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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I could buy that...its prety much formula stuff
  2. Back to cale...it will become increasingly competitve for midfiled roles at Melbourne ( of course they all have to be able to be available, or stand up and run...unlike the present ) Cale is an outside player...he has company. We actually need a bit more in and under types who get their own pill. Dont be surprised at all if we listen to suitors... Be stupid not to .
  3. Sometimes in trading its wiser to work in the moment, cut your loss and reinvest into a better dividend. Chasing rainbows is a mugs game
  4. lol... ignorant ??? The coach is ignorant ?? thats laughable. I reckon Gotch might have a slightly better view on things than you Artie !! Dont you think ? Cale got dropped fromn teh seniors for lack of application...he then sooks away in the magoos and his coach takes him to task.. Well done Gotch. In this instance its all Cales own doing. MFc needs to be careful it doesnt become a Passenger train instead of a freight one delivering the goods !!
  5. Already said it here
  6. No offence but it always ammuses me , the argument that we cant divest ourselves of anyone as we've invested in them. We invest in everyone. We pay them, we train them and on and on. ANd after all is said and done if they arent 'repaying " us to the level we wish then despite any investment we need to move on. Cale is without doubnt talented. That alone isnt enough. He doesnt impact on games. Im happy for another ( team ) to have a go and pay us f or the priveledge. We are still too soft as a club...and hang on to players too long...Clever clubs spot shortcomings and trade whilest not everyone realises what theyre getting. In some instances new clubs bring out a player.. always to the chagrin of the club they left. Id be happy to get a decent pick...and at same time bring someone else on
  7. Aaron has in effect shown us all he cant lead.. he can apportion blame.. but lead ?? nah...dont think so.. I once thought he could.. alas i was wrong ( who'd da thought )
  8. my good man..you just described all the elements of giving up..that stopped giving 100% ..THEY GAVE IN MENTALLY !! Call it anything you like its the same sh!t !! Those that wish to deny this and sink into semantic driven spin are as bad as Davey himnself. Chip called it...and good onya son!! how refreshinng, some honesty
  9. nooooooooooooo !!! theyre after Elvis oh..btw..they can have Morton
  10. I think we have a genuine solution to one of our forward problems in Howe. We dont have anyone to stand the square at present. Quite frankly Bate has run out of positives and suspect he'll figure less and less in any future of Melbourne. ( btw...this years a good year to unload him if ever..maybe some value..but lets do the Melbourne thing and wait TOO long ) I digress. Howe is a bit Robertson-esque but with the bonus of real and genuine second efforts. Theres a trend currently away from the FF necessarily being some limited beanpole. Wha tHowe lacks ( slightly ) in staure he certainly makes up for in vertical proess. Heres someone who really can present and make the grabs stick. Im inclined to feel hed add quite another dimension to our attck thats sorely missing currently. He too , like Watts and Jurrah can easily move upfield when required. These three could be the makings of a very lethal and highly mobile forward group.. Yep...lets see what the Howe boy can do
  11. starting to give others a run in the turnover stakes too !! just marvee
  12. 4 players id like to see come in. Evans.. some real leg speed..decent disposal. A bit of zing. Howe.. a forward target who knows where the sticks are.. ( always a handy quality ) Joel Mcdonald. ..hes resolute and mature.. He applies himself and can enlist other team-mates to teh cause.. We need a bit of his style of leadership now. Ama bit up in the air re 4th.. I think Gawn, given our dire ruck stocks might get a gig just for the hell of it.. lets see what he can do. Blease must also be pushing. Any which way...we need to infuse some run and disciplined efforts.
  13. Now I know Aaron is not an unintelleigent lad. he does himself a great dis-service should he begin to think that the 10's of thousands in the stands and watching the box cant see when players start behaving badly !! Theres absolutely no point trying to dress it up as anything other than it is..that is.. a substandard effort we're not blind !!! ffs
  14. On an allied subject we ( the club ) now face, possibly, the prospect that a malaise of "comfort" may settle into the ranks. By this I refer to the notion that due to our deepening injuries there are , and will be , players who might have been facing relegation but now will in all likelyhood find themselves realtively safe in selection. This can have diasterous effects. Some may feel they neednt even take the foot off...as they dont have to plant it quite so much in the first place. I await the barrrage of...oh you dont know players.. AFL dont think like this... etc etc etc.. Reality is players are human and some arent as driven as others. There are lazy players. And there are some with tickets on themselves ( that read...cant get rid of me...oh no no no NO !! ) But none of this probaly exists really...hey Aaron ?
  15. This absolutely the case. And its something reluctantly we have to watch our lads do ( or dont). Players only have to back off a little for the chasm to widen by a lot.
  16. A-HA !!! No...we're not about to sing along to Norwegian pop. But we do it seems have amongst the midst at Melbourne...an honest football player. That being Chip Frawley. we also know who is a paid up member of the "Deelusionals" Here we have one over paid , over inflated player bemoaning the audacity of his younger brethren ( though not a brother ) to actually call a spade a spade ( hmm..that might read a little tacky..lol ) Frawley knows whats going on , Davey obviously has his head stuck somewhere...lets say...in the sand !! Im sensing not is all well at Melbourne. You can see it on the ground. Not everyone is playing for everyone else. There's disinterest in some. A going through-the-motion-esque treatment of the game. Geez Aaron I hope you didnt take Frawleys comments too much to heart, or too personally !! Its obviously breaking the 'code' to actually suggest that players dont always try their hardest. Thanks Chip for your forthright frankness. And thanks Aaron for releiving us of any ambiguity as to where your playing standards are now set. Im truly disappointed .
  17. please...lets not dance here.. We both know were specifically talking of those who have been mentioned in despatches as in GWS's sights.
  18. So do ,strangely enough all other players ( have managers).. But they havent taken this road.. so I dont buy it. Managers are there at the bequest of players...not the other way around. Tail..dog..etc Many here will have differing opinions and as such until the situaton is closed one way or another its ripe for speculation. Could be ended very easily. Others at other teams have sought to do so. He is all said and done an employee of the MFC.. The MFC has sought clarification of an assett. It ( he ) refuses this request. I dont think thats good enough really. Still, time will tell.
  19. Enjoy your Footy in the next realm Bob !!
  20. keep in mind like most things in life footy is 9o% between the ears.. If the head aint in the right space... the body obliges. get the mind thinking the right way the body does the necessary. The body is defined by the gym and training.. The head by the environment it lives in. Now who's going to try and argue that the mindset , as displayed by its players , is in the right place ?? If the minset isnt right then it follows the environement it was formed in has something to do with it. The culture of the club defines that environment. ergo something in wrong with the MFC's Culture ....no ?
  21. Whilst I essentially concur with this...it is interesting to note that very much the same barbs were slung Essendons way last year....'nuff said
  22. Thew only hiccup to all this has essentially been the period of toughness under Swooper...but alas this was the atypical aberation to the rule. Maybe we are Fuschias after all
  23. not sure about falling...but it is looking a tad bleak just at the moment
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