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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. can you guys please just get a room ?
  2. should have had a lobotomy instead of a [censored] job
  3. not forgetting dead scribblers
  4. would love to have seen darren bennet kicking out from full back. would have been a sight to behold....alas
  5. surely, ds, just having the mighty demons in your midst is an extremely valuable community benefit ?
  6. gary glitter........turd.........dodgy? you a bit slow on the uptake, pd?
  7. i'd prefer gary glitter
  8. wines has apparently being water skiing (continuously) since he was 6 years old and is quite an accomplished water skier. He apparently had a freak foul-up with the rope and dislocated his shoulder which a local hospital popped back in. It was just bad luck by all reports and not a case of him doing something stupid or beyond his skills.
  9. donald trump would strongly disagree with this assertion, mono
  10. port are now saying 8-10 weeks.....fwiw
  11. and probably more
  12. hasn't had surgery yet. "It's believed he won't need a full shoulder reconstruction, but will have surgery to tighten the ligaments."
  13. should suit norf playing in hobart. they should get the wind game tactics down to an art
  14. maybe he was trying bare foot skiing. now that is dangerous. my fil used to do it a lot (quite a few years ago) and he got knocked about quite often due to the higher speeds involved.
  15. i did say let's look at where bb (t20) is another 10 years or so. like i said odi was hugely popular in its initial years too. made for tv stuff usually has a use by date. even big brother didn't last (thank god) LOL
  16. well the aflx teams aren't even based on city. seemingly no logic there in their team 'affiliations'. still think soo would be better than current choices. i also get the feeling bb is starting to wane. i now hear more complaints and disinterest than before. Will be interesting to see where bb (t20) is in another 10 years or so. Too many millionaire 2nd and 3rd rate cricketers playing bad cricket. I remember when ODI took off and what a revelation the 'short form' was and how popular. Now it's a mere shadow of itself. there are already new cricket formats (shorter than t20) being rolled out. cricket seems to be burning the candle at both ends and leaving both the worse off. if i was the afl i wouldn't be looking at cricket australia for inspiration. it's all just an opinion, macca, and i'm not against positive changes at all, but the afl don't seem to be making much of a fist with aflx and doing an even worse job trying to spin it. it reeks of over-reaching by over-paid afl executives who like to revel in the limelight
  17. well no-one is suggesting the sky is falling, macca and i did make a positive suggestion that it could have been differentiated by state of origin (even with marvel themed logos) instead of the nonsense teams they come up with i'm yet to meet many people young or old who are excited yet alone even slightly 'aroused'
  18. it may be typical afl misguided blundering, nc, but it really is just more of the afl bottom-line exploitation of anything. some might even call it virtue signalling. why they didn't just make it a state of origin i can't fathom - vic, sa, wa, rest
  19. tear up or tear up? or both?
  20. wow, he's nearly as fat as fatracca ?
  21. now we train the whole damn city down
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