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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. Quite possibly. Was it Wilson at Port who did an achilles a year or so ago and has barely played since. About the same age as Robbo. Without his leap he will barely get a game. Lets hope we get to see him again for entertainment sake. Could be a blessing in disguise everyone. He has had little impact all year and our season was shot very early on so its a dozen games that another kid will get under his belt that he may not otherwise have played.

    Yea but wilson has a massive injury history, one or two knees along with that, you're farked.

    Really really sad news for the leaping lunatic his season over but he should be able to come up again fitter than ever. it will allow for those knees to have a nice old rest too. He might come back better than ever.. hopefully he'll learn to chase as well....

    Get behind him instead of writting him off just yet.

    As to replacement. I think the ever joyful RR might be spot on Grimey to come back on. Then the use of Holland, and hopefully Maric might be getting close, addition by subtraction along with Newts

  2. I wish I could predict tattslotto numbers as easily as I picked yesterdays result. Last weeks gutsy loss inspired by Neita's retirement was a good (not great) effort. The Saints were under the media pump all week and came out like we did last week and the rest is history. Quite simply we failed to match their intensity.

    We can blame the current coaching panel to a degree, we can blame the players and the lack of leadership and we most certainly can blame Daniher and Cameron who were largely responsible in building and managing this list which was done with no foresight whatsover.

    However, the MFC has a bigger problem than our current playing list and our financial woes. As a club we lack CULTURE!

    We do not have an identity that players and supporters and the media for that matter associate with. We need to have a relentless no holds barred non negotiable demand to succeed that permeates throughout the club. We need a culture so that all players know that it is an honour to represent our great club and wear that famous jumper. We need a culture that everyone including players, supporters, coaching staff and the board all understand what we represent. Once we understand what we represent the other 15 clubs will well and truly get the message and they will start to respect us again.

    I want the MFC to breed a culture where mediocrity is unacceptable. The culture must embrace success and the relentless pursuit of it regardless whether favourite players are delisted. Non performance and non conformance are not acceptable.

    It is up to the board and in particular the president to drive this culture. Clearly Garnder is not capable - let's hope Jimmy is.

    whilst i agree with the sentiment aren't ou shooting the wrong bloke... The board puts a coach in place that is suspposed to drive that aspect, on the ground. They can't drive the players it is up to the coaches...

    Gardner for all of his faults has been the bloke who is moving us, not yet got us there, but is moving us to have a final resting place after how many years in the wilderness aimlessly wandering we will hopefully have a full time admin base/training base in the rectangular complex and summers out at Casey.. Kudos to him no one else has done it. What else does he need to do?

    Sponsors... which he has bought Macca onboard to help bring to the club...

  3. You're right, these two constantly get caught trying to break tackles. Whether or not they can be 'taught' how to do this to greater effect I don't know because at the moment both of them make the wrong decision in trying to get past a 3rd or 4th player.

    is that a sympton of the lack of team mates willing to bump or lay a sheperd for the ball holder?

    His endevour and run whilst one paced are great, it is his kicking like a number of the team that lets him down. As per usual our turn overs looked like they killed us again on the weekend. When will we learn...

  4. I don't think you can pick out a couple from the herd. We have a very very ordinary bunch of footballers in general not just a couple.

    If you took our best 22 and put it against 16 sides in the comp I could think of very few of our players getting a game, to highlight your pet hates is not helping YM.

  5. kennett about Melb and bottom 4 clubs:

    "It (melb) needs to do something dramatic if it is to get the financial support and the consumer and sponsorship support.

    "For the teams in the last four positions (on the ladder) at the end of this year, it is going to be very, very hard to rebuild within the next 10 years.

    "There is no way Andrew (Demetriou) is going to allow any of the weaker clubs to rebuild through the drafting process through the next 10 years. It's almost going to be impossible with what is proposed, so that makes it hard."

    Ok soooo he says we should relocate. He thinks we have the weakest position. Yes we do lets deal with that. Can we change it? Not so sure we can. If we can how do we do it? We are still waiting for training bases we are asking for more money from AFL than ever and we have lost more money than we were going to make for the last number of years.

    are the comments above correct who knows but as a president of anf AFL club he would not be far off. Do we relocate fark no!!!! but the comments above are very worrying. next 10 years...

  6. According to Clint Bartram at the Demonland/Demonology Sponsorship Night CJ picked up 35 possessions in a BOG performance with Sandringham on Saturday morning. As this was probably his third good one in a row, I suspect that he will be rewarded with place in at least the 25 for Sunday and good luck to him because he's worked hard at Sandy and on the training track over the past month.

    Demonland how did the night turn out?

  7. Not the first time he has potted the board this year.

    I don't have a problem with criticism where it's due, but Dr.Turf never offers a solution to the problem, and is "too busy" to get more involved with the club because he has young kids and other commitments.

    That's fine, but I think it's pretty pathetic to sit there and pot the board, when committed MFC people like Paul Gardner, with equally busy lives and careers, do the best they can to run the club.

    My opinion of Dr.Turf is put up or shut up!

    As a supposed Melbourne person Turf, I don't want to hear you opinion on the club unless you want to do something to help.

    Agree, it is so tiring to hear the same comments he makes but then offers sweet fark all to help. Actually offer solution to it Dr or shut up!

  8. I love this about as much as I love the whole concept... great idea

    "We hope to know sometime this week whether or not Casey is keen to negotiate with us," said McNamee,

    No more [censored] about. Lets get this done if not then lets move on to something else. Macca seems like he is heading, no steaming into the right directions. It has taken us 20 odd years to get to here with no real base now he is putting some very smart balls into play. Heres hoping it works out

  9. S_T Posted Today, 03:39 PM

    I fess up.

    I actually left after the first quarter alss, BUT I had a really good excuse. My son was playing in the half-time Auskick game at the Dome. We made sure we boosted the crowd by tunring up for the first quarter but then left. I would of course loved to stay and watched it all, but it was also great seeing my son who is in Prep playing against the older kids on the Dome. He kicked the first goal of his game to boot.

    We have watched the second half of the Melbourne game twice now. Not quite the same as being there live, but still bloody brilliant.

    -- Awesome work ST unfortunatley you missed an amazing 2nd half but understandable. Well done to turn up and add a number to the crowd figure. Almost 20 k was a lot better than expected and will be a profit for us.

    I saw the same guy run past me, along the wing, on the 'G after the game. I also saw some kids in Fitzroy jumpers on the ground at the end of the game.

    How funny was he?! He had an entire corporate box screaming for him, I had no idea what they were on about until he ambled past, it was gold!

  10. Great pics thx. Anyone got any pics of the crowd on the ground at the end, the colour & all the seagulls flying around?

    Have a great time o/s, I'll cheer for you for the next few years while my voice holds up... :D

    Cheers HBT

    I have about 5 pics I'll put up of the crowd it was amazing. To many people to have a proper kick but fun none the less. I saw a guy dressed as Gary Pert from Fitzroy. It was unreal he was about 40-45 in an old lions jumper with the old skin tight lions shorts and sox on, he looked hilarious.

  11. Bring-Back-Powell said:
    My old man messaged me (we sit in different areas) to say that he was heading off at half time. Only problem was that I had to remind him that he was my lift home, so he was forced to stay till the end. He thanked me later :lol:

    Ha ha ha nice one.

    Was never going to leave, was my last live game for the next two years as I head over seas tomorrow afternoon!!! What a way to sign off!!!

    Couple of pics



  12. the best thing about Garland was that he looked a better player than we've seen in the 1st hald when most of the side was battling. Not just when we were making the 2nd greatest come back ever!

    Millsy was good today hopefully he can keep it going for a long period of time

    Robbo when he gets delivery does kick goals, still needs to wokr harder off theball

    Wonna! His chasing and defensive pressure was good too. He chased a bloke and almost ran him down in front of me that lead to a kick out of bounds which we then clearded for a goal and it all started with him putting pressure on the freo player

  13. This is probably the last straw with me and Silv. I was giving him this season to show some class, or at least some solidity... I was impressed with him against the Blues. Very impressed in parts, but this hammy just convinces me he's just not going to play a part in any real demons revival. Maybe as a Vardy-like presence one day... but only equally as injury prone. And he wouldn't even be worth trading at the end of the year.

    Maybe there's something in the Judd thing where he needs the facilities. He gets over the OP and is playing his best footy. Col isn't even close to playing his best, and if we traded him we'd get a third rounder at best, and then he'd go on to star with WC or whoever had the medical side at the cutting edge. I dunno... It's just a guess...

    Anyhoo. This sucks. We have to play SO many players I'd just as soon get rid of tomorrow.

    Not sure it is a hammy.. I thought he played the game out on the ground. He hurt his shoulder early in the game trying to clean Hooper (I think) out, he went off to get it restrapped and played the rest of the game... I think old Yoda has picked up Sheeds Essendon Flu tricks.

    the whole facilites thing is a funny one i mean what is the actual difference between us and the "thems" with the best facilities. I'm sure we have access to doctors and physios the same as every club. If his body is not right then maybe it is just not right.

  14. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...0-19769,00.html

    Well someone finally came out and said it ... at least they know where they've been going wrong the last 6 weeks ... gives me some hope they're going to fix it at some stage.

    hhmmm While it is good to read players talking positive I take it with a grain of salt when a player says: were magnified by players upfield not being prepared to take a calculated gamble and run into space.

    I thought running into space has bene part of the game for awhile now...

  15. Just to clarify on our ground in the MOPT area a post from Demonology:

    DeeBruce Posted on Thu 01/05/08 20:32:42

    Member #

    Date joined





    Reply To George_on_the_Outer posted 2008-04-30 11:25:53

    I have confirmed with my contact at MOPT that we will NOT be sharing the new training oval to be built on the Olympic Park stadium site-- this will be exclusively for Collingw&%$.

    Rather we will have the oval at Gosch's Paddock... where Coll currently train.

    The very good news is that this oval will receive a multi-million dollar upgrade for our long term use.

    And of course we wont have to share facilities, sponsors signage etc with the filth.

    Btw I just searched the area on Google Maps and our new oval is not far at all from the new stadium site... only negatives being on Punt Road, exposed to the elements and difficult to hold closed sessions.

    I am unsure whether the upgrade will help address these negatives.

  16. i read that too this morning. i would like to here the opinions of some of the posters here who have both argued for and against baileys 'game plan'.

    it almost sounds as if jeff white was trying to quieten those critics down, but i couldnt imagine he was. it does seem to support what me and jaded have been saying, that the players seem unable to execute what should be a simple plan...

    Yea lets wait and see the proof in the pudding deanox. I'm trying to be a believer but i just can't fathom how a group of "professional" can be so badly skilled.

    Everyone is reading from the same prayer book and is saying exactly the same things from Yoda down to White, Jones, Bruce etc. It sounds like they have bought into it but it looks like they are really bsttling with it.

    I think we are all waiting to see the signs of the turn around as we have not seen many at the minute. Winning 3 last quarts when the game is shot is so poor it is not funny, bring on Freo!

  17. My point is quite simple. We are at baseline membership - around 24,000 for second year in a row, because for the second year in a row our season has been shot to pieces after 4 games. As admirable as last night's effort to re-sign lapsed members ( 5,000 was the number quoted ) it's too little, and way too late. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE AS A PRIORITY PRE-SEASON instead of the China experiment, no matter how admirable the intent. Face it, we're strapped for resources in all areas, we should be grabbing the low hanging fruit first and foremost. As for the Melbournefc logo, I have no issue with this as a "brand" for letterhead and corporate positioning, but the decision to lose (or at best hide) the Demon moniker is flawed - it is the most aggressive image we have. And finally, the decision to offer ties instead of scarves in the membership package again shows no understanding of what a football club is - I've got plenty of ties - MFC, MCC, MCC/MFC - all this does is drab down our image at games..WE WERE THE FIRST - WE SHOULD BE PROUD (AND LOUD) about it.


    I think we agree on it all but i want to see the facts before casting aside anything on face value..... Working in business development you have to think outside the square, justify the opportunity you ant to chase then report on the facts whislt staying within your budget. Then report on the outcomes, winner, looser or break even. Lets see the dollars and cents of it.

    I agree that it is potentially taking away our limited resources from the low hanging fruit but as you said our terrible starts to the year are hindering all membership and lets not give up on something just because we do not like the sound of it.

  18. MELBOURNE just can't shake its bad habits, according to ruckman Jeff White.

    The Demons are still grappling with new coach Dean Bailey's game plan as their AFL season disintegrates

    "The most important thing for us is to minimise our skill errors, get this great game plan that Dean's got in place (working) and get some confidence from that," White said yesterday. "It's a really, really good exciting game plan, but we've just got to get it right."

    He said players were still trying to shake off the strategies engineered by former coach Neale Daniher and it was taking longer than anticipated.

    "You can get all the training techniques and all the game styles right out on the track but once you get out on the park you tend to go back to your bad habits," White said. "I think that's what's happening but we're excited about learning a new style … so hopefully it's not too far away."

    With Melbourne the only team yet to taste victory this year, White understood that Demons' supporters were struggling to see the positives.

    "From people outside it would look that way but from the meetings we're having on the Mondays, we're not far away," he said.

    "We made a lot of skill errors the last couple of weeks in the second quarter that cost us six or seven goals against Brisbane and Carlton. If we can minimise that a little bit and bring that back to two or three we'll give ourselves an opportunity."

    Fremantle, which lost to reigning premier Geelong by just one point last week, will be without injured defenders Roger Hayden and Antoni Grover, while Steven Dodd is also in doubt and tough midfielder Josh Carr is serving a three-game suspension.

    "We'll do our homework on Freo, they played really well the last two weeks against two quality sides and they'll be out to fire up," said White. "They've played really well the last few years at the 'G."


  19. White has been going alright... PJ is hurt and Meesen isn't up to it yet after returning from an injury.

    Robbo has lifted in recent weeks, and is one of precious few guys in the side who is old enough and mature enough in the body to withstand the big hits from the biggest players. :o The changes should have happened elsewhere, but your point is correct.

    To bad he is usually big hitting the ground... his lack of chase and desire to win a contest besides mark of the year contest is an inditment on Yoda wanting players who play the "right way".

    White has been ok though, can't wait fro PJ to come back

  20. I lolled


    watched the vid. Still looks a bit awkward kicking and handballing but his work rate around the ground is good and his first couple of steps are definitely more explosive than your run of the mill ruckman.

    Didn't dominate the few hitouts they showed like I thought he would (considering how much he gets talked up) and needs to learn to direct his taps better (only the last really went to anyone) if he wants to be a ruckman

    Compared to our current ruckman it looks beyond good and his tackling skills are awesome. Imagine Davey, Wonna and him charging round the field laying takles...

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