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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. that's his other fantasy - pauline h.....
  2. it really boils down to impact to head being judged as medium before he hit the ground (not impact to chest/shoulder) it wasn't, he gets downgraded to a fine.....qed
  3. time to lawyer up.......but not richter, please
  4. i blame jack watts and hwfua
  5. Frees: Doggies 40 Aints 14 Umpiring is going to the dogs (no pun intended)......are you watching gil?
  6. i think he meant the two losses by the dees earlier on
  7. and very eloquently put
  8. too many interrupted pre seasons?
  9. fixed it for ya
  10. starring cop 3838 also known as ethanX
  11. well lets hope they update the tally figure on the web site more frequently
  12. dv-8........might depend on which model kodi you have and what version of android
  13. that you, picket?
  14. the "game" and the "product" are totally different things you don't fiddle the game to fix the product, nor vice-versa the product is things like seating, facilities, catering, media deals etc and these need constant improvement/innovation the game is ......obvious ..... and only needs change when players and coaches start to exploit the rules to the detriment of the game overall. change should be minimal and within the spirit of the game not the profit of the media barons nor the bonus incentives of afl execs
  15. bring back the garter
  16. "to the ultimate test" .........lol thank god they didn't
  17. yes, the drop off is quite large, macca one definite reason would be the reduction of games broadcast on fta (large shift percentage wise) another reason would be the terrible selection of teams/timeslot for fta. the carlton debacle turned many away beyond that i could only guess
  18. a couple of years ago i would have been 100% for a day GF. now I'm still for a day gf but probably about 80% so
  19. ah-ha, but don't forget the afl have their afl-X
  20. and let's face it, judging by the number of tests per player per year, it's just the afl paying lip service they made the decision a few years ago in haste under outside pressure and now they are unwillingly stuck with it they don't have any hard conviction over illicit drugs, they now just employ secrecy and spin and hope that with so few tests they can keep it under the radar, but it still bubbles along and occasionally threatens to erupt it's their redheaded step daughter
  21. strong rumour that a kodi plugin is being worked on. shouldn't be a major problem as kodi is android and they have now recently released other android plugins for some platforms
  22. like gil's comment "we will not be influenced by broadcasters".........yeah right
  23. cam mccarthy II ?
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