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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. congrats hope the lady and child are both well i think i heard that jeff white had a kid on saturday
  2. thats true, carlton will be fearing us by then thinking "gee they're due their first win sooner rather than later"
  3. hey mate he plays AFL and has money....... no probs,t here are plenty of gold diggers out there that will tack onto any ugly player
  4. we seem to like to flood our own forward 50 too neitz should grab most of them and thrown them outside the 50 and tellt hem to leave it open for him and the other 1 or 2 forwards leading from the square
  5. did anyone say anything to him? i would have
  6. but bar the 1 time i remember them paying it against bell i cant remember them paying any to either side
  7. hahahahahaha love the ps i agree we shoudl have iced it with better set shots also we really didnt deliver it that well into the forward 50, not alot of kicks hit the chest of a leading player
  8. PJ was good, the mark was good, i didnt think his ruck work was bad, i thought that he didnt win a great deal but at least nullified his opponent so it was 50/50 when it hit the deck
  9. yep ill give him credit, today he made me eat real humble pie by killing burgoyne and his disposal was decent today, well for him will he go to west or cooney?
  10. waas great to see him take the game on and do well, the thing that sticks out for me is after the siren he was bent over with his hands over his head and seemed to show genuine hurt that we lost, was pleasing to see a player show that sort of emotion
  11. if he can stay on the park its all up for col, he made the distance well just not the accuracy but he has only played 3 games this year after misssing so much, give him time
  12. thats a disgrace......... he should have thrown him from the balcony! IM JOKING!
  13. the whole team missed crucial shots on goal
  14. i know how you feel dazzledavey36 i wanted to knee cap him
  15. we need to keep our forward 50 clear, we flood our own 50 bring on juice!
  16. moloney was great in the first half, fell a way a little in the second and dunn came into it a bit in the second half could add team- missed crucuial goals
  17. how did he lose part of his ear?
  18. agree we should atleast get to 20,000
  19. i think after all the uproar this week davey will go, i was talking about it to mate and said tghey will try and wrest control and i think davey will cop it whats his record like?
  20. bar about n5 desicions by ump 24 i thought they were good, they let play go on, didnt pay a lot of holding the ball, missed a lot but id rather them not pay them that to pay 40 odd a game
  21. bells second and third efforts today were magnificent jones was great petterd the same bate was fantastic, he marked nearly everything the futrue will be good but the pain is killing me now
  22. did miller get injured, he was on the bench for long periods at a time
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