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Everything posted by george_on_the_outer

  1. Exactly, and while I don't know the list situation at Casey, perhaps with Lockhart now a Melbourne rookie, it leaves space for them to pick up a "project" ruckman.....who was that one from Vermont who played in the game last week? Perhaps KC or Drunkn can fill us in?
  2. While nothing was as good as Hogan's heroes, especially when someone fails at the speccie and lands on their head.....I witnessed a really intriguing event while at the local ice hockey game in Revelstoke, Canada. As a fund raiser during the 1/3 time break while they re-ice the rink they drive a golf cart around the ice. On top of the golf cart is a large bucket. Before and during the game you can buy 3 frisbees for $5 , each marked with a number that is assigned to you. If you can get your frisbee into the bucket you get 1/2 of the nights takings from frisbee sales. It was amazing to see thousands of frisbees hurled into the arena, with a couple of successes to share the prize pool. Can you imagine the same at the MCG? Might be a little harder to clean up than the 1/2 dozen kids with huge brooms at the ice-rink were able to do...... but a real earner for that local club.....
  3. Volume was well down as well Andy. Had the computer levels at 100% to be able to hear properly.
  4. No they don’t...they have to be somewhere between the forward and back 50m line. If a team wants to play an extra back then It has already been calculated it will take 2 seconds to get a “winger” into that position. It is shorter than the time for an unrestricted bounce,tap and kick into the forward line. I am sure the coaches are already looking at the percentage of times a game that happens, and whether it is more worthwhile leaving the opposition winger un- marked. And both coaches will be doing the same thing.
  5. Should never have been a report. Ran into the back of the Brisbane player. No strike at all. Vision at 3.12 in the attached vidio to this article here: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2019-02-19/dees-coach-goes-extra-mile-to-connect-with-his-players
  6. Ran past the ball and collected in the head, even if incidental. Should be a week.
  7. Yes, I am well aware of the MCC's support. The point is that the level of support is totally insufficient for what football brings to the MCC. If Geelong play at home, with a crowd of 30K, they pocket about $1M per game. We don't get all the gate receipts from the MCC members and their guests, nor anything from the advertising, nor the parking fees at the ground. It should not be expected that the MCC members have to double dip to keep the MFC viable, when the MCC is doing so well from football. The last time I looked the MCC had 25K MFC supporters. IF the MCC gives $1M to the MFC each year, it represents a paltry $40 for each supporter. Does that seem remotely fair, especially since we play a dozen matches at the MCG each year. If the MCC provided the $219 for MCC/MFC membership, instead of the members themselves, they would be giving the MFC $5M each year.
  8. How many of the MCC members would remain if they could only access the cricket with their membership? I'm sure the waiting list would collapse. The truth is the MCC is dependant upon football for their revenue, and they take from the football clubs who play at the MCG to their benefit, which means other clubs as well as Melbourne ( who currently have the biggest affiliation in the MCC). Those who are already MCC/MFC effectively make a donation. I think the MCC currently provides some support to the MFC, but it is totally inadequate for what the MCC gain in gate receipts/membership of the MCC/ ground advertising during football season. How to convince the MCC to contribute a just amount, rather than just those passionate MCC/MFC members alone? Or to provide names of MFC supporters in the MCC, to increase MFC membership numbers, to appear more attractive to sponsors. Trouble is if the MCC were to do this then all the other clubs would be looking for the same, which would really challenge the future of the MCC.
  9. I’m with Peter Gordon on this one: https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/aflx-shouldn-t-be-played-during-women-s-season-if-at-all-gordon-20190214-p50xq7.html All the money being wasted or rather gambled on this meaningless competition, while the Women are tossed crumbs.
  10. Trouble with all that era of Jags was that the huge lump of iron at the front could get the cars up to really high speeds, but the brakes were from the same era...totally inadequate for the momentum that had been developed. They could never take a corner at speed, and usually suffered severe brake fade after a couple of applications. I’m sure that has all been rectified today, but all I care is that whoever owns Jaguar is paying us loads of money to keep our football club competitive. I certainly don’t want to be in Port or St.Kildas situation hoping that chocolate milk producers are going to fork out anything substantial in sponsorship.
  11. Easy......subscribe to the site, take out a membership, help Andy cover his costs............and they disappear!!!!
  12. Not sure Jones will be available R1. Just doing boxing at training prior to Maroochydore, and the video seemed to indicate more of the same up there. No running is not a good sign this close to season start. Still, we have plenty of options to fill the gap.....
  13. Flu...... Apart from the ridiculous notion that Clubs would not be insisting on flu shots for every player ( easy for Essendope!)...there is always the annual knee flu, shoulder flu, leg flu that Clubs insist players are suffering.
  14. I hope we can get as much support for our proposed facilities, from the Federal government ($15M) matched by the State government (another $15M) as the Lions are getting: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2019-01-30/lions-secure-final-15m-of-funding-for-new-training-aflw-base
  15. When 666 is used the "wingman" only has to be at the intersection of the square and the 50m arc. On most grounds that is less than 20 metres away from the CHB position, so it will take about 2 seconds to reach that point. The opposition will be doing the same thing, so it is unlikely to have a spare opposition player on the wing..if they do, then he will be covered by the player coming off the HFF line...it is the same distance to cover. The rule only applies to centre bounces from the time the ball is bounced to when the ruckman taps it. ....2 seconds? That is why it will NOT apply for 99.9% of the game.
  16. If he has popped the shoulder, some sort of damage has been done. Scans today should determine exactly what. News report last night showed him running around without any strapping. But then G.Ablett was shown doing exactly the same 2 years ago when at the Suns. Trouble was he couldn't lift his arm above shoulder height for another 6 months. Clubs don't want the fans to lose hope before the season even starts. He would be a huge loss to them if the prognosis isn't good.
  17. 666 positioning will have NO effect on the game. It happens only at centre bounces, and it has been already estimated that the winger can reach the CHB position within seconds of the ball being bounced ( not when it is first taken possession). Clubs will still be able to stack the backline during the remaining 99.9% of the game. If the AFL wanted to make a serious effort it would have instituted 666 for the whole game.
  18. Up to 33,226 today ( 21 Jan). From this point last year we added about 15K to end of Season. So we are looking at close to 50K at that rate.
  19. Seems that Adelaide have been fudging the figures according to Cornes: https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2019-membership-numbers-kane-cornes-accuses-adelaide-of-providing-misleading-numbers/news-story/bb12219519d2e60c9780c377b6045f74?nk=a3f3f69eceec23e1e3bffc463ac32d51-1547723303
  20. A new one: And an old one, but history keeps repeating itself:
  21. Not all it is cracked up to be. The delivery services do not make money. The company makes it from the software they sell to merchants to use their product. And not a usable product when the businesses get big. Will fail eventually.
  22. Sitting in a beachside cafe after a long walk on the Chrissy break, wearing a Demons cap to avoid the blistering sun. Passer-by chimes in with "go dees". My wife, who has little interest in football turns to me and says " It's just like a secret handshake with your mob isn't it?"
  23. There was something dodgy about St.Kilda's numbers last year. All season we had a tally 1 or 2 thousand more than them, and then suddenly in July ( yes July!), they found another 4 thousand members. They went from 42,605 in June to 46301 in 4 weeks.
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