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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. did miller get injured, he was on the bench for long periods at a time
  2. to steal a line from meatloaf "you took the words right out of my mouth"
  3. im the same im shattered, angry the emotions are all over the joint that was not a free against neitz and daveys goal should have stood, we have been robbed like we were against adelaide in queensland
  4. collingwood looms as our best chance (if we lose today) simply because we should have robbo, wheels, chooka back but then again i wuldnt be surprised to see us beat west coast and then go 1-12 or something like that after it
  5. brock once he takes the captaincy next year will, i mean WILL be the new heart and soul and AGGRESSION of the MFC which will be a massiv move in the right direction
  6. exactly it was fergs who said no
  7. im as big a godfrey basher as there is, but this year has shown that there are a lot of others who possibly deserve to go before him, he probably cost stuff all to keep, would be happy to see him go wouldnt mind so much if he had a 1 year contract as remained as a back up player who was told he would only cover for injuries, bartram will be our tagger
  8. yep lamb and arma jolly to a lesser extent
  9. hard to take the step up if you know one mistake will likely cost you your place in the side, they also need to leave him in pretty much one position so he can get settled, which is why i think he should be told you have 3 or so games to prove yourself, atleast with some pressure of him he might relax a bit as for your comments he is slow and weak, i dont think he is slow, ive seen him go in for the ball when its his turn and as for awareness i agree he can be a bit unaware of his surrounds but how many times does brown get caught? how better to gain awarness (like bell is) other than to play a number of games in the senoirs to get use to the pace of the game
  10. 1 brock mcclean 2 jones 3 bartram 4 dunn 5 petterd frawley will join that club really quick
  11. well done, hope for a 100 great games to follow
  12. round 12 we play the tigers yeah? well maybe then nah we will beat west copast over there for our first win, its a gimmie we can now play the run and carry style suited to these big grounds
  13. i think bizz can still offer something as he can use the football unlike quite a few we are playing but cj needs to be played or will end up at another club playing good football
  14. he will play atleast next year, injuries aside he could probably go one year after that
  15. a disgrace that cj has been dropped!
  16. agree lest wait atleast 2 years and then see was a nice little joke thrown in thee wasnt it
  17. and i think you will be thirsty on sunday evening in fact IF we win ill be that surprised ill do the dishes at home by myself for a week
  18. that is soooo right, cj and arma are the same, on for 5 min if they dont kick 5 or get a ton of possessions back tot he banch for 45 min then on for another in a completely different possition cj need to be told, look have 3 weeks on a HBF/HFF show us what you can do
  19. id add ward to that to, maybe even wheatley
  20. yeah as he said he has 2 good games, 2 games where he got the job done and 1 below par as said he was very dissapointed to be told he wouldnt be selected again i dont think i could work at the place you as said have just been sacked from playing with
  21. rihmond full back darren gasper has announced his retirement as of today a little bitter about being told he would not be played regardless of form tigers must be conceding the year already
  22. what about burgoyne, surely he would be up there from what ive read and heard from the commentators and footy shows
  23. id rather cj in for ward, atleast he will get better with more game time, ward wont, but fair enough occo we all see players differently.
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