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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. They are meeting tomorrow to go through the other 4's game similation, so hopefully by this time next week an announcement will be made.
  2. I only realised that today when i read it in the paper, i actually don't remember hearing Haselby's name at all so big sorry to Dunn!
  3. Please don't go into the trading of "He who shall not be named".
  4. TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK If you notice a guy in the sothern stand members area decked out in melbourne gear, standin and cheering every carlton goal, that will be me
  5. This was highlighted by Patrick Smith on sen a few weeks ago, no wonder we have no money when we spend it all on paying out staff.
  6. Strained his muscles from excess vomiting from hitting the [censored] hard
  7. I'll take 3 for $60 so thats 4/50
  8. I love Robbo but the club should only give him 2.
  9. Happy with chip, i don't think he really got smashed by an opponent this year and has a cool calm head which you cannot teach, and whilst his kicking looks awkward i don't think it's that bad.
  10. No dumping on the players......... where's the fun in that
  11. If the tigers win next sat v the saint the loser of our game gets the #1 draft pick and in carltons case picks 1 and 2 God I'll Spew if carlton get the 1st pick, and if they possibly got the 2nd as well.........well words can't describe how angry i would be.
  12. I know Bruce is good, but tarrants strength is his running, if bruce was fit he would have killed him, even so did an ok job.
  13. No worries brocky, I'll run them over at training
  14. Mclean was good today, but the best for me was his 2nd 3rd and 4th efforts Brown while getting 11 disposals in the first 3 of those were stuff ups until he finally hit robbo, but his opponent bell had 10 possessions and should have had 1 goal if not 2, I'm sorry but he never hurts the opponents enough and bell won the day easily. Ward, what more can you say.................WHO IN THERE RIGHT MIND WOULD LET THIS HACK KICK OUT!!!! Jamar- rucked to freo. I mean how often did he tap it straight to a freo player, he gave them 2 goals FFS. You summed White up perfectly.
  15. The reason for turning the capslock off is that in cyber space, caps lock is what you use to show that your shouting or the like.
  16. Riley said in his press conference that his season is over.
  17. Well i said neitz or robbo would end up doing there knee worse than what it has been if we continue to play them, Jamar tapped the ball to freo 90% of the time today, ward kickin in was the DUMBEST idea ever, felt sorry for bruce made to follow tarant who has a big tank after missing what 4 weeks? What a dumb idea.
  18. That was awelsh rugby union fan, he said he chop both off if they won, they did, we went out side chopped them off, placed them on the bar and waited for the ambulance
  19. Cheers for the link, was just on Channel 7 that they cannot name the players or the club due to a Supreme Court injunction, so we need to be careful from here on. I wonder if this will upset this club for the rest of the season?
  20. So I missed this on the news, so are we talking illegal drugs or performance enhancing? Any link to a story?
  21. I highly doubt fev will leave now rats is in charge, but i would look at him if it came up due to this year been a average draft in terms of depth (supposedly) so trading picks would not worry me as much.
  22. BBP summed it up nicely, the kid has talent, no doubt there but needs to get his body right and stay off the [censored].
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