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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. Bonkers


    So they only need to have an idea of what they're going to do with them if they're only going to use them this year??? Really....
  2. Bonkers


    Well the club has to decide in the next month & a half so I'd hope they have an idea.
  3. Bonkers


    The club doesn't have a recruitment manager ATM so pretty hard to ask that question.
  4. Bonkers


    Tend to agree with what you have stated above daisycutter. McLardy may have asked for people not to ask the questions, however we all know that every member in the room had the right to ask them.
  5. Bonkers


    Any mention of the Andrews report at all?
  6. Some great scores above from last year! Very Competitive. Pimp My Side 52691 avg 2206
  7. My point remains that he will never bulk up as other players will eg frawley. I would presume he already puts effort into diet & preparation seeing as he is a professional. As someone has already stated he has added 10kg in 4 years since beIng drafted, doesn't exactly look like he is bulking up tho does it. If you want more evidence go read through some exercise physiology/sports science books.
  8. It doesn't prove anything about Cale's application. I'm not a fan of Cale Morton but its not his fault that he can't put on muscle bulk. Some people are blessed with more fast twitch fibers than slow fibres which enables them to grow muscle bulk. Unfortunately for Cale he will never put substantial muscle bulk on, just muscle definition. It's like comparing a marathon runner to a 100m sprinter he just doesn't have the genes.
  9. Discussion of the boards performance is healthy, discussion of Jim's performance as president & part time FD is also healthy. What many have taken exception to is the discussion regarding whether Jim should be on the board or not. IMO he is the best thing that has happened to the club in a long time. He has the runs on the board & I would have thought that almost all members would be happy to let him make the decision on his future. There's special circumstances which we are all aware of, so as a club we should be supportive, respectful & trust his judgement. I think that is what he deserves from all of us. Others are free to form their own opinions, that's why we are all here. I think a few though have mis read & mis understood the stance some hold. Comparisons to religion etc are a bit of a stretch.
  10. Well said V.O.D. I find the discussion distasteful & also disrespectful. Jim has IMO earned the right to make his own judgement on his tenure as president.
  11. Your entitled to your opinion TimD but I have to say I couldn't disagree with you more. Cast your memory back to June 2008 & this club was on its knees again. The AFL told us that the club stood for nothing, we were 5-6mil in dept & the likelihood of survival IMO was pretty slim. It took a lot of balls for Jim to step up to the plate & put the club ahead of himself. Whilst Jim couldn't have achieved what he has without the people you speak of, would those people be doing the work they are without Jim putting them there to do that work? There is no way anyone else could have revolutionized this club to its current form the way Jim has. No other person would have had the ability to unite a club & get us all moving together in the one direction. No other person associated with the club had the vision, leadership & influence to right the sinking ship.
  12. I guess I'm obliged to defend my title! =)
  13. It would be great if the club could poach Stephen Wells from the cats. He has a great track record with picks from early & late in the draft. Hes also been great at spotting great footballing talent opposed to what you might call athletic types or project players.
  14. The mourning process for indigenous Australians is very complex & sometimes lenghty(sometimes upto 18 months). It can probably only be fully understood by a member of that community. Anyone making a judgement on whether Austin has enough heart is being unfairly judgmental IMO. Only Austin knows what his obligations are & some posters should seek to understand what he is going thru before forming an opinion.
  15. Probably, they are only size 3 or something similar. Not a full size sherrin.
  16. You make some valid points, but you lost me when you started talking about Jake's skills. I'm sure he has the physical attributes to be an AFL ruckman, mentally who knows if he has what it takes to push himself to get to a better level. Skills wise, I'm not sure if he will ever be blessed with good skills. Probably the biggest deficiency in his game is his kicking.
  17. A pretty good result considering his history of acl injury. I'd imagine he may be back in time for the start of the season if it's only the miniscus.
  18. From his highlights package he looks like he relishes the contest. If the club can get him to elite level fitness he could become a bit of a weapon.
  19. From your knowledge what is his tank like aerobically & also his repeat efforts throughout a game?
  20. Was just joking bud. I find putting the phone down works. Alternatively I've been told blowing a whistle into the phone for repeat offenders is another solution.
  21. More likely than collingwood supporters??
  22. If you would like to have a look at estimated supporter numbers have a look at the url listed below. We are currently the least supported club in Melbourne according to the Morgan research. http://www.roymorgan.com/news/press-releases/2011/1424/
  23. I tend to agree with what you are saying. Whilst I'm hopeful that the new coaches & FD setup will provide us with the results all supporters crave its a little early to be making such predictions/statements 3 weeks in to the new regime. Football clubs make money off giving fans hope, thats all it is at this time. I'm happy with the appointment of Misson & Craig they have runs on the board from previous positions, the coaching & player development is what I will be looking at 7-9 months from now.
  24. Off the top off my head we took on bentleigh clubs liability of around 1mil, the asset was valued around 9mil? That's off the top of my head. Someone feel free to correct me if they have the figures at hand.
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