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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. In both these instances the list wasnt nearly as bad as some suspected it was however squarely in teh coaches realm as to how well they were travelling. Tony Shaw couldnt coach the sheel off a prawn. Rocket was tired and stale by the time he left the Swannies. Swap in decent coaches and they perked up. Coming back to Melbourne where we had/have a very lacklustre list ( but lots of potential....i bet ) we had a coach who by all accounts failed to lift his charges. Weve now introduced a bloke who has a reasonable track record and pedigree prior to arriving. You cant make silk from a sours ear !!
  2. Congrats Brad. Well done.
  3. Of course its of interest. Most anything said here is likely to skirt or be inappropriate given the commital hearing is active.
  4. 4 weeks ..doesnt everyone just get 4 weeks !! :roll:
  5. Far too much sense there Snomed. Hogwarts is having a sale; perhaps some might like to chip in for a Wand as some seem to feel this is the way forward ! Manwhile Dorothy and the rest of us know this isnt Kansas . I wonder who in a years time Will still be calling for his head; who'll have changed their view and who will have simply shut up lol. I wonder who and how many, given Neelds job to do wouldnt be shaking their head with disbelief right now if they were reading much of the uninformed judgements ?
  6. Read it online. No need for speculations here.
  7. Rome wasnt built in a day Elephants take 22 months Vines about three years You might see a trend here. Its simple. Some things take a while and a lot of effort Why does anyone think the ressurection and the recreation of a team is going to happen inside a year let alone overnight as some seem to be disappointed in it not eventuating ? Were not talking about 2 min noodles here ffs !!
  8. lol... I suppose there's a number of differing views as to who is or was selling the oil !! lol I see your point
  9. probably 3 or 4 !!
  10. very likely the case.. I was just suprised, thas all. Others were found non invasive jobs etc. I thought maybe Choco could also. Then again possibly the clever brains trust figured we didnt have terribly much in the grunt squad anyways so not a lot of harm would be done whilst the 'evaluations took place. 2013 being a different kettle of fish.....and /or chocolates
  11. its an interesting view there Crawf and its the sensible one for mine. Baileys first ouple of years were in all effect supposed to be terrible, result wise, becuase we were t.................... trying to list manage It was his subsequent ones where we realised there werent as many strings to the bow as we thought. No one in their right mind ( but that might exlcude some here ) can really think that Neelds first season could result in anything other than knowledge and a good cleanout from that understanding.I.e he aint going to win a lot of games and hey, guess what he hasnt. Next season probably wont light up terribly many Christmas trees either but it will have built upon this years lancing and purge come foundation establishment and start to show dividends and cohesion
  12. goes towards creating a champion team as opposed this elusive search for busload of potential champions to make a team, one day, perhaps, maybe !!
  13. you could go to town on this... but I wont; for now !! lol
  14. Im going to suggest that this season is actually a blessing in disguise. If it werent for our ridiculous collection of injuries then we may have trundled along without getting to see the array ( or lack thereof ) of talent that we can bring to bear. weve played about 95% of those that could be or at least warranted a crack in some meagre way. Neeld and FD wil be better informed for the opportunity availed I wonder if Sabco are coming on board with any sponsorship because theres some prettty big cleaning up coming htis way in Spring !!! lol
  15. Of all people ( coaches) that stayed , I was most suprised that Choco was it.I just dont get very enthused or confident by his results.. I can only think Neeld has his reasons and for now will just watch and hope. Its very unusual in this day and age that there are no FD outs and in come seasons end. Im thinking he might be the one. time will tell....as always
  16. I love a littel a-litteration in the morning
  17. Its funny how we can all look at the same thing and come away with very different views and thinkings. I'm actually glad we are having the year we are having... thankgod its finally happened. What you may well ask ? Simple. We are stripping bare a team who has been very over-rated and deconstructing it back to a point whereby something can actually be done about it. An analogy was used in another thread about house reno's and this is exactly what this year is about. The FD is tearing away at the fabric of 'cover-up' . Its laying bare for , most importanly the FD, all to see and ajudicate. Despite all the hurrah and the hype we actually arent much chop. Despite this I see much good coming from it. I see hope , and real hope for a change, not the rushed papered over despair dressed up as false-dawn type that we've trooped out year after year. I think its marvellous that finally the problems are being not only addressed by recognised in the first place. This club has been in denial so long it started to beleive its own spin. The revolving has stopped. Some hard to swallow self truths are being dealt with. We play rubbish football because at least half our team simply wouldn't rate by comparison to the top teams of now. Strangely some do and its these players together with an injection of better and more capable kids that will , in years to come, bring us back to the game. i would only despair as some of you do if I thought this was going to continue to go on ad infinitum, to carry on as we were with no change, just bumbling along.. You have to tear down the facade before you can actually construct something of substance and I truly believe that wil NOW happen. All the snake oil salesmen have been [censored] off and realists brought in. Dont confuse the idea of accepting where we are on the ladder or our dismal performances with joy as Im not happy we play like this but I am buoyed in knowing that change has been implemented, real change that will result in real success, not just fleeting glimpses of a never materialising tomorrow.
  18. Youre right !! Lets consider: Sanderson has a team that has more than a handful talented and able footballers, Neeld doesnt Couldnt be that simple could it ??
  19. anyone else see the irony ?? lol
  20. we're all dreaming....constantly. We're Melbourne supporters after all.Dreams are all we have to hang a hat of hope on until all thats "mediacre" (sic) is purged.
  21. Why does anyone thiink there is some sort of instant bloody fix to anything. ?? ffs..Weve been crap for almost a decade again. The rot has been well and truly set in but some folk still think you can gloss over all this with some sort of lick and promise and presto..ALL fixed..ultra competitve !! get real..itll take another year or two befoer were dead set happening
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