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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. I'm not a bruce fan but I'm not a hater either the problem with him is years ago he got a above himself and thoght he arived as a AFL elite before he did and played arrogant football.

    I'm interested to know how he changed as a footballer from when he first began playing and when he "arrived" as an elite footballer?

  2. For those of you who are tired of Cam Bruce's contribution to the Melbourne Footy club think again.

    Cam has put his hand up in the last month to play injured for the remainder of this season to lead the younger players each and every week. Without his support, we have no future. The future of our great club lies within our developing player group. Cam is the father of that group, they all look to him for guidance and he is leading by example. Cam has a condition known to most as shin splints where the facia beneath the shin is deteriorating but manageable. Cam is on crutches for 24 hours after each game and plays in pain!

    If thats not leadership what is? Im sick and tired of reading pessimistic and negative crap directed at him.

    All of this has come from Cam's mouth - he happens to be a close mate of mine and business partner. He's busting his guts and if you cant see that then you're blinded by your own selfish agenda!

    Don't let them get to you AM.

    Bruce has always been a bloke I've seen as the most versatile player at our club and to have come from the Ammos to put together his career is staggering.

  3. I had a look over at 'ology and Y_M is having a whinge he was given a 4 week holiday from here.

    I have to ask why? While I actually think he really has no idea, everyone is allowed an opinion for goodness sakes. That is why it is a forum, opinions are allowed to be opined upon. The over sensitive nature of these forums is ridiculous to say the least.

  4. for you two, and for everyone else wo still believes this misconception, you need to go back and read the player reviews.

    He got 17 1%ers INCLUDING 12 tackles.

    So thats 5 other 1%ers.

    It's still good, but dont claim it as something its not.

    you're kidding aren't you? both shots he had at goal he had at least 1 free man standing on his own waving his arms in front of goal waiting for the pass, while yze just put his head down and kicked for a low percentage goal. at times like that you need to do the team thing, not try to win it on your own...

    did yze turn down bigger money, or did he use the 'offer' to jack up his price at the mfc, getting himself on lots of money before playing 3 years worth of soft, unaccountable footy, where he refused to do the team thing while his skills slowly declined?


    a new coach comes in and makes a hard stand. he says we are building this club around youth. there are only a few basic requirements of you. do the team thing at all times. work equally as hard when you dont have the ball, and work equally as hard when we're in defence. play for the team, not for yourself. the coach says 'there are no favourites here anymore. you will all be judged on form, on the way you follow those rules, and on what you can bring to the club over the next 5 years.'

    he then proceeds to pick a team that includes all the players with the right attitude, regardless of talent.

    a young player decides he 'doesn't like the culture because he has to work for a spot now'. well get f***ed and play for another team if you are that selfish and soft.

    Those 1% are awesome for YZE is what I was suggesting DX simple as that not rating it the game of forever....

    As to jacking his price up, you tell me one player who would not be jacking his price up. Time is the game is very very short, they need to make as much money as they can whilst they can which is completely understandable. He chose to stay at MFC for lesser money... Yze is on his last legs here but he should be given a game if he is up to it.

  5. The following is a copy of a letter I delivered to the MFC yesterday:

    "I have a proposal to empower all MFC members to take an active roll in the refinancing of the MFC.

    Up until now the MFC has [like all clubs] gone for the big end of town money, $500 dinners, $5000 appeals, all that is great and extremely necessary. But what chance do I or many thousands of fellow rank and file members have of contributing to the DEES financial rebirth?

    I propose a club organised direct debit of $10 a month forever, not just August or until the debt is paid but forever.

    This amount is small enough for nearly everybody to take part but large enough if multiplied by very many members to be a considerable amount over time.

    For a cost of just 2 coffies a month and if only 5000 members take up the offer that is $600000 a year every year.

    Call it the heart beat fund, it just keeps on ticking-$10-$10-$10.



    The above was delivered to marketing yesterday, what I would like- no beg, is to have all true blue DEES supporters get behind this proposal and ring,fax,email,write or or just make your thoughts known to the club.

    Now is the time to DO not just fiddle around on this site[ though its good fiddling here] maybe if we do nothing there will be no future for the DEES as we know it, and Kennett and AD ended up right.

    Please do something NOW.

    PS could someone post this on DEMONOLOGY as I am not a member

    Like the idea and good to hear you got a response from the club.

    I know i is flogging this poor little pony to death on some other threads but couldn't we use that money to buy memberships and donate them to other people to use each week? The refugees, people in need, the big brother big sister program etc etc... Then it has added benefits of:

    A) increasing our membership numbers

    B.) giving back to the community

    C) Getting more people to MFC games

    D) helping others in need or assimilate into our culture...

  6. It has been mooted, that the AFL should wipe the Bulldogs, Kangas and Demons debt with $14 million or something. Because they have the money. WHilst Demetriou said that the TV Rights deal will 'guarantee' the survival of all 16 clubs, I don't believe him. They should start a clean slate before the 17th and 18th teams come in - IMO.

    First off what a great gesture by that man! I hope the Demons send the players down along with the Tigs players to the opening of his place as a massive thank you for the money....

    HT that is great in theory, I would think the AFL's issue with wiping debts is that it is not sustainable... The clubs in trouble need to have a clear business plan going forward that will make sure we are not in this position again other wise clearing the debt is for nothing. What will happen in 2 years time when we have a $4mil debt again if the AFL clear it.

    One thing we have kept hearing for succesive MFC boards is they are going to put things in place so we become succesful off the field and we have not been able to do it as yet. Jimmy and this board need to do it or we are gone. With the help of the Dees supporters we need to clear the debt and have our plans in place going forward.


  7. I think Yze will get a call up. I still find it astonishing the amount of [censored] he cops on here. Fact he is he has achieved more than 95% of our current list probably ever will. He may not be the way going forward, but he is one of the stars of our past, and one of the most influential demons for me to watch growing up as a kid. I still remember sitting there at the g with my dad as a kid when he first burst onto the scene and noone even knew how to see his name and we were all yelling yze!!! (pronounced ye-zee) lol

    If Baileys picking on form like he says he is, then Yze has earnt the call up with 12 tackles and 17 1%ers!! He's in the ebst every week, and if thats not work rate and defensive pressure that earns a call up, then nothing is.

    after 17 i percenters, yze deserves a game

    I'd agree if Bails is sticking to his often used idea that form decides games played then Yze man has to get a game

    17 1%ers plus a heap of tackles which he is not known for, maybe he will get another go next year if he is changing his game...... ;)

  8. He has kicked 192 g's to 138 odd points, not a great return on investment but he does kick some vital goals when needed including one vital one against the Lions deep into the last from the pocket.

    I think he is too versitial to be wasted down forward only.

  9. While old Hymie is a player I have not enjoyed watching at all in Melb colours I don't think you could ever questions his committement. He had one of the worst shoulder dislocations I have ever seen last year when that rather rotund Pie fell on him. I thought nup that is it for him he will not come back from that, to my surprise and slight disappointment he did and from reports the other players and coaches think he is great to have a round as he works as hard as anyone around the club.

    While is is not someone I'll remember fondly at Melb I think he should be cut a bit of slack, especially when he was able to, twice a year, play games of his life against the ferals ha ha.

  10. From footage I've seen NikNat certainly shows that as you said the: "the intangible qualities that make champions not how well they kick it..."

    He chases and tackles as well as any big man you'll see. Adam Goodes like....

    Have not seen anything of the other two besides highliths of the u18's Champs to make a judgement on.

  11. Love reading this bit....

    Have the coaches sat you down – to give you some clarity – about what the rest of the season and future holds for you at Melbourne?

    'Bails' [Dean Bailey] is adamant you'll get picked on form – he's always said that. He hasn't sat any of us down and said he's not going to pick us anymore. He hasn't even said he's going to play young guys before me, but I just get that feeling from what's happened so far, but he's told me both times I've been dropped that my season is not over and that I've got plenty to offer. The whole list knows you're going to be picked on form, if it warrants it.

  12. Gebus what was Yze doing tackling??

    Adem Yze

    Stats: Possessions 21, Kicks 14, Handballs 7, Tackles 12, Goals 3

    Adem was very good for us - he had 21 possessions and 17 ‘one percenters’, including 12 tackles. His attitude and leadership was outstanding. He played midfield/half forward and had a really good balance between his attack and defensive parts of his game. He kicked the ball really well in the windy conditions, and finished with three goals. Adem’s defensive pressure was a highlight, and he and Biddlecombe were in the top two players for us on the day.

  13. I pay a portion of his salary, so I will get stuck into him or any other player on the list if I feel like it.

    hahahaha the over inflated self importance is very amusing. I pay your salary I can get stuck into who I want! That’s a brilliant attitude.

    If he is on $500k and you have say a Chairman’s Membership, that is worth $830 but lets make it $1000 you pay of his salary. That is .02% of his salary, I'd suggest you have reached and exceeded your limit of stuck in-ness for the season

  14. I'd prefer that we have a game plan designed around our players strengths, I am completely over having our game plan based on another team.

    A game plan is not based on other teams, it is based a skill set that the coach believes will win each contest, each qtr, each game and ultimtly a premiership.

  15. Lethal says not enough players are acutal footy fans these days. Saying a lot of players just play the game as they are gifted athletes not becuase they love the game of footy.

    News.com website: http://www.foxsports.com.au/story/0,8659,2...8-23211,00.html

    - BRISBANE coach Leigh Matthews has disclosed a major obstacle he encounters preparing his side each week - not enough players are "footy fans".

    The four-time premiership coach says too many players had to be forced to watch the bare minimum of football on TV required to prepare adequately as AFL footballers because they didn't really love the game.

    "We find that we have to almost force feed them as a group to make them watch footy," Matthews said.

    "You would think that as a professional footballer watching the opposition game at some stage during the week as part of your preparation would almost be mandatory. But you would be surprised how many wouldn't do it unless you made them."

    - "A lot of them are just professional footballers. They only play footy because they are good at it. They don't care about the game much," he said.

    - "To make the most of your talents, I suspect you have to love the game a bit."

    - "Every player should have Fox channels to make sure they can familiarise themselves with the game," he said.

    Interesting article. Comparing it to say NFL or even NBA were players have a play book and are each given PSP and each week are given a dvd to watch of there last game and highlights of there next opponent these guys have to do very little prep work.

  16. He had a better efficency than Green 71 to 68. Newton was at 30%. Sylvia was clearly WOG. The scary thing is people on this site are actually believeing this [censored] by a man blinded by his hatred for Bruce.

    Player Name DE% Disposals

    Cameron Bruce 71.05  38

    Austin Wonaeamirri 69.23  13

    Brad Green 68.42  19

    Clint Bartram 66.67  12

    Nathan Jones 65.22  23

    Paul Wheatley 64.71  34

    Colin Sylvia 62.5  16

    Brad Miller 61.1 18

    Michael Newton 30  10

    Facts never get in the way

    Player Name DE% Disposals

    Akermanis 70 20

    Cooney 70.59 17

    Boyd 63.64 33

    Harbrow 60 15

    Hudson 57.14 14

    Minson 55.56 9

    Hahn 50 6

  17. [quote name='Cards13'

    "Don't be fooled by Foxtel",

    Cards, the reason a sponsor contributes financially is to make its brand name more familiar. So we're not being"fooled" if that's their motive for dubbing in. I say..."Keep it up!!"

    Oh so do I JJC, so do I and I hope more companies jump on board too but people thinking they are doing out of the goodness of there hearts would be incorrect.

    It was interesting reading seeing Miller saying the players realise they have to work hard to help the club out as well. Hopefully more than just winning games.

    Go Dees!

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