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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. Garbage. I have not flip flopped on Jackson. He will find a well run club whether it is well run or not. I'm giving Neeld the benefit of time to prove he can do it rather than canning him now as you have done. I'm not backing or condemning him as yet. If that's too complicated for you big guy then so be it. I have no need to squib from you you're a light weight forum bully, at least Ben Hur talks some semblence of sense through his vitriol and displeasure.
  2. Like Rhino you don't see what I' m saying
  3. I haven't flip flopped on Jackson. I simply told you what he will "find" And I'll say it again he'll find a well run club. I'm not backing Neeld in that I'll be happy to see him go if he can't improve the club.. I'm just giving him the required time to prove himself rather than screaming he's failed before he's half way there.
  4. What people seem to forget regarding the mature age players Neeld bought in is he did it to help the young players he recruited. In the senior players he moved on he saw a bunch of players who didn't understand or know what it took to win a Premiership. In Byrnes, Dawes and to a lesser extent Gillies and Rodan he saw guides. He didn't see stars to improve us this year. He saw players to help around the club and help transform our club into a Premiership possibility. Looking at his recruits this year I'd say he's done a good job of transforming our playing group.
  5. Lets hope Rhino and his minnions read this and take a step back from attacking Neeld and the club
  6. You've taken to scrawling your dribble with a vegance since you were turfed as a mod We had carltons measure in many aspects of that game. You are in the minority with your views on Sunday
  7. If we recruit Armfield I'm never buying a membership again
  8. I know, I'm not an idiot just because I back Neeld. I know how it will work
  9. And I maintain had we had 3 class players we would of really troubled them. No it was predominantly Neeld's plan but thanks for disagreeing I never said I thought we were well run. I just told you what Peter Jackson will say.
  10. Convenient out in your Malthouse claim but rubbish none the less. We were 3 class players short of troubling the Blues yesterday. I can't help it that you can'y see that. Game plan flawed. The guy's plans at Collingwood are credited with a flag. Its time you realised it's the players not the coach.
  11. At the end of 2011 did you expect the likes of Morton, Bennel, Cook, Gysberts, Moloney, Petterd, Jurrah and Wonaeanirri to steer us up the ladder? And you call others delusional
  12. Are you saying Carlton hadn't already sounded out Malthouse. i love they way you dress up your statements as facts. You still won't tell us how you know the players haven't bought in. The team has taken a step backward because we have introduced a wave of new young players and we are instilling a new game plan.I maintain that we are steadily improving. I thought there were numerous good signs against carlton although I'm as disappointed as you at the result and the seeming inevitability of it. You add Dawes, Clark, Watts, Hogan and some decent midfield draftees, coax a gun mid from elsewhere, Toumpas and another season and preseason and I'd expect substantial improvement.from this list. A list that by then would be heavily loaded with Neeld selections, trained to play his way.with an AFL standard of fitness.
  13. OUT: Rodan, Gillies, Pedersen, Byrnes, Nicholson, Mckenzie, Davey, Davis, Bail, Jamar(traded)
  14. Gillies, Rodan, Pedersen will be gone at years end Poor draft picks but didn't cost us anything
  15. OUT: Grimes, Spencer IN: Dawes, Toumpas
  16. We made 5 changes today and played a team with twice as many games average experience We were without our Clark, Dawes and Watts. We have Trengove unable to run, What is wrong I do not know Grimes goes off in the first quarter We played the 2 least experienced ruckman in the league For all that we chased, harassed, fought, put our heads over the ball and didn't take a backward step. You take that effort and intensity, add 25 games experience, 2 first class mids (plus Toumpas), Clark, Dawes and Watts(no a huge help but a help non the less) and things will start to turn around. We are nowhere near as far away as people think. ,
  17. Agreed the Pesident should go, I've been calling for him and Schwab to go for 18 months. Jackson will suggest minor changes and help us find an AFL endorsed CEO. The club is not the basket case you all suggest.
  18. I don't back losers and I haven't backed Neeld. My point to you is that he's being unfairly blamed for all the teams woes. I'm a believer that substantial change of the kind Neeld is undertaking takes time. The club should back him until the end of the year. Changing coaches now will achieve nothing. He cannot be held responsible for years of poor recruiting and development. I'd suggest that plenty of the players are improving and that will become clearer when the side starts winning which will happen
  19. RubbishHe'll find a well run club that can't win games of football. To suggest we're a total rabble is ridiculous. Our President needs to resign but we have competent people at all levels of the club. Only minor changes will be suggested.
  20. Your point regarding the supplement program is yet to be proved.We have seen improvement in more players than just Jones. It would be very risky for the club to move him on now unless they had some idea of who would be available. Your main point remains that he has lost the players. This is just plain rubbish and if you're going to spout offer up your source. You've backed him to fail I'm backing him to succeed. Time will tell.
  21. He will last the season and next if we can't lure a respected Premiership coach to the club. Let's just run through the issues outside of his control since he arrived. Jim Stynes death Tanking debacle Racist slur Senior players not prepared to work to elite AFL standards and cracking hissy fits.(Interesting that Nate Jones has bought in and gone to the next level) Sacking of CEO Drug scandal unprecedented media slagging of all things Melbourne Now I'm sorry if you disagree but that's a hell of alot for an experienced coach to handle let alone a rookie. He, Mission and Craig are turning the FD into a professionally run unit with standards not yet seen at this club. He has a young list, a non existent midfield, his premier forward has been predominantly injured and an influx of new players but of course RR it's all his fault we're not winning games. If the club was performing this badly under Paul Roos would you be calling for his head to?
  22. Answer my questions or don't bother replyingYou're a broken record Our problems are not Neelds making, this will become cleare as the season progresses
  23. We are rubbish week to week due to not having a midfield, we have a relatively new list and its young.Explain what you mean by losing the players and how that plays out Cue: RR running around dribbling and waving his arms in the air. You're an imbecile tarted up as a forum bully,
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