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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. would have thought it gratis actually..
  2. but its Watts' fault surely
  3. On page 70 ( or thereabouts ) of todays wonderful Herald sun is an ad from the club seeking sponsors. I have no doubt some of you naysayers will deride this as amateurish , psuedo desperate or being of some other failing. I say...why not. who knows what may come of it. In the big bad world some folk are head-hunted and some sought through announcement. Its all horses for courses. Lets hope something comes of it. i suspect we're still short ( npi ) a sponsor for our trews !!
  4. On Sunday I had a Banana and a Chicken wrap at this location.
  5. This is my concern also. Until such time as they are put to task, told to put up or f off then this cancer remains. Some people just cant help themselves
  6. not in the slightest !!!
  7. So Vlad's a journalistic critic now. Where's he been the last 8-9 months !!! ffs
  8. Its such a level playing field. All clubs treated fairly and equally. Amazing how they do it really
  9. amazing..unless im totally blind youd hardly notice wed played over the weekend according to the Aged !! lol pathetic lot arent they !!
  10. YepUsed to go in late 70's mid 80's and early 90's Sunk many a tinnie (vb) in the search of greater consciousness lol. Now it's just healthy stuff in prep for a Nepal hike. Ahh the serenity lol
  11. Just spent two days hiking the high country around Eildon. I fully believe the Bananas with yoghurt ( along with the bacon and eggs ) break key seriously helped me get through the days !!
  12. Bring back Jeff... bet no-one thought that would ever be uttered !! lol
  13. i think its worth a tad more than sfa. Ask nothing, get nothing.Whats to lose. Nothing. You know, you can look on the brighter side. Program available in the foyer !
  14. I dont think they really expect a yes, but would then at least be in position to say , well, we asked. I wonder who would be getting nervous ??
  15. He was wearing a Melbourne jumper...I beg to differ. Not AFL season, but NAB still is a bonefide game for Melbourne I should think
  16. cant really argue with any of that !!!
  17. you forgot the M F factor Red !!
  18. who are the 7-8 ?? is it because they have adversion to Bananas ?
  19. It was without doubt the best game hes played for Melbourne !!
  20. 2013 is a development year for the team as a whole. It will need to gel. it will ( hopefully ) get better as time progresses and we will go into 14 with a real sense of having a team. 13 will I sense have its share of pain, but tempered with progress. if I could id just wake up this time next year. Hogan will be fine in 14...he isnt ALLOWED to play this year.. just get over it . we have our fair share of idiots here dont we.
  21. Red . I perfectly understand what you say. Collingwood would have pushed for not only not guilty, but by association no fines. It wouldnt hsve accepted anything ad is their way. O have to admire this. They dont blink. Not only but they push for every thing they desire and get by efforts and unwavering much of it. I may well be wrong. We are still the tankers the only ones to be investigated. Its a joke.
  22. i enjoyed my banana and yoghurt this morning. I enjoyed the sqawkers also losing both games. We must be as good as they are then !! it bodes well me thinks A coffee beckons !! I can rely on the coffeee
  23. Unfortunately the writing is on the wall and the fix is in. We were unceromoniously boned. When there is a corrupt regime who are only too happy to work hand in glove with feral elements of the 4th estate you really are up against it. Whilst Vlad and Fitz are anywhere near the helm no more will be done about tanking, no other teams scrutinized. They have their sacrificial lamb. Ive taken some time to mull all of this over. Im still disappointed we blinked. In all seriousness id rather we put it all on the line. Sometimes you have to. Don and co did a commendable job but we lost. Quite frankly those that are suggesting we were officially exonerated are deluding themselves. McGuire never would have stood for such an outcome. Im not sure what we stand for now. Offically or unofficially were now the 'tankers" . Its like being found guilty without a conviction being recorded. There are 500,000 reasons to back that notion up. Ive become a little less interested in football now. I love footy. I am passionate about Melbourne. This club just continues to suck everything out of its followers and delivers sfa. For me they had better bloody well look like something this year or after nearly 50 years of unwavering support .I might flinch. Lifes too short. The AFL are nothing but a but of f'n self serving egostistical bullies. Sometimes the only way you deal with such is to smack him from one end of the hallway to the other. Thats all i really care to say on the matter. On with season 2013. wants to get better. Not overly impressed to date.
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