Yeah at 5:30 i'm going to meet my wife and then head to the telstra dome for the victory game.
I will be near no computer or anything.
It will kill me, last night was bad enough.
Whats strange to me is how come you got a SMS? Are you a Journo or something, How would this mysterious person
A. get your number?
B. Choose you to send it to?
On Sen, Mark Doran said that the big whisper is that he will sign with Melbourne and he said its getting stronger each hour and is coming from good sources.
Also said Judd's manager is meeting him today for the first time since his op.
We wont be offering much until we know about Judd, hence why ever one wants the Judd deal done on the first day.
Give em jamar and the big finger! we gave them thommo cheaply.