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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. A year in and Trump hasn't disappointed. He is everything he promised and more chaotic than anyone imagined He even managed to pass a conservative agenda Tony Abbott would be jealous of: From lower corporate and personal taxes, to tighter border control. A more conservative Supreme Court, the scrapping of environmental and other regulatory red tape, withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and tougher on terror. Wedging Little rocket man. GDP, stock market and unemployment figures - all measurable are pointing towards a genius.
  2. T Mac out marking Lever in the one on ones. Pedo gave T Mac more of a run for his money. Petracca right up with the leaders in the runs and pushing hard right up until the end where he dropped off a bit. Looks to have improved his fitness. ANB very clean hands in the drills. Does a lot right. Petracca not so sharp by hand. Spargo never misses a target and is fast. Maynard going about it nicely.
  3. Consensus is a vote and best for political matters. Science is not about voting or majority opinions. Organisational views are political and self serving not scientific. Except for the evil Murdoch empire who are out to kill science.
  4. How could an organisation come up with a "view" and call it scientific? Sounds more like group think or an instruction from the top to get funding. Organisations don't think for themselves. Neither do lefties.
  5. You realise it is a commercial decision by BHP not an ethical or science driven one? The filthy capitalist company are opting for greater profits over providing cheap, reliable energy for the greater good of the people.
  6. Can you link to what you find useful? I've been to the site and despite trying, I can't find anything demonstrating how the world is heating due to man produced co2. You really need to highlight which part of this website you endorse.
  7. Polar Bears are increasingly becoming the symbol for climate skeptics. Since Al Gore's fictional movie on climate change made Polar Bears some kind of victim their numbers have thrived globally. it is laughable that the socialist left leaning Fairfax media post a photo of a single Polar Bear as some kind of evidence of climate change. My bet is the Polar Bear has cancer or some other sickness,
  8. i think a few on here under-estimate Hutchy and his business acumen. He will turn SEN into a national broadcaster and continue selling content to it through Crocmedia.
  9. Showed Hunt's electric pace, Viney's fierce attack on the ball and T Mac as a forward. We have all that to look forward to for a very long time.
  10. THE highlight of 2017 https://soundcloud.com/user-967419456/demonland-podcast-jakovich
  11. Hutchy definitely just bought SEN, not sure if he bought it through crocmedia or a seperate entity.
  12. Is that one of santa's little alfs? gee he is small but that makes me think we got quite the bargain with this pick.
  13. The truth and what you choose to believe (your words) are Melbourne premiership years apart.
  14. If what you say about the Herald Sun is true regarding the Muslim bank robber I would call that a dog whistle and condemn it. I say that assuming the Koran doesn't glorify robbing banks. When the Koran clearly advocates killing non believers and then Muslims kill non believers in the name of Islam I will point the finger.
  15. Imagine Donald Trump said that. You would have your left leaning knickers in a knot. You choose what you want to believe. I've seen what you post and I believe that!
  16. Surely that is the nature of list management. You give fringe players short term contracts so they will always be coming out of contract more regularly.
  17. For the first time I can remember I went into this draft not really caring about it. We no longer need saviours and we had late picks anyway. But I have this funny feeling we have nailed it and am really excited by all of them.
  18. Oliver is on a trajectory to be our next Barassi. He just needs Hogan, Petracca, Hunt, Viney and Lever to come with him so he can be a legend of this club.
  19. I can see the link between Hillary Clinton's home server and papers in the drawer of Melbourne officials. I can see the link with Trump making America great again and Melbourne appointing Peter Jackson as CEO. I just wish we could drain the swamp (AFL)
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