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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. look what you started redleg
  2. steady on there sue, no-one is suggesting that (even if today's choice is so pathetic - lol) i was just struggling to see where corruption comes into it if the government convinced the acc to go public at this stage
  3. very unlikely i'd say
  4. just like Whush'n'Chups
  5. plenty of political governance here About the Australian Crime Commission. The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) is established under the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 as a statutory authority to combat serious and organised crime. We report directly to the Minister for Home Affairs and are part of the Attorney-General's portfolio. To ensure the appropriate management and accountability of our operations we are governed by the: ACC Board Minister for Home Affairs and Justice Inter-Governmental Committee on the ACC Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement
  6. what about kissing your ring. surely you would draw a line at that
  7. when is the afl going to return our computers?
  8. don't worry mjt, we'll just take out a 2nd mortgage on the mcg
  9. what about the size of the fight?
  10. political pressure to make an overview announcement doesn't amount to corruption
  11. the timing certainly smelled of political opportunism
  12. with apologies to the Scarlet Pimpernel They seek us here, they seek us there Those Inquisitors seek us everywhere Is Bailey in heaven or is he in hell? That damned elusive Tanking smell We meddle with Anderson's Evolution Tanking games each week Spoiling every lovely promotion La, what cheek! They seek us here, they seek us there Those Media Hacks seek us everywhere If you should see them tank, please do give a yell! That damned elusive Tanking smell They seek us here, they seek us there Haddad and Clothier seek us everywhere Oh, Cuddles, how the Inquisitors do implore you Simply to stay home in bed With all your interference It's a chore to chop your head! They seek us here, they seek us there The Inquisitors seek us everywhere! We give the Inquisitors nothing but frustration Sink me! We're such a spoilsport Each and every damned revelation We cut short They seek us here, they seek us there Those pesky Inquisitors seek us everywhere Is Schwabby in heaven or is he in hell? That damned elusive Tanking smell
  13. nuuuuuuuuuurse
  14. good for you. that's good Law 101 advice. I will join you (but only temporarily)
  15. thx KK. Don't know how it got past Google's spell checker
  16. you could always take up religion redleg.....lots happening....even lots of legal work...lol
  17. so its "they" now, not "us". freudian slip mjt? why don't you just post on the forum site of the club you support
  18. I would suggest it has got out of the AFL's league too - LOL and if internet forums aren't for opinions i don't know what is. last time i looked there was no pre-req to be a mensa member
  19. being "an accessory after the fact" or maybe "harboring" or "failure to report" bad humour to the AFL putting the integrity* of the game at risk * integrity=buzzword of the year
  20. and i wonder if someone who takes performance enhancing drugs is a pedarist?
  21. silks don't "settle" such matters mjt. they have Judges to do that. ....LOL
  22. not necessarily if the greek cypriot is no longer around
  23. hope his PhD is not on "the effects of peptides on AFL footballers and testing negative to wada test regimes" LOL
  24. all the new guys obviously. keen to see what the flash can do ongoing improvement of jones, howe, watt see if Chip and russian can restore their mojos clark to play more than half a season
  25. so od, will NJ become your new JB?
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