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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. if you can't see it's a false bid when (if) JV is not the top draft pick then I can't help you
  2. Geez old dee we thought you must have emigrated its been so long looks like you may be back just in time for your mate jamie to get a callup
  3. are you serious nasher? edit: because it is an obvious false bid
  4. Ummmmm, think your sarcasm monitor needs a new battery Jack
  5. Exactly, more hypocrisy And I would have thought that e.g. GWS nominating JV in the FS draft if he wasn't a no. 1 prospect and they preferred another could be seen as draft tampering also. Doing a deal with GWS just to bid "honestly" is hardly draft tampering Show some balls MFC and threaten AFL with court action (won't happen of course)
  6. Unfortunately they won't......but the VFL tribunal will
  7. Forget assist, this man is a one-man football department Sack the lot, offer him whatever he wants and all the pies he can eat
  8. 1000BC I don't think so. I don't think history is your strong suite.
  9. Give all prospects a football IQ test Reject anyone below 50 We must increase the team average football IQ currently running < 50
  10. 174 point turnaround from last year Let's hope the seniors can do as well (or even better)
  11. well it seems they back-flipped twice in the week originally they were going to extend his contract then backflip 1: they (some) were considering not extending then backflip 2: they extended his contract so, if they (some) were not supportive of CS it seems it was only for a matter of days - hardly a watergate situation there
  12. I find it strange that some would blame the board the board don't run the club, that's the responsibility of the CEO and his team the board appoint the CEO and provide oversight You can criticize the board's oversight performance in this issue but not for being the cause of the 'problem'.
  13. Well yeah it was obvious the team wasn't performing on the field, but was the reason just bad coaching or was there some other "unrest" or unfinished issues with the players or FD?
  14. A good article in so far as providing a narrative for those few turbulent weeks However it doesn't really address the reasons WHY the club got to such a dysfunctional mess a week before 186 I guess we will all have our speculations as to why and how it came about and who to blame but like all such situations we will never know all the facts and reasons. Much of the club has now been rebuilt and expanded and we can only hope that each department now focuses 100% on their specific job It's been said before and sounds like motherhood but we just have to give it time to settle in and have faith they get it right this time.....what other choice is there?
  15. have you seen english teachers lately ddm? they are the problem.
  16. I think Dr Fraud's time on planet Demonland is drawing to a close Maybe he should take his defective non-commissioned Tardis (very non-circa 2012) to Big Footy where he can proselytize to the kiddies
  17. and 23 games (8 + 15) + 2 byes in a 23 week season is quite an accomplishment
  18. Yeah I'm with you. Was listening to the tv broadcast last week and one of the commentators said player x was playing the quarterback role. WTF there is no such thing as the quarterback role in AFL and there is no AFL role that remotely resembles the NFL quarterback role Sheeesh
  19. 100% agree with this. Onya bike sunshine!
  20. Whether it was salary correlated would depend on whether the return on investment was within normal commercial values commensurate with the risk undertaken....or, whether Juddy was to receive a large windfall return for little risk. Nothing so far has been indicated either way
  21. but don't stand anywhere near the race unless you like getting drenched in spit when the visiting team use the race
  22. Send it off to Toddy .....(as long as DW approves of course!)
  23. Trolls Viruses, Bots, Spammers etc Lara Bingle
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