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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. A quick move to snap Sheedy up clearly isn't on the cards.......the process continues..... http://melbournefc.com.au/Season2007/News/...px?newsId=48625
  2. And Matthew Allen, Richard Cole, and Justin Murphy.
  3. Don't quite agree with everything you have said there Bluey, but you do make some reasonable points. Agree he has made a few diabolical trade / drafting decisions. I don't see him as a self serving sort of bloke......I think most of what he has done is pretty genuine and he has done it because of a love for the game, and also the Bombers. The tough thing in all this is can he still coach? That's what I'm most concerned with. If the Bombers miss the September action this year, that's 3 years in a row. Is he losing his magic?
  4. Absolutely agree! The lure of Sheedy the marketer cannot come before that of the quality of his coaching. (Yes I know 4 premierships, the last one 7 years ago...almost as long as we had Danners!) The right person for the job is the best coach...........good marketing comes from winning......sponsors are attracted to winning, and and the club makes money when we win! There is no magic pill for success.......don't be fooled into thinking Sheedy is our winning lotto ticket! I laugh when I read earlier that we need to be bold and the club is too conservative.......... that goes for our supporters as well! Gardner comes out and is opinionated on a range of issues, and he is shot down by supporters with a message "Be seen and not heard Paul!" I hear Patrick Smith absolutely pay out the club on SEN radio the other morning, and paint us out to be the basket case of the AFL......and not one supporter rings up to remonstrate! If we get Sheeds, and come the middle of the 2008 season we are 2-10, all the media / marketing / promotion guile he has isn't going to do a thing. And the only thing that will change for supporters is who we direct our vitriol at when the gamble hasn't worked. Hawthorn, St.Kilda, Port Adelaide, Kangaroos, Geelong haven't taken the easy road in turning their fortunes around... they haven't had one "Kevin Sheedy magic man"come in and fix everything.....they have put in the hard yards, and through smart coaching / recruiting / marketing / management have turned their fortunes around, all to varying degrees, and through varied processes. For the MFC, now is not the time for blind faith, and decisions made on a whim, or based on emotion..........it's the time for sensible, critical, and considered decision making. We need the best coach.....if it's Sheeds.........then the party is on at my place! If not, let's get behind who the club selects, and get on with winning games of footy......this losing business f**king SUCKS!
  5. I hope Danners gets the Freo job, and not the Bombers job. I think he would struggle with the Bombers list, particularly with their poor midfield, whereas I think he could get the Dockers up and playing exciting footy as they have the talent. I wouldn't like to see him go to a club and struggle.........good luck Neale!
  6. Is Grant Thomas being spoken to ?
  7. Wow. It just seems that CEO's and boards of the MFC continue to fight the impossible battle don't they?
  8. Agree wholeheartedly!
  9. Good luck dominating with the midfield the Bombers have!
  10. The prospect is exciting isn't it. But will the reality be? This is why we need a "process!" Stupid decisions are made on emotion and gut feel.
  11. I have a framed signed Kouta jumper I picked up at a silent auction about 7 years ago for $100.......the frame itself is worth more than that. Will it go up in price now he has retired?
  12. I don't know how you can say he enjoys seeing his face on TV.......we very rarely see him on TV! He comes across more as a person who prefers to be out of the limelight than in it.
  13. We need to be careful we don't fall for the lure of simply Sheeds the promoter, and that his primary role is to get the team back up and playing winning football. If he can't do that, the media will be all over him for the wrong reasons, and he may be just a lead weight around the clubs neck. And if it turns pear shaped, and he can't turn the team around, we will look like the idiots for hiring a coach past his use by date. The Essendon board, as much as we like to believe it, aren't stupid, and would have sound reasons behind the scenes as to why they are letting him go. I personally think he is getting everything he can out of the Bombers at the minute, and think he can make a big difference to how our team plays. But then again, I think someone like McKenna, or Longmire could as well. It's a very tough call. With all this pro-Sheedy support at the minute, just remember if we do get him, and it doesn't work, don't go blaming the club for taking the punt!
  14. It may have a little bit to do with respect. You don't have to like the players, and I don't have a problem with players getting criticised where it's warranted, but to can those two blokes like that is rubbish. They deserve better..........they have been very good players, and don't deserve crap like that.
  15. Stromberg.....come on.......at least show an ounce of respect! Saying that about two bloody good servants of the club is uncalled for. Tuck your head in you drip!
  16. Agree......I think he made the right choice as well, and it sounds like he took Lethals advice not to rush into it.
  17. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet he won't be a senior coach anywhere next year.
  18. He will get his chance, and he will play his 200th. I don't have a problem with the club sending a message to the players that his actions were completely unacceptable. He has no one to blame but himself.
  19. McDonald for me.........does this bloke ever not turn up to play? There are a lot of players on our list who could learn a hell of a lot from James McDonald!
  20. As much as the media paint our club to be a basket case (in particular Patrick Smith) I have to say I am pretty positive going forward. On field we are a rabble, but we all know how quickly things can turn around, and the introduction of a new coach with a fresh set of eyes and ideas does excite me and makes me optimistic for 2008. I am also looking forward to seeing Neita play 300 games, and hope the club celebrates the milestone in a manner befitting the champion player that Neitz is.
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