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Everything posted by dimmy

  1. I thought he showed a lot of good movement and provided an option. The mark he took at the last was a pack mark.....pretty good under pressure, it is just that he did not finish it off otherwise we would be singing his praises. I can honestly see why he would be preferred to Preuss because of his capacity to play a game out. Preuss is there as a back up ruckman not as a second ruckman. For him to go from the first to the second he must develop his tank. Both Weid and Preuss are very youn g players in big bodies and need time to develop and condition themselves.
  2. Thanks for spelling this out. Demonland people are entitled to express opinions, but once people get a player in the gun they go overboard in many cases. There are many cases where DL forums have "shellacked"players e.g Jack Watts , Marty Hore (after 1 game) ,Nathan Jones (yes it happens) . But I do not think a player has copped as much vitriol as OMac ,and the "angries at everything" are zeroing on on a scapegoat. Let's face it ,Oscar was a late draft choice so in the opinion of scouts ,he did not have the natural ability as the guns. He is only early 20's so his body is still maturing. (We make excuses for Sam W , same thing). He is in a position where he is often one on one so is exposed visually ,so it is easy to blame. He now gets blamed for punching the ball in the wqrong direction. If he is a spoiler, then what about the smaller bloke learning to crumb better, but then if they did they would get all the credit and the bloke who got it there would just be forgotten. I sincerely hope players do not read forums ,or else they would be frightened to play the game.
  3. I feell that there was a giant lack of on field leadership in the last quarter. 3 goals 12 in the last half and most of those misses were set shots !!! Says a bit about the confidence (or lack of) in the side. Their ballgetting was great tonight and the mpvement into the fwd line was vastly omproved UNTIL ......last Qtr and then we went home . Gutted.
  4. 6 Gawn 5 Oliver 4 Bratshaw 3 Petracca 2 Harmes 1 LAck of Leadership
  5. Çan anyone imagine GWS trading Cameron. I think he would be in the KAAC Bracket !!!!
  6. How often do we see/hear when a kicker kicks to a space. And in a cohesive setup ,people know how to move into that space at the right time. We were doing that last year because we were "connected" . Too often currently either leads/spaces are ignored or a player kicks the ball and the supposed recipient is standing. Two things: NEVER kick to a bloke standing still Never stand still
  7. Nothing against JKH, but Corey Wagner got 20 -odd possessions lasat week in a dfence that had no support further up the ground , so if that is getting lost, I hope we see him when he is found. He is a very inexperienced player 10 or so games. The same criticism was made of Marty Hore after his first game.
  8. Agree with you wholeheartedly.. Players can improve. After the first round Marty Hore was branded as not up to it, another useless find to the club, only VFL standard etc. Now these knockers are saying we have found a new gun. Josh Wagner had only played 1 game with NM so he has upside, but he has a very important ingredient : ATTITUDE. Coaches lave people like that.
  9. Bombing the ball means lack of connection . We would get more results by moving the ball into F50 with a bit of precision, rather than hoping someone will take a couple of contested pack marks.
  10. To be fair, Adam SImpson (in todays paper) had a a word to Vardy saying that is not how to earn respect for himself and the Club. Still not a good look. Compare that with Jarrod Roughhead (who does not take a backward step) in his VFL Game last week passing on something to his oponent . No doubt some win at all costs people will poo poo it, but there is a bloke who treats the game with respect.
  11. Agree on both points Therein lies a problem . Jack V needs to moce away from the costant crash & bash in the midfield, because we have Clarrie, Harmes, Gus and potentially Petracca who work more expansively /mobile in the midfield. By this I reckon they clear the area better. Brayshaw in particular is being played outside his specialist area. I fell that Jack V would be better as a small forward, who makes sure the ball remains in the fwd area because of the pressure he applies. THis will make it easier on his body and increase the defensive aspects of our Forwards.
  12. Agree with you wholeheartedly. Somehow some posters find a whipping boy and nothing they do is given credit. I, too thought Oscar Mc D's game was good last night because he did a job he was selected to do. But no, we cannot give the kid any praise bwecause it seems as if "you" think it proves you wrong. We are t6oo quick to criticise and not quick enough to praise. If Petracca had kicked more accurately we would be singing praises today, because he has something special in his capacity to win 1 on 1 . Let us reward the kids who played their hearts out last night. When you think we had about 6 players with less than 10 games experience AND none of them were high draft picks, the effort level was great. GIve praise to the efforts of Marty Hore and Jade Lockart for persevering to get to this level and showing us that they CAN play. Yes, we can rail about the goalkicking ,umpiring etc. But that is part of he game and hopefully the rub of the green will come to us soon.
  13. Agree wholeheartedly. I seems as if Gus has been given the shift to accomadate VIney. THe work of Oliver Gawn and Brayshaw last year gave us drive into the Fwd line. I feel Viney's best spot is as a small fwd. He woulkd have a few looking when he is in the area and would provide a scrap in the fwd line. Might preserve his body a bit more.. I f need be he could be slotted into the middle if things are not going well.
  14. It is good to see a couple of "neglected"players bob up and are starting to adjust to the tempo. THey both seem to be learning each week. Locckart's last couple of weeks have been more productive in that he is gaining confidence and getting more of the ball. Marty Hore seems to be able to read the play and be in the right position a lot of the time. Great to see.
  15. 6 Oliver ( Ran the game after 1/2 time) 5 Harmes (gave the 2 50m penalties) 4 Salem ( Disposal) 3 Brayshaw 2 Gawn 1 Lockart ( has heart !!)
  16. Disposal to forward line deplorable. Hibberd's first reaction is to bomb long. Not helping Tmac or the forwards. They are starting to move ball a little beter in second half of Qtr. Back men need to lower eyes.
  17. The only way is up !!! Soon we will be playing some sides who are below us on the ladder.
  18. Daisy is making a comeback. Should she have to go through the VFL first !!!
  19. Omac to CHF and tell him to run around with a flag so the Mids will see him .
  20. Let us get everyone back on the park first !!! At the moment we have over 11/2 Mill in Slaray cap making game day speeches at supporters functions.
  21. Isn't amazing, we have a few losses and we target one player. Lets goo through them : Tmac, Watts, Omac (flavour OTM even when we & he are playing well, Weid (Still developing , last year was 3rd forward , this year (last week) No 1 fwd) I get frustrated with Trac too, but there are a lot more frustrations at the moment . He is still getting 15-20 possessions a game in a disfunctioning side.
  22. 1 > I feel the biggest issue last night was the fumbling which killed any momentum. 2 > Too much Get ball- get rid of ball 3> BOMBING !!!!! into Fwd line in AFL guarantees bounceback goals especially when everybody charges after the bombed ball => returns over and away they go 4> No just fix up Weids, Fritsch,( Both relatively inexperienced players.) Tracc leading patterns and get the midfielders to lower their eyes and identify them, rather than BOMBING. Lockett could not kick goals ( well maybe not as many) with how the ball is coming in. Surely professional coaches can teach young people how to lead. There are plenty of Video reviews of good player positioning themselves Make Dermy Head Coach, he is the onlt bloke in the world who thinks he could fix it in a week 5> Head bombers last night : Viney, Oliver and Jones. Brayshaw had a few cut off, but they were genuine passes rather than bombs. 6> Hore is Good Has heart !!! Lockart is still learning because he has heart . Still learning where to be !! Our Defence was pretty good last night considering the pressure they were under. Although I do worry when Frosty thinks !!!!
  23. No just fix up his leading patterns and get the midfielders to lower their eyes, rather than BOMBING. LOckett could not kick goals with how the ball is coming in. Our biggest problem is the delivery from the midfield !!!! Second biggest problem is the attack of fumbles last night ,just when they started to mve the ball Our Defence was pretty good last night considering the pressure they were under.
  24. Just as well we have Gus Brayshaw, some people were treading him out last year. He at ;east ;looks for a players when he has space. Two or three beautiful setup in the first hald last night.
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