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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. on my brekky tomorrow along with the mandatory sliced banana, i'm going to add a few bottled cherries ... on the top
  2. even the media occasionally make mistakes, webber 😮
  3. don't suppose there is any chance using pick 11 + 42 (+ maybe a fp) to get an upgrade on 11?
  4. and now for some good uplifting news ... on saturday bombers celebrate a 7000 day milestone since they last won a final congrats to essendon, well played
  5. i wouldn't know ... never been there the idea of a 24/7/365 talkback radio show mainly devoted to afl and hutchenomics is enough to stay clear
  6. politics is dead ... it's all ideology now there is no middle ground nor mix'n'match
  7. another day ... culture wars ... more fugazi ... and ... now we have been exiled to the gulags ☹️
  8. i think this thread should renamed "the learnings" 👍
  9. that bit of alfoil at the start looks a bit suss 😮
  10. most bowlers forget how to bowl in odis not that they get much out of the pitch though
  11. definitely one for his feather collection
  12. i'd at least expect it on the mfc site, od like i said i was just wondering if it was misinformation. the web is full of it.
  13. just looking around the afl and mfc web sites don't have the goody rescue story this is really odd. almost like it didn't happen just did a search on abc (all sites) and it's not there either what's going on
  14. i notice the nrl-w play at the same time as the men. they do have less teams and a shorter season though ... just saying
  15. katrina, i understand your points and frustrations. ignore those who complain of the standard of skills and comparisons to the men. these are just trolls personally i think the development has been rapid and impressive. i know it's somewhat hackneyed but it's going to take time to get all the pieces in sync and follow a development process, but a process must be followed to be resilient and not fall flat in its face. There is SO much to do and money IS a big part of it and i don't just mean salaries. enjoy the ride (i am 😃) ... and keep pushing
  16. goody getting minimal coverage in media. nothing on 9 news for example. i wonder if it was any other afl coach ....
  17. absolutely still in a better place (potential wise) than say, the netball girls.
  18. at this stage of the aflw development i see it still as a semi-professional sport i don't think it will be too long before it is fully professional with a livable salary how quick this takes depends on further development and of course monetisation
  19. i should have added, wcw that i think the aflw will get there, i certainly hope so. but it is going to take time, maybe a lot more time than many eager beavers would hope on the bright side though, the progress on skills has been great and to many punters exceeded their expectations.
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