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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. I for one am far from pessimistic about the draft concessions granted to the new GC and WS teams. They present us with a massive opportunity IMO, but also increase the cost of not tanking last year. This years draft will be the most important in the clubs history and we MUST get it right, with pick 1&2 we probably couldn't have got it wrong (gun tall and gun mid), but it's too late to worry about that now. After this draft no existing club gets a top 10 pick in 2009, top 15 in 2010, or a top 5 in 2011. This years premier gets pick 26, next years 31, that's normally deep second round.

    I think our under 24's are as good as anyone's. Our big problem at the minute is our small number of 25-28 year olds, and the poor form of our veterans. There is very little we can do about this in the short term, which is why the club should focus on 2013. By then the draft concessions should be starting to bite the current clubs, but the new franchises won't have had time to develop their own youngsters. We should be perfectly positioned to strike.

    players who turn 18 this year (23 in 2013)

    Morton, Maric, McNamara

    19 (24)

    Cheney, Grimes, Weetra, Spencer*, Zomer*

    20 (25)

    Jones, Frawley, Bartram, Petterd, Garland, Wonaemirri*

    21 (26)

    Bate, Dunn, Newton, Bode, Buckley, C. Johnson, Valenti*

    22 (27)

    McLean, Martin, Meesen

    23 (28)

    Bell, Sylvia

    24 (29)

    Rivers, Moloney, P.Johnson, Jamar, Warnock

    25 (30)

    Davey, Miller

    26 (31)


    27 (32)

    Green, Wheatley



    Bruce 29, Whelan 29, Robbo 30, White 31, Yze 31, Holland 31, McDonald 32, Neitz 33

    Bailey was hired for his development credentials, this doesn't happen in a preseason, we need to be patient. If you need evidence of how poor our list management has been, we have less players on our list aged 25,26,27 or 28 than there are 30 and overs, disgraceful. We do, however, have 31 blokes 24 and under (including rookies) and potentially 3 top 20 draft picks! this year!

    This is why I'm actually enjoying games at the minute, perverse as it sounds. After the first 2 games I started to watch more with an eye to the future and that certainly isn't as bleak as the present. Feel like I'm getting in on the ground floor of what could be a good era for us starting 3-4 years from now. Too long to wait you say? I've been waiting nearly 40 years to see us win a flag and have never even considered us a genuine threat. Even the years we made the big one we were inconsistent. The last thing I want to see is an attempted quick fix. Take your time Bails, but FFS get it right.

    Nice post..

    I think if you have looked at cacs drafting you can clearly see he was a mid/late round/ rookie listed gem finder but really battled with the top end of drafts. That aside as to the upcoming drafts i find Richmonds presidents comments interesting:

    "I'd have major concerns. What I'd have major concerns on is that … basically it means a five-to-10-year period, certain clubs, because of having no access to drafts, may be down the bottom for an extended period of time for no fault of their own. And that compromises the competition, and that's the last thing we want to see is a compromised competition.

    "If you compromise that too much, you get a situation like in the Premier League where only three sides can ever win it. How boring is that competition?"

  2. AS far as US franchises go, keeping your colors and logo are FAR more important than the City in which you are based, eg. Rams, Dodgers, Raiders etc. We seem to have our basic strategy on branding, identity, what the market can support etc., the wrong way around.

    We could up stumps for a couple of years and go to another city eg south west sydney for 5 years, grow the game and the club brand and then come back to melbourne. THAT IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING - u heard it first here. Steal my idea - feel free.

    5 years in 150 is nothing and wont affect premiership chances at all. Being based in melbourne is less important with constant media coverage. It accepts our errors of the past 40 years and does something about.

    We were the first club in melbourne - lets become the first truly national franchise.

    Id like to see the D's in melbourne but maybe we should be the Bankstown DEES to recharge our batteries for a while.


    Well fark me silly... That is outside of the most inside out square i've ever seen. Move to western Sydney for 5 or so years to recharge our batteries.. I'm trying to think of any sporting club in the world that has done that and coming up with nothing. Obviously moving a "franchise" is part and parcel of US sports and has been done here with success but moving for a short period then coming back.. Not my cup of tea, but it might be a world first and a precursor to historic changes to franchise sports world wide....

    As to the China experiment.... nothing to back up the negative thoughts as yet? If anyone has any info please pass it along as I think we'd all be keen to see how it has worked or not for us instead of making broad statements without fact on it not working. I also still think we should be targeting immigrant communities with "welcome packs" with details on the city of Melb, the history of the city and where it is going intertwined with how we fit into the city of Melb...

    I also think our lack of $$$ really hampers our promoting/marketing of the club, from a small marketing dept to a smaller budget than the big clubs. If we go with a China experiment and it doesn't work that is money we can not spend in other areas that other clubs will focus on.

  3. Damn, want to see Valsa and Maric running around out there this week.

    You'd think Warnock would get another game based on Bails history this season. I think only one player (I'll stand corrected) has been dropped after just one game, Yze. Which would lead me to believe Ding Dong (D Bell) will be playing for sandy this weekend.

  4. that was a year ago too... I like the presenter's comment too.. "one of the best prospects in the next 5 years" huh? Must be some super 12 and 13 yr olds out there

  5. 45 didn't notice his efficiency levels watching on TV, I thought he was better than that.

    His foot passing looks awesome compared to most of the side and hopefully we will see w few more of those kind of players coming from SA and NT with Baileys connections over the next few years!

  6. The China experiment is a waste of time FULL STOP ! I see no reason why Melbournefc and the Demons cannot co-exist as brands - I agree wholeheartedly that throwing out the Demon moniker is totally wrong - Melbourne fc ALONE is conservative,boring, bland and re-inforces everything that others day about us - people might be happy enough to nominate Melbournefc as their club, but on match day they want to support THE DEMONS !!!!!

    Hi Weedster,

    Have you got facts and stats to back that up? How do you kno it was a waste of time full stop? I'm not disagreeing with you but would like to see some actual cost benefit analysis before saying ti was a failure or not. If it cost us $x yet we only had 100 members sign up leaving us with an actual cost of say $5,000 then it could be seen as a failure in the short term.

    What about the long term... how many of the Chinese we signed up will stay in the country and there children will support us? I see a number of other clubs are targetting migrant communities for new, non traditional member areas. I see this as a great way of trying to target new members. We can not all keep going to the same well for members.

    One of the issues though is we are playing such [censored] footy no one wants to support us especially new members. I took 1 SAFO and 2 Irish to round one and they were keen to follow us, they are all Hawks supporters now...

    I'm curious as to why everyone is saying this China thing was a failure along with thinking we should be targetting all mirgrant groups to look for members. Why not target the African Mirgrants? Helps them assimilate into our "culture" whilst providing us with new members and potentially new steams of players to our game long term... I would see it as a win win win if if it done correctly.


  7. oh that is outside the square alright... Not sure it will fly. We all love to see players "bulk up" but that seems to have happered old flash. He looks like he has lost his x factor which was his explosive, run down players from behind pace. Loose the muscle gain the pace back. Come on Bohdan sort it!

  8. Our backmen look awful, but I would reserve judgement on them until we get their workload down. Because you can't exactly say anyone isn't worthy of a spot in a backline to attack a flag because they flounder with 60+ inside 50s, no team that is a chance to wina flag wouldn't have so many.

    Basically, we're frustrated and rushing to judgement on everyone. Done it myself with Garland, so let's just keep our heads a little.

    I can see what you're selling but I'm not buying I'm afraid. Been waiting for him to come on for a few years and he seems to have flattened out. You either have it our you do not, even in a bad side you can see some players have it and some do not. He is a not in my mind but that is not to say my mind has any idea.

  9. I know you're talking about Bell but, honestly, those sentences vould apply to half our team (only half?). He's a back flanker Daniel Bell - courageous, selfless, athletic, quick, a decent kick, and good value for the position he plays.

    Some have said we should try him in the midfield, which I cannot see for the reasons you mentioned - indecisive, poor peripheral vision, makes bad decisions.

    However, for a back flanker he is a good player who is apart of a backline that at the moment is seeing more action than the Western Front. They are battling away back there, with the huge workload and their own confidence issues.

    Our midfield sometimes gets away with alot from us and these players should get the blame, not our backmen: Green, Bruce, McLean, Jones, McDonald, Moloney, Batram, White, and Jamar. They are the ones that allow an average of 62 inside 50s.

    62!! The AFL median is around 48.

    (Agian with the stats, I know. But some stats see into the truth of things.)

    While it may not suprise you, it at the very least, should alarm you.

    Can't agree rp... I can't recall him actually beating his direct opposition... He is always trailing and can very rarely get a fist in to spoil even with his so called pace. Understand the ball is coming in often and with awesome precision but you have to be able to beat your opponent on the day. The being caught from behind is 6 of one half a dozen of the other. Not enough awareness but also not enough talk/blocking from team mates to allow him time and space (even though he had time and space both times he has been run down on the last two weeks).

    I guess I just think he is ineffective.

  10. Don't worry about my resume, one of our own is responsible for the career of probably the greatest finals player to have played the game, with respect to Ablett and Dermie. Whispering Jack saw something in Wayne Johnston while with Prahran, after he had been sacked by the Blues twice before ever playing a senior game. An attempt to get him to Melbourne, which through a chain of circumstances, saw the Blues reluctantly give him another chance and the rest as they say is history.

    Wasn't having a dig Red.... was more hoping if you've got a good eye for it you might be able to help out the boys as they seem to have had a little trouble identifying top notch talent at the pointy end of the draft....

  11. It's exactly that kind of player empowerment that Bailey is trying to achieve with the player appointed leadership group. The mix is wrong at the moment but the idea is right. I'm going to reserve judgement on Bailey's philosophies on leadership groups for now.

    Spot on Nasher.... it is deepressing (see what I did there..) for the past, it is positive for the future for two reasons. First, the bloke (trapper) is a [censored] and soft as butter and tries to get his way around doing what is required to be the best he can be and to make his club the best it can be, glad you're gone. 2nd the leadership group is more empowered this year and will continue to be under Bailey.

    While it seems to have taken our knuckleheads longer than other clubs to get it sorted it looks from the outside so far this season to be moving in the right direction.

  12. Well done Dees!!! Finally...

    Little confused as well. Are the Pies still going to train at the other ground, is it Gosch's Paddock? And we get the new oval or do we share the oval with them? If so I can see us being farked around as we are the poorer cousins of the Pies.

    It all sounds like it is coming together for training and admin, we just have to wait a few years for it now..... (twiddles thumbs, stares at ceiling, stares at wall, stares at floor.. are we there yet?)

  13. I have had this argument over Valenti with people for a year now. I pushed for his drafting as I did with Martin. I remember pushing a delisted Freo midget several years ago and an indiginous player at Port Melbourne a few years ago. All I got was that there was something wrong with them. The Freo player was Bell and the Port Melbourne lad was Aaron Davey. For the last year I have been told that Valenti is too small, to slow too whatever. All I see is him playing well each week. He may not be any good at senior level but he has earned a go to find out. I am sick of the negatives. Try him and in a few games we will know if he is up to it or not.

    Unlike many others in the seniors he can pass a ball by hand and foot.

    Red when is the resume going into to the MFC for any recruiter positions?

    I think we are all very keen to see Valenti on the books if you will. And all of these comments about being the same type of player is garbage. If they were good enough on the current list we would not be getting smashed in clearences every week or turn it over if we do win it. If he can deliver the ball then see you later, Moloney or Bell (I know he is not playing as a mid)...

  14. Unlike ( insert a name )

    I'm not disagreeing with that JB, but what purpose would it serve? Why bring in a bloke who is playing his last season (unless Adelaide wants to trade for him again) ahead of the Newton's or the Maric's or the Meesan's, if they have earned it. Even if they have not played as well as Dutchy, not to far behind him mind, you would promote them wouldn't you to get games into them and see if they can make it? No?

    Niknat he is on the list because of his work ethic and a good bloke basically. Same as Millsy. Bails had to make some choices in a short time frame on who to delist or keep. He as others have mentioned is a work ethic guy. Those two fit that mould but probably should not be on the list on form.

  15. Bailey doesn't play kids. Dunn, Bartram and Bell were regularly playing games when Daniher was coaching. He has ruined Morton he was in our best 5 players in rnds 2 and 3 then in rnd 4 they start him on the bench and since then he has been hopless. Weetra is now playing for Sandy's 2nd's. Wonaeamirri is the only 1 showing anything. Martin, Maric, Bate, Valenti, Buckley and Garland should have been playing weeks ago. It's more than time to start thinking for the future there is no way Yze and Holland are part of that. Yze and Holland are the icing on the cake coming off the bench when everything is going well we have no cake I think we should be trying to make one before they get a game.

    Why is McDonald still our no1 tagger? They need to get Bartram back into the spot that made him a valuable player which is a midfield tagger and if he isn't fit enough then keep playing him at Sandy until he is, same goes for Bell he isn't the smartest player going around he should be playing on the players who actually know how to play to show him how it's done and again if he isn't fit enough play him at Sandy until he is. They are both pretty quick while McDonald is slow and should be used as our 4th midfeilder comiing off the bench. It is a disgrace that we are still relying on the same players that we did in 2000.

    Ruined Morton? He is a first year player and will have peaks and troughs for the next few years, give him a break. Weetra was not playing under ND and from what we've seen so far will not be good enough to go around next year, if he was drafted as a player by the previous Footy Dept how did Bailey ruin him?

    I'm playing devils advocate but I assume when people are saying "kids" they are meaning players who might not technically be kids in the footy sense but as in have played very little for us. The Buckleys, the Jonhsons, the Warnocks, the Weetra's, the Garlands... he has been playing the "kids" in that sense.

    He is our number one tagger as there is no one better at the minute. Bartram is still finding his feet after a full year out of the game. Will take a little time, don't rush we are going no where this year.

    It has been discussed again and again and again about our current list and the same players from 2000.... lets all get over it, take it onboard as this is what Bailey was left with, deal with it and see where Bailey leads us from this week onwards. I will be extremely disappointed if a big statement at selection is not made this week... ie a Robbo dropped, as this is the line in the sand they talked about after rnd two..

  16. I agree he is a great kicker in. Although this is one of our perennial faults Moloney should be just as good. I often compare them since their rivalry two years ago.

    Hunts defense is much more professional and I hold out hope Brent has the capacity to employ more thought to his game. If he did, we would have a great successor to Wheels IMO.

    But it is all F%6ing pipedreams. I used to argue Wheatley could be a great fullback in the Fletcher mold. But it just isnt as easy as it looks!

    Nevertheless: Hunt is overrated.

    I'll politely disagree my man. If you had a choice of Hunt or Moloney who would you take?

    YEa Wheata looked like he was going to develop into something, I was excited about him for a couple of seasons. He has not unfortunately, like the majority of our players at present.

  17. Many teams have average players that hit the high spots because of the class that they are surrounded by.

    Would Steve Johnson and Josh Hunt be as lauded if they played without the skill and inspiration of their peers?

    Look at west coast. Doing it a bit harder now.

    Im sure the coach and players would find it easier to find a "Game Plan" that works if we had a Chad Cornes, Pavlich or Brent Harvey to put some froth on an average cup of coffee.

    I find it interesting how many posters give up on our list and back our brand new coach.

    It doesnt have to be mutually exclusive. We should back them both.

    It is not easy. Im trying to back both our coach and players but its like playing two up when the fix is in.

    I think hunt is one of the best kicks in the game, awesome to watch, would love to have him at Melb. Hard, tough, massive who can move the ball quickly and hit a target. Oh what a dream for MFC....

  18. If Bailey goes down this path, it'll be interesting to see what happens with Miller and Bell. They're both try hards who aren't up to it. And Bailey seems to like try hards.

    Agree... Think Bell is very average, he is just not visible until you see him get run down from behind... It is a symptim of our lack of talk and blocking for the ball carrier but his awareness is not there along with him not being able to actually beat a forward opponent.

    Millsy works hard at training and on the ground match day but it doesn't seem to translate to any kind of actual ability to mark a contested ball. Bombing it long to two on one's doesn't help but he still does not look like a player who can make the next step.

  19. The most impressive thing about Maric on the weekend was his second and third efforts. Mmm...

    Mate I've been hoping to see him in the 1's since round two.. Obviously he is young and slight of body but at least he is putting in the 2nd efforts, Lovell's write up about him from last week was good too. was it 5 tackles the week before?

    It's the rnd 6 cut off... hmmmm

  20. He is definitely working harder in the past couple of games than he has done in the past two years. Its just foreign territory for him and I am concerned that despite his best efforts he is not good enough at it. However, he still has a penchant to go for money or bust MOTY or GOTY efforts which shows a limitation in his ability to think properly through the options at hand.

    Spot on RR. When the ball is delivered on the "dime" he looks really good it is just so far from his instincts to work hard off the ball when we do not have it. It has been a trait over Robbo's career, every two years he would come out and say he is maturing and not just going for the speccie and working harder on forward pressure blah blah blah.

    Watching young Dale Thomas on Friday, the Dons had the ball in the right forward pocket and he was on the mark. They passed the ball to a player running out of the left forward pocket, Thomas chased him HARD for close to 100m's, applied the pressure, alomst tackled the ball carried and turn over occured.

    I hope the coaches highlight sights like that to our players.

  21. His speed and disposal. The theory being that he's too similar to Jones, McLean, McDonald, and Moloney. We need pace not more of the same.

    That said, what the hell have we got to lose ?

    Well simple if he has earned selection then drop one of them on form.. Jones no, McLean no, Junior maybe, Moloney yes, his turn overs are terrible to watch. That one in the first term was appalling, bombing it to ff with not one MFC player within 20!

  22. Was interested listening to Clarkson before the Hawks game saying how he spent his first season trialing players who had football skills. Anyone who didn't was weeded out and they drafted people with actual skill.

    It will be a deep deep weeding session at years end.

  23. Bailey seems to like playing players who have a really strong work rate. Bartram certainly does.


    He is the least hard working player in the comp. In the 4th qtr yest he jumoed into a mrking contest, ball spilled and he just stood there watching as it went into the forward pocket. Made no effort to chase the ball or work back to FF. Ball rumbled around the forward pcoket for 15 seconds before Lions cleared it for a shot on goal.

    I've thought he has had patches of good play when the delivery has been there for the forwards but his lack of work rate when we do not have the ball is a glaring example of Bails playing someone who jusr does not get it and never will.

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