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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. -15 (phase II) Believe It Or Not: <drum roll> today we find out that there will be no phase III or phase IV
  2. Kero says Cuddles will get a suspended suspension - hahaha what a cracker of intelligent rubbish has no effing idea
  3. Kero actually let it slip that she was told the "unofficial" defence stuff came from a BOARD member (along with "everybody else" in the club) Strangely she didn't clarify if it was a current or previous board member Hard to believe a current board member would even talk to her She also said at one stage "do you want me to name names" and AMAZINGLY not one panellist said yes She is such a weasel
  4. my point is that you are presented assumptions as fact....so much so that you are prepared "to bet your bottom dollar"
  5. yeah i could forgive him for his disgusting insinuations if only he showed a modicum of remorse or contrition
  6. there you go again. good old kero logic. must be true then. time for schwab to step down surely
  7. must be the kool-ade around here
  8. maybe, but i wouldn't put my house on it
  9. exactly and seeing as how they copy all these type of rules from us pro sport they would have known all about "tanking" (whatever that means) and "list management" Oh and before i forget, "tanking" & list management existed before they brought in priority picks (admittedly to a lesser extent)
  10. cheapskate, buy yourself a decent remote control and join the losers party
  11. if you look top left you'll see smoke. someone's having a sneaky dart. wouldn't be you dee-luded would it?
  12. rucci backing off now and having an each-way bet?
  13. Dummy. BH is the tea-pot of course and BB is the other tea pot
  14. nah i'm the wabbit on the far right
  15. \ is that mjt hiding under the left end of the table?
  16. we all want it to be no
  17. well if kero says so you can bank on it friday also happens to be the last working day before the next afl commission meeting (mon 18th) which may or may not be significant
  18. well you most likely won't get answers.........statements, judgements maybe
  19. its all the stress ht....hope they don't take my licence off me
  20. are you flaming?
  21. what you are ignoring is that the age of the past is just that....the past they have noticeably changed to a more tabloid direction supposedly for economic survival reasons.....sad
  22. i like cuddles. get off his case billy
  23. Driving through wattle park shopping centre and noticed a flashing electronic sign saying "give way to peds". Couldn't work out if they were talking about drug dealers or Catholic priests
  24. pity the Hun didn't pick up the kero/mclardy story this morning. thought they'd go hard on the Rage
  25. -16 (phase II) Will Bob & Ben and all all the FlowerPot men's wet dreams come to a climax today?
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