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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. lol - might cause some fanatics to want to revise some previous close grand finals and recalculate things like the coleman medal etc has got merit intellectually, but can't see it happening
  2. Party boys don’t fear the AFL’s illicit drugs policy, writes Jon Ralph
  3. i don't think that's true a bat/pad noise (or bat/ground) can be the same as a bat/ball noise. they are generally separated by the synchronising of the video with snicko as it is rare that both occur at exactly the same sub second (i.e. video frame) and of course cricket has hot spot to further clarify
  4. yes and no. I'm sure when a doctor examines a possible acl injury he/she doesn't ask the player for permission to tell the coach what his/her diagnosis was. So, somewhere there is a line drawn where he/she would ask for permission
  5. it's not just crowd noise, players close by will make noise and even hit/touch the goal posts........but we shall see. i hope they have better slo-mo cameras to synchronise with the audio as in cricket. the current camera frames per second (and resolution) wouldn't seem to be adequate
  6. with all the other surrounding noises, good luck with that one bound to be contentious a controversial, but i think contrived conflict is the latest media trope and let's face it the media run the afl now
  7. and let's not forget all the drama of cam mccarthy standing out for a year to get to the wanchors only to fizzle on the field since
  8. vale ian and condolences to family will be long remembered and revered for his contributions to the mfc legend
  9. you mean his mates have mental health problems too?
  10. on first reading there i thought you said "Gil featured wearing", then my senses clicked in.....phew
  11. so what is he? web search has come up with 176cm, 177cm, 180cm and 183cm. is he rubber-man?
  12. i thought it was a play on drinking own bathwater (with the donkey laughing)
  13. maximus and gus next would make sense, to keep the midfield together
  14. it's not a new 2019 rule.....just a one off crap interpretation it hinged mainly around high contact, medium impact medium impact has meant an injury (concussion etc) or could not play on.....but not in this case....go figure
  15. yes, his only sin was positioning himself maybe a few cm too high so he just clipped the chin (or neck, doesn't matter which as still above the shoulder) but the contact to that was minimal as described before. so for that minor detail he should have got a reprimand and fine, methinks if we are going to appeal next time then we need to go in with some big guns and a better rehearsed story
  16. well if it is "almost none" why bring it up, and that was not motion after the handball if you want to talk momentum then it was all with berry
  17. May did not have momentum, dv8. Watch the video (carefully) on the mfc site. It is taken from behind berry as he approaches may. Berry moves very slightly to his right to deliver his hand ball, May, at that point takes a half step in same direction and props, so from the time of handball till collision he is motionless (ie no momentum). at the last nano second he does lean forward into the collision but his feet don't move forward. The only other movement he makes after the handball is to turn his body sidewards (from being front on) but that is not momentum berry has all the advantage of momentum but fails to turn his body (presumably through lack of awareness)
  18. you forget to mention the garlic, ethan?
  19. i agree. a collision was pretty well unavoidable. there was less than a second (second tops) from handball to collision. may was stationary and front on. berry was in motion. at that point may was vulnerable and had just enough time to turn defensively side on (keeping his elbow in and arm against body). by the laws of physics berry had tghe upperhand because he had motion and may didn't. again at that point berry if he was aware, which he wasn't) could have also turned side ways for a shoulder to shoulder collision where his motion would have been an advantage. at the very last may did push forward as anyone with any brains would have done, because he was standing motionless and he was not to know until the last nano-second that berry did not brace, but by then may was committed to his self protective stance. so no, i don't concede may was guilty of carelessness. i contend the impact was inevitable and one player failed to take a defensive stance. this is not a criticism of berry, just explaining what happened additionally from replays the ball at contact time was about 5m away so "in play" additionally the impact to his chin was at the lower end. most of the impact was taken on the chest. to emphasise that check berry as he goes from vertical to on his back on the ground. At all times his head stays in straight line with his torso i.e. there was no backwards whiplash of his head with respect to his body/spine so, collision realistically inevitable, not careless and impact to head low. I don't tink the defence did a very thorough job.
  20. you forgot the bit about it not being a good look - lol but apparently mummies round arm to the head wasn't......go figure
  21. your "I❤️love the MRP" poster and lapel button are in the mail........
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