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Everything posted by layzie

  1. That's right. Just guarding against complacency. I want to see him take the next step!
  2. Yeah so? He's a Carlton Player
  3. Nup. Hate to break it to you but Jurrah is merely a flash in the pan at this stage. In terms of accomplishments. He has the potential to be anything and I think we'll just enjoy his progression for the time being!
  4. I was also a fan of bucks and feel it was maybe a little harsh to get rid of him. But hard decisions need to be made
  5. I do like this idea but I don't know if he should be permantly put forward. When he was out this year we lacked a lot of direction in the midfield. He does straighten us up quite a bit when he's in there. Having said that he does have all the qualities of a great leading forward
  6. That's fine and I get that. However playing AFL football is something that so many people would kill for the chance to have. If McLean loved the club so much I don't see how it would have been so hard to relocate closer so he's not having this 1 or 2 hour drive that seizes up the back and hammy's. Sorry if this is a bit harsh but I just find that a bit of a feeble excuse
  7. Come on Jimmy you can do it. Please!!
  8. I know this is was a month ago but I just wanted to say that I'm with Luke. I met Peter a few times at Sandy games and he is a great bloke. Always spoke highly of the Melbourne players that were in the side so I got no issues with this. Good to hear its over
  9. Exactly. I wanted to choose a coach who had credentials as a football coach! Not really a marketing guy
  10. People should not forget his contribtution to this club. We may not have the flag we are craving so badly but lets face it our list was terrible when he came here. He turned us into a household name that consistently made finals. I wasn't around in the 70'sor early 80's but I don't think we made the finals too often in that period. Very much an attacking coach who got us playing that kind of footy. I really hope he does coach again and all the best in future because he is an exceptional coach. Thankyou Neale You gave it your best
  11. This is becoming a joke! We get kicked off by the former whipping boy of the competition. I really think that we have taken that role now we just get pushed over a little too much for my liking
  12. I think we have enough defenders who can't kick
  13. I have to agree with YM here. It might not just be Melbourne supporters but there are just some supporters who go to the game as if they are watching it at home. I remember being at the final in 05 against the cats and being in those seats that had barely any leg room, getting up for people to go past and just hitting the seat in front with my knee unintentionally and the guy told me to go easy on the seat! sorry but soft***ks really bug me. Someone I know got told off for clapping too loud!Don't go if you can't put up with it! honestly
  14. We might be young (I'm 21) But we understand how bloody scary it is that we could have years more of this crap! Don't get me wrong I feel so sorry for the older guys I mean at least I've seen us in finals but the thought that the next 10-15 years could be just wiped out is not very appealing. Unless something really changes round this club I could certainly not see it happening in the next 5.
  15. I hear both of ya! Loud and clear!
  16. I thought Jeff White finding some form today was a huge positive. As well as Bate, Petterd and Bell.
  17. To be quite honest I'm getting a bit sick of changing rules for the sake of changing rules. First its the choppingthe arms rule which I still don't agree with, then there's the mark in the goal square going straight back rule (what is the point). I'm sure there are more but this hands in the back one takes the cake. It is so inconsistent its not funny. Bunch of bs. A few weeks ago I went to the game against Freo with a friend who knew nothing about the game and explaining it was the hardest thing to do because there are just too many rules that are inconsistenly enforced. I would hate to be learning how to play this game right now!
  18. Yeah I'd also like to hear how Buckley went. I know he was close to coming in for the Port game.
  19. Ah yes the old 'prawn sandwiches' comments. Loved it at the time and love it now!
  20. Green would be the best option. Give him a chance before giving it to Johnson or whatever. If he can just get a few nice lace out passes to him the rest could follow!
  21. If the right coaching decisions are made we are in with a chance. If I see any stupid match-ups from the first bounce it could be a long day
  22. May as well do a topic like this. At least its a change of thinking
  23. It just sucks knowing that when we are good our use of the football is supposidly brilliant. Today it was deplorable. I'm not positive, I'm not negative I honestly don't know what to think about Melbourne anymore.
  24. I'll name one. The Kangaroos, I just really wanna try this out it seems fun. Even though I pretty much agree with what you said
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