason is hokum. Then theres the notion of how big the pool.. and this too thwarts any negotiations. Many have shown theres an amicable way around this to the suiting of all parties. If the only stumbling blocks are these...then they are easily overcome. Again.. I say..they havent been.. And more the point.. everytime this is noted the particualr party comes up with the non-reply of we're advising he wait....coz !!! I dont like Coz...never have.... its what you say when you know youre bullsh!tting !!
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