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Everything posted by Damo

  1. Any one know if final sides have been announced?
  2. I still hope Petracca plays well. We just dont give the ANB JKH types who try hard and follow instruction (generally) the latitude that "talented" players who screw up get.
  3. ?????? I cant believe how many people forgive and accept Petracca's faults. He is uncoachable. He cannot concentrate. He NEVER comes through when the going is tough,although trying hard, he is stupid and trying to do too much. He falls immediately to old bad habits.
  4. One of the worst aspects is my naive belief that Demon supporters didnt boo Goodesy. Yet here is the pudding.
  5. And they are all acting so comfortably with it! I suspect they are having a very good time! Throw the book at her.
  6. A large Victorian club had a screening earlier this week. All employees attended. At the end everyone felt very bad. Someone I know and respect was there. The person was almost in tears as he told the story. At the end the president stood up to speak and I was told every single person thought that he, like the silent hundreds in the room, should own the hurt and bigotry shown to Adam Goodes and show remorse. The person there said the president did not "own it". He made excuses. Thats what hurt him as he thought if this does not change Australian attitudes, nothing will. Ive never seen my friend quite so upset to be honest.
  7. Is she related to Laurie Mithen? i had always assumed so and I had also assumed that our team had a few female relatives that we had given extra chances to because thats what many of the AFLW teams do. EDIT Below She is from Geelong She was drafted Her Grandfathers cousin was Laurie so it is a long bow
  8. Brown for me. Can make a silk purse out of a Demon midfielders kick.
  9. I honestly expected him to change the outcome of at least a few games. I guess his efforts and expertise are felt more not on the field.
  10. Im suspicious about umpires being "Mic'd" What real benefit does it bring? What cant be achieved by the video umpire?
  11. Wasnt Stephen May a forward when he was drafted?
  12. My thoughts exactly LDC. Well no, but a very lucid explanation of the unintended consequence of my post. Extremely well written.
  13. I listened to Whately speak to Buckley this morning. Buckley was answering a question about the most talented players he has seen. His reply was along the lines that most very successful greats of the game will always say that their gift of being able to work hard is a much bigger asset than their inherent or inherited skill. In his case (I love Buckley but FIGJAM is still there underneath) he said his work ethic was very good and thats what got him onto Port Adelaides list and got him to Brisbane, his skills came later. Petracca while looking hard at it, only goes hard occasionally, is full of talent and is not aiming to improve like James Harmes and dare I say it, Oscar Baker. I see that in Demonland Player of the Year, Oscar and Christian are tied on votes this year. Im sure Carlton or North would relish having him and turning him into the footballer they can see he is.
  14. What did Petracca have that limited his pre-season? I dont recall him being out for extended time or in for surgery? One thing I do know, that is that when we finally find out what is going on with injuries and their mis-handling, it will start with the preamble from the coach or Pert that: "we all know that... blah blah blah", as if we have known for some time what the F is going on. This is aimed at limiting reaction and gives me the tom [censored].
  15. Im flummoxed that journos who can find the most insignificant molehills to explore, havent drilled into this yet.
  16. This is going to be a very subjective thread by Demonlanders. I really cant see why someone would choose Stretch who has been given plenty of opportunities to Joel Smith who has been badly injured by Nick Riewoldt and then hampered by groin trouble.
  17. Id say Petracca has plenty of advice on not stressing himself and then relaxes too much. He then just retreats into his normal game. Some players have been uncoachable. Wouldnt be surprised if Tracc is one.
  18. Petracca is being criticised because he is potentially a very good player and people ca see that. Criticising Stretch and Spargo is just silly. They play as well as they can and are VFL standard.
  19. When Watts was leaving he went in his last year from forward to half back. So did Howe. Frawley went from full back to forward pocket. Ok Brayshaw is now on a wing and looking pretty [censored] unhappy with that change.
  20. 1. If you were coaching against us, you would tell the backs Demon mids will kick it it up and under into the forward zone. Other than Salem no one kicks it other than directly in front of themselves. By that I mean that if you look at the set of the shoulders this actually allows you to read where they are going to aim, again up and under. This allows time to defend as 50% of the time it will be right on the top of the head of the forward. So it will always look as if they are kicking to a contest, or a 3 on one. But it is because we are slower in the forward 50 this year. 2. That brings the issue of leading. Jaydon Hunt is the only one who can lead faster than his opponent. Tom Mac looks like he couldnt beat a cow coming in to be milked. We miss Melksham. So what are mids told to do? 3. Im not sure but the ones who kick it up and under are also the ones who kick around the corner as they have no skill (or confidence) to kick it low and hard. Viney, Harmes Salem and Brayshaw will handball first as they will try to nail it. Jones Stretch and Petracca will not. Now Clarry has joined the latter group too. You wouldnt be able to get away with this slack behaviour at Hawthorn or Collingwood.
  21. I fully expect to know within the first 5 minutes if we are in this. We are well under the odds after last weeks great effort. If we were favorites Id say we won't win. But strangely enough because we arent, we are a very good chance. I have gone for Melbourne to be in front at the end of each quarter. ($4)
  22. Anyone attend training at Casey today?
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