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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. from latest email:

    In the coming weeks, Stynes and his board will be announcing a number of ways that you can help, but if you have any ideas that you would like to share with our new directors, please email them to [email protected]

    I have emailed a link to this thread and highlighted the double membership / give to someone less fortunate idea which I believe is the best one on here.

    If you have any other ideas send them to [email protected] - lets try and flood them with great ideas that provoke a bit of thought.

    Good work Harcourt. Some cracking ideas on here!!

    Another idea. Players attend schools in the casey area for PE. There has been a real issue in primary schools about the lack of male teachers to promote sports like footy and cricket. The players could adopt a school each!

    This one always seems to be on the agenda but it needs to be promoted if we actually still do this. I rember as a kid the great thrill of having the footy players come to your school or footy club and hoping that a Dees player would be involved and trying to impress him with your 8 yr old skill :rolleyes:

    What worries me is when you read stories from players like Bates when he was asked about relocation, his response was along he lines of it doesn't concern the players we just play. They should care about the club, it pays there bills, if it folds or relocates then it will affect them.

    Another innitative:

    Players go away on trips yes like preseason ones...well why dont we sell tickets for supporters to tag along with players. I know it sounds a bit weird but it could generate a fair amount of $ as i would be prepared giving $5000 just to spend a few days with the boys

    Another great idea! I used to work at a Utilities company in Melb who was intimately involved with Jimmys Reach program, they sued to "sell" positions to there yearly Reach camp for vulnerable kids to raise funds. Besides being a great revenue raiser for Reach it was a great way to interact for both parties.

    Carrying on from that, maybe we can attract more kids to AusKick if we send a different player each week to coach a team of young Demon fans?

    Again I'd be orried about players commitemment to these things, if they are made to go then they do but they do no actively seek out the opportunites or seem to push foro things to do, Playstation and dropping thousands of $$ on the horses is more what they are wanting to do.

    Again this has been a fantastic response but lets actually see some of these through to fesability studies and not just [censored] on about things we might like to do

  2. And there is the precedent with Manchester United, the most popular EPL club in China...being the "red devils" doesn't seem to have done them much harm ;)

    Was thinking the same thing... Man U are the red devils and they were the most popular club in China well before they picked up the Chinese player too.

    Oaklad Raiders are pirates, Tampa Bay Buccaneers are pirates... St Pauli FC in the German 1st division are a skull and cross bones...

    What I find intersting is that our moniker would suit more the people associated with the Pies, the so called ferals. The Demon is so far removed from our supposed supporter base when you think about it. But in this day and age there is nothing wrong with it we are just way to snesitivate to any kind of possible offence.

    I love the Demons and it should stay. It is about how you continue to attract supporters, winning is the best way...

  3. Wolfmother recognises this, and has simply given some background on his business venture in order to show that he has the capability to do this. He asserted that he'd do this on a not-for-profit basis.

    That is the business idea which will hopefully be making me money...

    But I can use our site to assist the club... when the ticket is released it doesn't have to be sold, that is only an option on the sell that I'm hoping members of big clubs will take up... The ticket can be returned to the member who can give it away... I can build in an object to the site which allows that ticket to be donated to the MFC, so double members gave donate a ticket to the people in vulnerable situations. I will then coordinate this donation and print the tickets out and have them delivered to the appropriate person in charge of the groups mentioned (suicide prevention, foster childrens, reach foundation etc etc). The groups would be coordinated by the MFC who would need to give me a contact name, address and how many tickets they needed. I'm sure I could coordinate a reply from the groups/article/photos that could then be posted on the MFC site and sent to the double members in an email to show them the enjoyment of their donation

    ap ap ap ap, I apologise from my response, I was on the way out when I read your intial response Wolfm and skimmed the rest.... As I mentioned in the original post it is a great business venture and if we can use it to benefit the club, even with the on sell function, then even better.

  4. This is a key issue!

    We need to turn the 10,000 plus MCC members who barrack for Melbourne into full members, or at the very least make them pay more for a duel membership.

    If scaring them is the way to go, than so be it. After all, they pay their MCC membership to go to games and watch Melbourne play. If Melbourne relocated, folded or moved their home games to TD or Casey, a great deal of their membership money would be wasted. I find it difficult to stomach the fact that people will pay hundreds of dollars for an MCC membership, but won't fork out $120 odd for a full membership of their club.

    The MCC also needs to realise that they're likely to lose a lot of long time members if the MFC ceased to exist in its current form.

    If you choose to give your money to a rich organisation that has all but turned its back on our club, but you won't give your money to our club, than what sort of supporters are you? I understand that MCC memberships give you various benefits that an MFC membership never will, but it does NOT support our club and at the end of the day why do you go the football? To sit at the MCG or to watch the Melbourne Football Club!

    We need to turn MCC members into MFC members. That should be the number one priority of the new administration going forward.

    True again Jaded, how are the MFC supposed to do this? What has been tried in the past? What will work in getting them over???

    The problem is we have 4 or 5 No1 priorites that need prioritising ;)

  5. Cards13.... I don't know who at the club we have to contact but I'm happy to throw my support behind it. I have created a website/online business which is about to be complete the task you mention above. The site is creating a secondary ticket market which allows people to sell tickets to games they are not going too. The site has a guarantee on tickets provided and takes the details of both the seller and buyer etc etc (I won't go into the business plan). If your in london ManU and Chelsea have just signed on with viagogo which is the same concept as my site.

    I meet with the AFL in Feb and I had a meeting with Telstra Dome last week. I have put a proposal to them about which allows for the AFL club membership ticket (mainly reserve seats) to be released in electronic form.... that ticket can then be sold on my site or given away etc etc. My main effort is for Telstra Dome and Essendon due to their size.

    I am happy to do the work for Melbourne to help the double membership group, the club needs to get ticketmaster to release the ticket but that is done now my Geelong and West Coast. Adelaide have this system in place with BASS so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

    I can do the release of the ticket and my company can handle all administration in getting the tickets to groups nominated by MFC (my company only makes money when tickets are sold but that is not viable for MFC). I am also happy to do some marketing work to get the double membership group off the ground (although I feel like I am a double member beingMFC/MCC :rolleyes: )

    If anyone knows who to contact at the club PM and I will send my email address etc etc

    I have attached one of the mock up pages we did not the Telstra Dome proposal.. obviously it has Essendon rather than Melbourne

    Tip of the cap to you good man, great business idea.

    My idea is more along the lines of MFC members tickets and double memberships being used for benefit of parties other than $$ benefit. If we could us our excess member tickets for others who can't afford to go to the footy, who are new to this country or who are in vulnerable situations (suicide prevention, foster children, people trying to overcome addictions or abuse) we are then helping others in our community that need it as well as proving greater numbers at our games. win/win

    I'd much rather see the tickets used for benefit than profit but it is a godd concept on your behalf and will hopefully make you some good $$.


  6. I think members deserve to be engaged by their Club, and the Club should certainly make good on any offers - ie. this guy deserves his brick ;)

    Completely agree with More Juice and you Rogue.... That is why I said we have a hang over from previous poor deliver from the off field administration and asked aloud if there is any kind of working group with members/supporters currently happening.

    I think that brick might be being used to prop up the portables the coaching staff use at the Junction Oval.... ;)

  7. If the club can show me the family brick we bought years ago and let me know where it is, I might make a contribution but until then they can shove my donations. Not even invited into the club rooms, no wonder this club is on it's knees. Is this just another administration wanting the long hard suffering supporters to bail it out or are THEY going to make a contribution??? I wait to see

    Have you asked the club? Have you moved address since you bought it? Was it supposed to be sent in the mail to you?

    I think we have a massive hang over affect from our club having some decent ideas but seemingly poor delivery. At the same time what do you deserve from the club? I'm not having a dig at you personally, I'm just wondering what we "deserve" to recieve from the club besides winning flags and keeping the club afloat (tow things the club has been miserable at).

    And so far it seems we are just pissing in each others pcokets about ideas. If anyone wants to actually try and do something then please let me know and we can see if we can actually put some solid ideas with solid facts and figures....

  8. From Cards13's post "There a many many ways it could be administered as well... one group of double memberships could be used to take school kids to games, another set we could use to take some of the kids at Jimmy's Reach program, another set to refugees another set to underprivileged, another set to disabled."

    Cards13 - this is an absolutely brilliant idea that should be presented to Jimmy and the board.


    - shows MFC as good corporate citizen

    - leverages off Jimmy's great standing within the community

    - provides MFC with $$$

    - provides the member with a feeling they are helping out someone less fortunate

    - expands the membership/supporter base in the long term

    Cheers but still not sure it will fly.. Some feasibility work would need to be done on all of the good ideas generated (finally on here.... ;) )

    Like I said is this all [censored] talk or are we actually going to put something together showing all of the FEASIBLE ideas gathered from here, 'ology and Bigfooty? I'm living in London at the minute but would love to try and be involved in development of something with these....

    Also the idea of a "working group" with members of these sites going forward potentially meeting members of the club twice/three times a year? I think Melb might need to engage members and supporters more than other clubs.. If our club can been seen as wanting ideas and input from the rank and file more than other clubs we might be able to break down some of the "downhill" skiing profile we have....

    Overall lets actually do SOMETHING WITH THIS PASSION AND IDEA GENERATION, not just [censored] in our own pockets.....

  9. Great ideas! I just heard that a prep to yr 12 school are going to open in melbourne city in 2009. Perhaps we could build a relationship there as the Club of the city?

    There a many many ways it could be administered as well... one group of double memberships could be used to take school kids to games, another set we could use to take some of the kids at Jimmy's Reach program, another set to refugees another set to underprivileged, another set to disabled... The options are there, I guess the question is can you actually do that with a membership? Allow someone else to use it for a game if you're not going? I know with AFL memberships you can't but everyone does it....

    The 150 club, $150 donation is a really good one too.

    How do we then pool these ideas and get them to the club? Is there any kind of club to members committee currently set up? I see some fantastic ideas, like some of these and the away strip on here, 'ology and big footy but is anyone actually listening or doing anything or is it a bunch or going nowhere rhetoric?

  10. The problem with a double membership is the administration of it.. wasted money. Sort of defeats the purpose.. Something simple like the 161 or something has merit ( to me ) .

    Lets wait and see what the club has in mind with new governorship.

    Wasted money? Why?

    I mentioned in another thread why can't we actually use the double memberships to boost our supporter base for the future as well... Actually get "new" supporters along, under privelidged or refugee's which I see as a win win for both parties. Boosts our crowd numbers to the AFL and might go someway helping people in need to have somethings to look forward to. Although no one really looks forward to the colesium to support the gladiators vs the lions and elephants each week...

  11. On Saturday I ventured down to the MCG and watched the Bulldogs take apart Brisbane. Although the game didnt live up to the expectations I had, I was fascinated with the the Dogs forward line structure. Murphy, BJ, Aker, Welsh, and others rotated through the forward line all day. I was astounded by their flexibility. They were leading on angles that I have NEVER seen our forwards attempt. No player played in the same position for more than 10 minutes, they were constantly changing their positions, making it very tough for the Lions to find effective matchups. Although at present their forward line has a lot more ability and skill than ours I was amazed at the simalarities. We have the players available to implement the exact same strategy. We could take our pick from Wona, Davey, Silvia, Miller, Bate, Bruce, Green, Yze, Dunn and play a versatile, open, "roaming" forward line structure.

    Robbo and Neita made this sought of structure impossible for the best part of a decade, because they are lead up players. However with their absence for an extended period this stratergy should be tested. It would be a different approch for Melbourne to take, and one that I think we have the personel to implement.

    Interesting observation.. The Doggies do it out of necessity as they are the best options they have. They tried big Will Minson as there tall forward and even Brian Lake at times during the year.

    We can potentially use the same strategy but we still need to get the ball to the forwards who ever they are.

    Most sides still have the “tall forward”: Brisbane has two, Swans have Hall, Bombers have Lloyd, Blues have Fev etc…Adelaide don’t… It is making the most of the foray’s into the 50 that count.

    The Doggies are yet to show that forward structure, which looks fantastic at the minute, will hold up in finals.

  12. On field yes!!! Agree totally

    Off field no...... Whilst I agree with the sentiment the issue remains we have "been here done this" so many times over the last 10/15 years let alone last 30/40 years Fork.

    We have had how many new boards, how many turn over’s of lists how many CEO's and we have not won a flag (the only real sign of success), we have a debt that is only $500k better off than we were when previous president took over (I thank him for his dedication to our cause when not many others wanted the job).

    We are still a massive chance of relocation or folding if things don't turn around, our new president has said as much.

    The AFL is riding us like Fitzroy and North Melb in the past putting us under so much more pressure, they are talking of taking away the ASP (the hand out that has kept us afloat)...

    WHislt i agree on field we need to be patient this year and the early part of next season to say we need to be patient over all is a furphy.

  13. If Chris Johnson somehow transforms into a good league footballer that can impact games or even just play a role, then I would say that Dean Bailey is a greater teacher of men than Jesus himself once was.

    Alas, the chances of Chris Johnson becoming a serious league footballer are about 4 billion to 1.

    Can Dean Bailey turn water into wine?

    We will see this Sunday, cos this is surely Johnsons last chance.

    oh no!!!!! Bailey is a figment of our imaiginations as well????

  14. What do people do with the extra memberships they buy? So if you have bought an extra membership to help pout the club does it just sit in the draw at home or is it used?

    Maybe we should try and use these extra memberships to kill a few birds with one stone. An idea might be to pool the memberships not used and help under priveldiged kids or recent refugees. By pooling these extra memberships and then taking a group of people to each home game?

    A) They will be used

    B.) It will add to our actual numbers as games

    C) Most importantly it might help out someone who needs a bit of sunshine in there lives.

    Taking it a step further maybe we could do that anyway.. Each home game we have a register of memberships that can't be used and this is then used to take people to games?

    Just an idea anyway.

  15. I have not seen Jim's press conference from earlier in the week, in London, but didn't some one post on here that Jim had a sutble/not so sublte comment to Lyon for not doing "enough"?

    If correct then this thread is spot on the money I would have thought.... He obviously has and does things for the club but the president elect and one of his best mates thinks he needs to do more backs up the orignal post.

    As to Woey, I'd like to see the "Club" try and bring him back in the fold. We all loved him for doing everything he could to be the best player he possibly could. He would be a great example to young footballers of what you can achieve for the sacrifices.

  16. What nonsense. Morton doesn't have the natural athleticism of Goodes.

    However, I DO think he will be a good, long term player for us. Gotta work on his kicking tho'. ;)

    I'm not sure about that mono.... Morts was from reports in the top 5-10 of a lot of the preseason running program. Fairly athletic for an 18/19 yr old kid in his first preseason

  17. Bruce play a defensive role . . .

    Will Garland play on Richo?

    Reckon you were closer with the first statement ;)

    Eastie, Bruce has played many many many a game in defense let alone a defensive role in the midfield. HE used to play on Richo all of the time is the main one that springs to mind with many more. He has been our most versatile player for the last 10 years, Mid, For or back...

    Bails said CJ is the most unlucky player on the list.... isn't Bails the one not picking him... didn't realise Bails was a lephrican

  18. Don't want anything to do with that toss bag. Saw him revert to his usual sookie sookie la la approach last week when the ball was not delivered on his [censored]. He didn't chase or put any forward defensive pressure on. The bloke can kick goals when things are going his way but is a cancer to a club especially one trying to rebuild.

  19. he aint that quick coz i have seen him play before and he has even said so himself

    Huh? Hang on wasn't there a thread on here the other day, seems to have been taken down, an interview with Grimes?

    One of the questions was what he thought about the comparisons to Brett Kirk that people have put on him.... His response said he has never been known for being quick..... another slow in an under.. some trades will be made at the end of the season to alleviate this I hope

  20. Yes and no. I think when we next get close to losing by 100 points we'll be missing Robbo pretty badly.

    ........ so he can kick his 2 or 3 junk time goals to get us within a flattering 80 odd points..

  21. I reckon that early draft picks get you is the best young talent,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but then it's up to the footy department to provide the teaching, guidance, building the body, nutrition, recovery, psycological nurturing & cultural environment for the kids to grow right. There will allways be those who can't make it.

    To this end it's really unfair to blame CAC for the failure of all those recruited who have gone.

    Is it CACs fault that Travis Johnston is now starring, was it CACs fault that Scott Thompson went back to Adelaide to get opportunities that now see him captain, can we blame him for Darren Jolly's failure at Melbourne???

    I must disagree with some of those comments my good man.

    Trapper starring is a bit rich, he is playing the same game he played with us but is in a better side of players drafted by the brisbane back room staff.

    CAC should have be aware of Thommo's h@moness sorry homesickness, no stone unturned (being fascitious)

    Jol's failure??? What failure they traded him away as he didn't want to be 2nd fiddle. Danners hardly played any other ruckman, they traded Symmo too as they though they would get better trade value than actual game time value for the both of them as white was so far away our best option.

    CAC is waaaayy over rated for his early round draft work, his late round, rookie drafts have been exceptional for us

  22. Your right if their teamates know they are about to gain a posesion give everything to block, sheppard ala more time to spot target and dispose of effectively.

    what we do is run side by side calling for a [censored] handball or are standing still 2 metres away calling for a [censored] handball

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