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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. no i have an idea, he cant use the ball, dont care how often he gets it he massacres it! maybe you should pay more attention to what he does with it, he either kicks it 20 meters sidewards or back ward and if he doesnt turn it over he kicks it 20 meters forward to a 2 on 1 or straight to an opponent
  2. dont know, i asked the same in my post about coaching tactics, i am blaming the coah, he put them in that position and left them there for a half
  3. because he doesnt offer anything to the side, cant kick, always takes the bad option and never does anything damaging with the ball
  4. everything you just said about miller is the same about brown, he gets nothing possessions, cant kick, always takes the worst option, never looks forward always looks to the side or backwards, doesnt really man up, how many of browns possestions really hurt the roos?
  5. ward, brown and i have to say miller (he did pick up but still not enough) bring in the waterboy, head pyshio and some bloke walking down the street, cant be any worse but the first 2 have to go
  6. yep he did but every time he sprinted to the next contest to make ammends, name 5 others who do the same? mclean, sylvia, junior and davey are about all i can think of
  7. yep jones and mclean should never be off the ground but swap with each other in a FP they are a double barrel shot gun at close range
  8. a lady in front of us was saying brown was one of our best at 3/4 time and then they showed he was leading possestion getter on the ground and was a little smug until we said how many of his disposals have HURT the opposition??
  9. oh yeah that nearly killed me that pezza d, mate congrats on the win but your guys were not a great team today but still won, i hope for your sake they get better
  10. i agree deestroy ward: never ever play again!
  11. and has no idea on where to kick to or handball or run too
  12. ND has too go simply because he can not coach well, good coaches can get teams to win close games, we never do (look at out track record) good coaches have good game plans, we dont! good coaches have the ability to swap their players around and they still do well good coaches pick sides that have good players....... enough said good coaches dont have losing streaks of 8 or 9 games good coaches do well in finals, we dont ND fails on all these
  13. was there any good match ups or moves early on? ie green on grant 5 talls in the F50, no smalls the handball game plan (no running or carrying though ) are we the worst coached side in the league? i think the iq of our coaches in relation to coaching a team to a win is simply -10 the tigers will belt us in a few weeks
  14. i thought so too also who the bloody hell was on nymber 12 when he had 5 shots on goal in a row in the first half? surely with 4 coaches someone should have worked it out
  15. he had the yips with his disposal early but every mistake he made he threw himself into make ammends (so many others could learn from this) thinking of him, petterd, bell and mclean was the only thing that stopped me from slitting my wrists
  16. his last quater especially nearly won us the game welcome back bizz, im sure you will get dropped next week just like last time
  17. why did we stand still when the last kick out was about to be taken why was no one on the other side of the ruck contest friom that boundary throw in amongst the 4 roo player why is the coach still there why was green playing back pocket why did ward stand 10 meters away from grant in the 3rd quater at the 50m mark why did ward and brown get a game why did we have 5 talls and no crumber in our F50 so when we kicked it in they just ran it out with ease why did we handball all day long to someone 2 foot away why did ward ask for the handball from carrol when he was 3 inches away why, why why we didnt deserve to win that game, but it just shows that we are lacking leadership on and off the ground, a game plan and the brains to play smart football oh yeah and the roos are not that good, actually a very average team
  18. jaded i just got home to write the exact same thing 4 things that were completely F#$ked 5 talls in the F50 and no smalls green on grant!!!!!!???!!!!!! i mean WTF! ward getting a game (and brown) the good old handball game that once again put us in a winning position 4 things that need to happen kick it long and at all cost ward and brwon to be delisted immediatly daniher to walk away (take micheal longs long walk, AWAY from the MCG) and to have a crumber in the F50 at all times
  19. yep a technically correct free but seriously what a joke, it should have been, mark to richo, play on and goal! walls, qauters, christo and andy maher all said pretty much it has too go, wallsy said its ruining the game and casuing more anger on the field and off than any other rule ever bought in
  20. its very sad but what was said about our supporters on the pie site is right in some ways we dont show up, as much as i hate collingwood even when they are on the bottom 25,000 of there supporters still go every week (god i feel sick having to write that)
  21. i pay for not what the club can give me but so the lub i love will survive, and if after round 7 they give away some crap i dont care cos i have had free entry to those home games that those who sign late wont have
  22. he was a good player who for one year played above himself, the other clubs played one on one with him and it was all down hill from there, smartest thing we ever did was trade him to the pies
  23. 2 the ink and the paper
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