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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. As MFC supporters we crave success.........we bleat about not having a flag since 64, bemoan the fact that our facilities are not up to scratch, and that in general we are treated as 2nd rate AFL citizens. The simple fact of the matter is "nothing changes if nothing changes!" Gardner is implementing change, and it's pretty important that as supporters we don't get scared of that! We talk of a winning culture, and a culture that demands success.............we can't get upset when a board makes tough decisions in striving for for that success! leucopogon.......your letter to Paul Gardner was right on the money. And as Daniher said, it is a great club, and all supporters need to get behind the club moving forward!
  2. Well done Godders...........a great achievement from a true demon! Have a great game!
  3. Surely you jest! We picked him up in the 2003 draft.........the following players are having breakout seasons this year, and were picked up 1-2 years earlier than Johnson. 2002 Draft Hamish McIntosh Jason Winderlich Daniel Bell Tim Boyle 2001 Draft Graham Polak Has definitely shown enough to persist with, and I expect he will see more game time now before the end of the year. All players adjust at different speeds......to delist him would be ridiculous!
  4. I think it was Mark Doran staying earlier on SEN that 55% of caretaker coaches end up with the job at the end of the season they take over. (such as Roos, Rhode, Craig etc) If he goes through the review process, and is the best candidate, then good luck to him!
  5. I'm not sure Thomas would be a great option as coach.........but I'm sure I have heard him say before that he wouldn't coach anywhere else, and that his heart lies with the Saints. I can't see Riewoldt leaving the Saints either.
  6. I went for Guy McKenna based on absolutely nothing at all! I've got no idea who is going to best coach the club. My gut feel is that without any previous experience in any coaching capacity, Voss is just too risky!
  7. Well everyone knows Smorgan.......he was everywhere when they swapped over from Rhode to Eade. We have just seen the Freo president Rick Hart all over Chris Connolly like a rash in the media. Port have been successful recently, as have the Crows, but if they were floundering, I'm sure their leaders would be out in the media more, and being pursued by the media more over the status of the coach etc. 3 weeks ago, it wasn't all roses.....we were 0-9.......we got players back, and won 2 games and looked good. We come out after a break and get flogged by the bottom team.
  8. That might have something to do with all 3 clubs having won flags over the past 5 years! No need to fix things that aren't broken!!!!! Daniher has had absolute autonomy to run the football dept for a long time, and to "get on with it!" If there was a premiership in the mix, this wouldn't even be a topic!
  9. As stated earlier, any change in coach is going to have some turmoil / fallout........espcially after the coach has been at a club for so long. I don't think the club could have handled things any better.............and after hearing the press conference on SEN today from Gardner and Harris, I am pretty positive about the direction going forward. Regardless of what people think about the goings on this week, we do have some very savvy, and professional people running the club at present. I'm rather "bullish" about the future!
  10. How the hell can you call Riley a "spud"......you would have no idea about his coaching credentials, his role within the footy dept, his relationship with players, or how much control Daniher had on decisions, and what input Riley had. They just had Brad Wirra who has played under Riley at Claremont on SEN earlier and he said he was a fantastic coach! Give the guy a break!
  11. Times have changed since Balme was coach, as has the thought process of coaches leaving or finishing up mid season. Danny Frawley says in hindsight that he should have left immediately when he was finishing at Richmond. Finishing up early is the right decision for all parties. What is Daniher sticking around for another 9 weeks going to prove? Nothing! Franga......stupid comments to have a crack at Daniher over this! So far off the mark it's not funny!
  12. Spot on! This emotion is for the coach who is leaving.........get ready for the uproar when some very tough calls are going to have to be made on some players!
  13. I don't agree! (and clearly none of us really know) Gardner has always supported Daniher. I think he has a lot more respect for the guy than to just tell him it was going to be tough for him to keep his job. My take on it, which is based on nothing, is that Danners was told there was going to be a rigorous review of all sections of the football dept, and he decided that he wasn't ready to jump through those hoops. Let's not forget his interview on Footy Classified a few weeks ago..........he was hardly committing himself to staying on as coach for 2008, or saying he was desperate to stay on as coach.
  14. He has been a class act all the way through, and has definitely breathed red and blue throughout his time at the club. It's sad to see him go.......even though I believe it's the right time (based on my expert opinion!) :D He has certainly taken us on a very enjoyable journey over the last 10 years........some great highs, and a few lows as well! The Carlton final in 2000........that was something special!
  15. Quite clearly On the Demon bandwagon you found last weeks effort to be acceptable. The football dept has the microscope turned onto it for one reason alone........performance! Mark Thompson went through a similar review with the Cats last year, and worked through it. Danners chose not to, and decided to move on. Gardner has done nothing more than be an administrator looking to improve the performance of the club. To blame him for lying, or acting maliciously is just ridiculous! Gardner didn't sack Daniher.......he simply called for a review of the football dept in preparation for next year........shrewd business management IMO! He definitely hasn't been treated like a piece of dirt. That is just garbage! He wasn't knifed in the back, summoned before the board and sacked, or had his future leaked to the media first. A review into job and department performance is no more or less than anyone has to go through in a normal job. I have been a big fan of Danners over the years.......he has been great for the MFC, and the club great for him. There are no losers from this situation. I feel a touch of sadness he will be going, but it simply makes sense.....now is the right time........we need change!
  16. This is just psycho to come out with a comment like this at the moment. Gag the players........no good is going to come out of this. There are 100 reasons why they should come out and give it their all week in, week out, and play to the best of their abilities. They are cheating themselves and their mates in the first instance if they don't! Token efforts to play for the coach is garbage. If you give a stuff about the blokes you run out onto the ground with each week, then start playing for them, because a number of them won't be there next year!
  17. Where has he stirred up a drama? The football department is being reviewed. This kind of thing happens in professional business all the time. Perhaps a bloody sacking would suit you more, or perhaps you would prefer the club to sit on its hands and just look to the sky for assistance? A review is right on the money IMO. Season has passed us by...........planning for next year is exactly what we should be doing. I like Danners........I hope he can get over this hurdle and remain coach.........but if it's deemed he is not the future, then let's get on with the job of winning a premiership!
  18. Word of mouth from a fellow Demon supporter.......thanks dees64 !
  19. Spot on! Supporters cry when nothing is done, and cry when when something is done! It's the review we had to have..........no one in the football department should be suprised, or even annoyed about it. It would be negligent of the club not to review the current situation, and determine the best way to move forward, whether that be with or without Daniher.
  20. So who is to blame for the list the way it is? Who is accountable for that? There isn't a quick fix......you're right......it's not a "sack the coach fix the problem" but the footy dept needs a complete review, and a process out in place to make sure what needs to be done is done! We already know Daniher has the final call on which players play every week........does that also mean he has the final say on all football dept issues? Perhaps we have another Grant Thomas situation on our hands......too much control by one person. Whatever the case, it needs to be reviewed and sorted out, because I for one don't want to keep turning up and watching slop each week.
  21. They didn't ask him directly if he would coach the MFC if the job came up.
  22. The season is completely derailed! You don't get flogged by the bottom team if your on track. It's not unfair on Neale at all............if he cannot get enough spark out of the group to get up for a Friday night game, after having had the pathetic season we have had to date, then unfortunately he and the group deserve the scrutiny. It's definitely not unfair to members...........what's unfair is watching dispirited, weak and unaccountable football this season.
  23. Too early for Voss IMO.........you don't just walk into AFL coaching roles without putting in the hard yards.........and good luck getting total respect from players you played against not too long ago!
  24. Better to get the review done early, so if the decision ends up being that ND isn't right going forward, we can get on with it. It will also test ND's resolve, and whether he truly wants to coach next year. If he does, he will jump through the hoops. Interesting times ahead!
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