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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Hope i never have to work for or with you Bob. Youre too quick to make sacrifices, esp of those that were only doing the clubs bidding. Im not one for having them face the cannon only to be shot in the back. I sense you will now proffer , ah but for the greater good. But theres no good in treachery.
  2. so....anyone go ?? lol
  3. Under no circumstances can we allow a 'guilty' tag to be administered . Nor really can the AFL . A reality i suppose is a negotiated peace. But no Guilty .
  4. Well lets see how the Dunce handle the distractions. Wonder how their sponsors will react.
  5. i must say that makes way to much sense please desist.
  6. not today.. ( SWMBO ) does rather like me to earn a living occasionally ... but next week !! lol shhhh
  7. It will to some degree now come down to prioritising the deployment of manpower and monies. The AFL now has much bigger concerns.. The MFC becomes a no win situation. A pointless exercise and a waste of precious resources now. Thanks Essendon You just made Vlads choices much more focussed.
  8. probably why I dont get too worried should i miss any now. Its a pr job...they used to be lively events...lol
  9. One's a can of worms...about to have its lid resealed...for ever !! The other's definitely Pandoras Box. The latter makes the former look like silly little tiff !!
  10. surely the logical announcement is "After due process and thorough investigation and taking on board the submissions from the MFC arising from concerns arising from the AFL's exhaustive investigations that we determine there are in fact no charges to be laid and we accept the version of events and circumstances as provided to us by the club." finis...move along
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcVEOc7ZYgk
  12. No Robbie F...even worse...left in the competition but they have to then play the cards they have left. They can do some hard time
  13. seems he made a joke referencing something I said. A sad day when the fun police get bent up
  14. i wouldnt cross lines though. Happy to point out where anyone else has though
  15. The journos can go to town now that the ACC has tabled their report. They only have to refer to it. They couldnt before...so they shut up ( for a change )
  16. Well wouldnt that wipe the smiles off their collective smug little faces !! So many of the Bomber Brigade have relished the years looking down their beaks at poor lowly Melbourne. Might just cut them down to size....and definitely bring them back to earth...... THUD !!!! If, and its still an IF, they have been guilty of widespread cheating them Im happy for the earth to open up under them. And before anyone starts, theres a vast, no , CHASM of difference between working within well accepted and pratcised "managing of lists" and the completely different case of DRUG CHEATING !!
  17. OK..I'm just going to throw this old gem in for good measure. Keep in mind its vague and ambiguous at the best of times. But if you stand back squint a bit, ( maybe with a withdrawl induced tic ) you could read it in another interesting manner.. yes folks its good old rule 19 A5 "A person, being a player, coach or assistant coach, must at all times perform on their merits and must not induce, or encourage, any player, coach or assistant coach not to perform on their merits in any match - or in relation to any aspect of the match, for any reason whatsoever." Now if we are to read this and suggest that any player not playing in a 'natural' manner and therefore not on his 'merits' ( because he's juiced up ) does this then throw this rule right back at Essendon ? I think it could others thoughts ?
  18. Thats actually the point ( as I see it ) We seem to have notoriously developed leaks over recent times that surely had such an occurrence happened then the same dark lods tha move mysteroiusly amongst us plotting Board downfalls etc would have jumped at this trump. It didnt and hasnt. Essendon were ( emphasis on were ) better at such containments. The Bombers if they arent too careful might join the ranks of such notables as ANA TAA Compass Impulse and Strategic !!
  19. I'd say the opposite OD...and this is for mine, why. Currently the 'tanking' fiasco is still in house as far as they're concerned. The AFl can limit damage etc whilst it remains so. Its greatest worry would have to be us forcing it to court where they no longer hold sway and things are exposed to natural justices etc. It ( afl ) now has a much bigger , potentially, fire on another front and already the Sherrif has weighed in suggesting this isnt your fight laddy, its ours, step aside. Now the AFL has a major, major logistics and more importantly (though it ought not be ) PR disaster on its hands. This will tax the resources of even the dark empire. Id actually go to the idea that the drug thing couldnt have come at a more opportune moment if someone had planned it lol The AFL has the option , plainly before it , of calling it quits on tanking, no foul-no harm, lets move on. It has no such option with the drug issue. Right now Vlad and co better be practising their swimming ...a tsunami is on its way.
  20. my apologies
  21. I might have once agreed Ted but on so many occasions shes bent over to include a swipe at CS in articles that warranted no such inclusions. Its naked all right ; but for mine its hatred.
  22. I cant imagine any incumbent wanting to take the reigns just yet. I'd be waiting for the mops and hoses and the whole mess cleaned up and put to bed. Then, and only then would i shove !! lol
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