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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I don't want to be stuck in the Trump camp because I'll happily jump off and claim I said he'd be a train wreck but - Plenty of time to replace the ACA. He will and it can only be better - Trump never said he would ban all Muslim immigration - Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall and justified it with proposed tariffs and taxes on Mexico. Not some kind of up front payment. - Drain the swamp was a slogan rather than a measurable objective. Where I think he is draining the swamp you will be upset. - Unfortunately Islamic terrorism is a worldwide reality. He bit off more than he could chew and that was a stupid promise.
  2. The large majority of those were eligible for the previous team of the century, which I have hanging on my office wall. Most didn't make it. The team of the century was announced in 2000. Only a handful of the top 150 played since that era and I stand by what I said. I don't want to bag a hero but Whelan clearly stands higher than Anthony Mcdonalnd, Hopgood or Guy Rigoni in the pecking order.
  3. We lost two games in the rain. I know it's a winter sport but the girls trained and played in weather unlike that. The Dees were stiff but we will be a force assuming afl allows us to keep the players we drafted next season. Don't understand how the womens awards work but once Daisy retires hopefully the most prestigious one is named after her. MFC in conjunction with Daisy are pioneers of womens professional football. That should be recognised.
  4. It wasn't a Leigh Matthews, player of the century, snipe. Hird got in between Whelan and the football. Whelan braced but he was attacking the footy. Whelan also got up and handballed to TJ who kicks the goal. It was no cheap shot and it is a shame you can't attack the footy like that anymore.
  5. There are not many players since our original team of the century that i can imagine making our next. Neitz, Jones and Whelan the exceptions. I wont go into the other two but if positions stay true in the next 80 years Whelan will be up for nomination. Just hope we have a few premierships by then so he goes down the pecking order.
  6. I'd love to claim genius in picking a username almost 20 years ago that would stand the test of time. Alot of luck involved. Any one looking for one at the moment i'd be looking around Clayton or Oliver...
  7. As much as i love the above clip and it was the single greatest passage of play i have seen as a Melbourne supporter in my lifetime. That wasn't the defining moment of his career. When he kicked out from full back you knew he would hit a target. He simply didn't miss and had a thumping kick on him. Whoever he played on before the days of zones would just have a quiet day. Without fail. His tackles were brutal and he attacked the ball with a wreckless regard for himself and or others.
  8. I don't know about the others you are talking about. Perhaps I am naive. What Hillary did with her private server was unethical to the extreme. If you give me examples of the above doing the same I will likely agree with you, that they did the wrong thing. I have worked for a number of companies in Australia in the Financial Services Sector where compliance is a necessary evil. If I was forwarding anything from a secure email account to my personal gmail account, or asking clients to bypass the server of the compliant organisation I was working for and send emails directly to my personal gmail account I would be terminated on the spot. And likely fined and investigated by ASIC. By all means send examples of the above alleged breaches but don't pretend it was ok for Hillary "because everyone else was doing it". I've given examples of the Clinton's foundation's incredible wealth creation. The private server she had was a means for doing that without surveillance and is just another example of how she held herself above the law she was supposed to be in office creating and upholding.
  9. Maybe not. She had 30,000 emails on a private server that could have proven it was all above board. She just chose to delete and bleach them. Ohh and keep them on a private server in the first place, so she had that option to delete and bleach...
  10. The Australian Government funding to the Clinton's doesn't stop at AID's and even if it did, it would still be problematic. Why were we paying a a US foundation for AIDS control in PNG? Makes no sense. Here's a media release from the then opposition party in Australia, for a carbon tax (non) tender in Kenya, to the Clinton Foundation. Apparently Australia won the tender and paid the Clinton foundation for its (non) work. We weren't just paying for AID's research. We paid the Clinton Foundation for lots more odd things where there were many better companies with actual expertise. What I understand is: A lot of of the Countries paying the Foundation for charity were doubling up on payments for the same services paid for by other Countries also donating to the Foundation. i.e Australia pays for AIDS research and Ireland pays for AIDS research. Same research double the funds a Tax Invoice for same services to each country. Lots of poorer countries were unable to get a word in with the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, of the USA unless they donated to her charity (the numbers don't lie). When they donated they magically got a meeting with the powers within the USA. It is unethical for a Secretary of State to receive donations from Countries she deals with particularly because she has ultimate say in their trading power. Hillary did and took it for what it was worth. Bill Clinton was getting paid speaking fees disproportionately high, whilst his wife was Secretary of State. Obama (who people actually like) can do a years salary on speaking fees and wont come close to Bill Clinton (who people feel a range of pity to hatred towards). In 2001 the Clinton's are widely cited as being bankrupt, this is their quote. They now have reportedly anywhere between US$100 - $360m. That has either come from their charitable foundation not being so charitable, Bill Clinton being the best and most prolific public speaker ever, investments we don't know about in a highly ethical investment channel or Hillary having a higher Government paid wage than any other politician.
  11. Here is a doc from DFAT http://dfat.gov.au/about-us/corporate/freedom-of-information/Documents/dfat-foi-1508-F1253.pdf go to page 10 for a table of $70m worth of donations. To the Clinton Foundation. I suspect this is tip of the iceberg stuff but really don't have time today or this week to look into it further.
  12. O Mac - not ready yet Weid - not ready yet Melbourne - exciting year ahead
  13. I'm not brave enough to cast votes in the best openining round in a decade. Hannan would be there if had too.
  14. Absolutely 100% Gillard donated and then the Abbott Government did too. I'm flat out today but will provide links on Monday.
  15. Brexit was one reason that I predicted Trump would win but it wasn't the result, it was the way it happened, with all the lead-up polls predicting otherwise. Trump was going from state to state trying to win the Republican nomination and time after time he polled significantly better than the pre-polling suggested. It was clear to me there was a group of disaffected people, sick of being bullied by the politically correct ,willing to vote for something different in the privacy of a voting booth. I had my doubts on the day and was ready to change my avitar. The polling got worse than I thought was possible for people to get into the privacy of the voting booth and drain the swamp. But larger numbers did than I expected. Now I wish Trump would get on with it.
  16. Do i sense of a bit of totalitarian or despising of the masses? Every person is entitled to a vote. Every person's vote counts. Majority rules.
  17. No the Clinton stuff has massive flow on affects. At first I thought Trump was going about destroying "the swamp" but now I have my doubts. He is too busy tweeting and doing to little Governing. The Clinton's epitomize what is wrong with American politics. I have written previously about their near bankruptcy and then rise to wealth beyond any of us could undertand. FWIW I hope Rex Tillerson is calling the shots but I have lack of faith in politics.
  18. The Hillary stuff will drag much longer than the Russian investigation. The Clinton web of deceit is complicated and their pay for speech fees were completely out of step with any other previous president. Obama who in my opinion is a cultural icon but dud president will get no where near the same volume per pay, per speech renumeration Bill Clinton did. The reason Bill Clinton had a disproportionate pay was because of his wife's position. I'll bet anyobody now, Bill Clinton can't claim even half the speaking fee he used to,now that his wife has lost her position of power. It was corrupt. It stunk. Plus all the world aid donations the Clintons got from other countries while Hillary was Secretary of State. Even Australia was donating to the Clinton foundation but has stopped now. It stinks. Trump will get what is coming if he colluded with the Russians. The Clinton's are part of the swamp and their self entitlements are deeper entrenched into a puddle of deciept than we will ever understand.
  19. Trump doesn't just distort the truth, he flat out lies. Somehow, I find a strange comfort in it. I hated the fact Abbott said " there will be no cuts to... or the ABC", even though I wanted cuts to the ABC I didn't want him to break a promise. Trump on the other hand is not a career politician. No need for the money and argues like I do at the pub at 2am in the morning. He is trying to break down the corrupt American political system. The Government bodies all lie and collude he just seems to take them on and not care if he gets called out for lying and playing their own game. i'll probably regret writing this because I am all about transparency. Trump's press secretary spicer has the most difficult job in the world. He's like the Iraq communication minister saying they weren't at war even though bombs were being dropped on camera behind him. Fake and biased news is all the rage at the moment. I have a feeling a middle of political centre website will emerge with pure factual news, no opinion and take the world by storm.
  20. Other way around. The media calls everything a lie. When Trump does tell the absolute lie of the century and he will its justca matter of time. The media will be shouting but nobody will care because they heard the "lie" cry so many times before some justified many not.
  21. If there was collusion, the fish rots at the head, it is Trump who needs to be held accountable. I have a feeling though that the next term will be like that of George W Bush. Everytime he incorrectly pronounced a word it would be played on every news reel in the world and be a great wink, wink, nudge, nudge joke for all the lefties in the echo chamber If Obama miss pronounced something you simply wouldn't hear about it. For Trump's term 1 or 2 it doesn't matter foreverything he says there will be some kind of alternative truth to find. Trump knows that and just doenn't five a f@ck. Sadly who cares about being caught out lying if whatever you say will be considered a lie anyway.
  22. Disagree and i have potted crownbet in this thread. If they are providing a live stream to melbourne games this is very important info for melbourne supporters.
  23. The (un)disclosure on Trump has everyting to do with cause of investigation. Either way Comey is in trouble. As far as i can see there are 2 possibilities. 1) there was an onging legal inestgation into Trump's dealings with Russia. - in which case that needed to be disclosed before the election 2) there was an ongoing legal investigation into Trump's dealings with Russia and it did not pass the pub test. There is something to hide.
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