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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. They did the same to North as well.

    Why does this surprise you?

    The media don't care about good news stories.

    No mate it doesn't surpise me, well it does in one way, I was assuming no coverage at all of the huge night. So the fact we got MORE negative coverage really

    sh !ts me.

  2. Fark you news media!!! Fark you all!! We had a fantastic positive evening that got virtually no play in the newspaper media at all!!! Two paragraphs at the end of an article saying the AFL is forcing us to play at less than 100% even playing field.

    Thanks for nothing guys!

  3. Wholly siht!


    That's brilliant, that's this years $2million debt wiped off already!

    That will be front page news tomorrow.

    Nope Pies being so "tough" on there star players is front page I would think.

    How good is that! We would all ove to be in a position to be able to donate that kind of cash. They are great men!

  4. Good for Yze, he is not getting a game why not go get on the sauce

    As to the punsihment, weak as water Eddie. I believe one of the statments they made was along the lines of " the fabric of honesty and integrity our footy club has been torn apart."

    Few games off will fix it will it Eddie.....

    Didak will be unjustly accused of what now Eddie?? ha ha

  5. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...5012432,00.html

    disappointing Fox has withdrawn... I think the club should really pursue him harder if they think he is the man... really make him think about withdrawing his application...

    Schwab still doesn't seem interested is the issue, it is fine to want someone but if they have given it no thought they don't want to do it...

    Also from the article:

    "Yesterday he reiterated those comments and said: "I haven't given it any thought. I need some clear time to weigh up what I do next, and whatever that role is, I want to focus on it for the next eight to 10 years." "

  6. Posted by Grand Plan on Demonology:

    Just been to the council meeting thought ide let u know as much as i know.

    Plans have been passed by Casey Council, i think it was 7 in favour and 3 against. Development will cost 2.1 mil. The agreement is for 10yrs initially and the MFC has agreed to train there 8 weeks a yr over pre-season for 10yrs. Option for 20 and 30 yrs on the agreement.

    We will train there until MRS is complete. So going by that football opereations will relocate for a yr and a half or so...

    Funding breakdown:

    $1,25m Council

    $500,000 MFC

    $350,000 VFL

    Total $2.1m

    MFC will not acquire an asset through the deal, and the $500,000 we are contributing will be secured/gaurantaured by an organisation other than a bank. The deal also depends on the VFL funds being transfered which hasn't been agreed upon by the state government.

    I'm not sure if there are options on the contract as I'm just going by what was provided at the Casey Council Meeting and contracts were only completed this morning. So whether or not there is an option on us acquiring an asset or not after 10yrs was not revealed.

    The community partnership program we will be undertaking will amount to be worth $6.53m over 10yrs to the local municipality.

    Right so we get nothing out of it bar a training base. Still assetless as such.... it is something but not what we'd been hoping for I would have thought.

  7. If we want guidance about a reasonable crowd figure, let's see what we get on Friday. Even with our ready made excuses we should be getting a good roll up.

    THis is what i'm interested in seeing. The conrol figure is the week before with Geel playing one of the "bigger" clubs in melb so will be interesting in seeing how we go getting close to the 40k figure.

  8. I have not seen the show yet but from the the thread on deomonology it has something to do with daniher ????

    Disappionting to hear ex players with an axe to grind, whether it is justified is open to conjecture of course. I used to love the enigma that is Scotty C, the dashes down the wing with no idea where he was going or what he was doing, bouncing the ball away from himself.. Ahhh it little up my little old heart with joy, my old man..... not so much. I have never seen a player frustrate my old man more than Scotty C, and I must say I loved it!!! For that Chis thank you ha ha.

    I hope Jimmy does get him back in the fold, we need everyone we can get to come back onboard.

    It will be very interesting to see how many of the curent day players have an axe to grind with Bails during his tenure and who stays away from the club.

    White, Yze and a few of the guys being phased out this year come to mind, I hope they are bigger people and see that it has to happen for the benefit of the MFC long term.

  9. Robbo was interviewed on Fox before the game, he stated that himself and a few of the senior players would be donating a sum to the club, great to see he does love the Red and Blue

    Anyone else see this

    That is great to hear, maybe it will get a few supporters bugging deeper. A lot of bullsh !t gets thrown around about players not caring for the jumper and the club because of what we see for 2 hours a week. Robbo has been one discussed at length, sometimes justifiably mind you, but he does care so would 95% of the players who have been at our club for a couple of seasons.

  10. That is interesting. He'll probably put it down to "a cold night".

    The real reason is the Demons can pull a crowd to a game.......on a Saturday afternoon.

    Hear that Vlad?......I'll spell it out for you, "We want more Saturday games!"

    I wasn't there but would be interested to hear how many Dees fans compared to Dons fans, they do have a rahter large supporter base.

    But yes HT Sat arvo games for the Dees would be very handy wouldn't it, can't recall the last time we played back to back Sat games..

    Will also be interesting to see how many we get this week to a Friday night game against the Cats who had less than us this week on the Friday night.

  11. Ah yes, I was thinking the same watching on Saturday with Holland just a few seats away from me.

    I thought Bailey was planning on testing out pretty much everyone in the coming weeks to see if they're worth keeping or not? Even Meesen. :unsure: Did anyone else hear that?

    I'm not sure what to do with Wonaemirri after Saturday's game. He'd just come back from a week off and I'd hate for him to have another game like that and lose confidence. First Friday night game at the G might fire him up.

    Bails tends to play them for 3 games at a time, I think the only one he hasn't is Newts after round 1, I'll stand corrected.

    I reckon the "confidence" line used is highly over rated. They are kids, they have natural confidence and won't loose it after a couple of ave games, especially with Yoda talking them up privately.

  12. I thought harry high pants had at least 3 opponents. Stef first off, then Col then, Warnock to finish. Our defence in general got a bit of a touch up today, first time in awhile but one game does not make a winter.

    Our lack of targets up forward really hurt us today, the number of times we moved the ball out of the back half into the midfield quickly was a good sign. We were then held up going into the forward line on numerous occasions, we would then bomb it long or to a contest, turn over.

    Good signs though from such a young team.

  13. What frustrated me today was players going on mini-suicidal missions "running" past the guy who had the mark calling for the handball from about 23 centimetres away.

    I'd need to see a replay but i'd guess at least 4-5 times we fluffed play (including in the Bombers forwardline in the last quarter when Lloyd kicked one from outside 50)

    2 things drove me nuts. One obviously is giving the handball, don't put your teammates under pressure. But the other thing that annoyed me was, don't call for the handball if you're in a [censored] position.

    I had a go at Jamar for giving the handball before, and i'll happily have a go at the guys being stupid enough to CALL for the handball when they're not in best position. It would put the ball carrier under great pressure to pass it to them, and generally is a complete waste. I think Sylvia took the one that Lloyd kicked. Can't remember the others. One in the first quarter i think was Maric, so that can be ignored for now, but it's something we have to stop

    Agree, one area of our game we have not improved in years, in fact has probably gotten worse over the last 4-5 years. We do not protect the player with the ball enough, we stand flat footed next to the ball carrier calling for it or run next to the ball carrier calling for it a metre away and end up getting tackled or turning it over.

    The last qtr when Buckley got caught, again, Wheater was standing next to him and gave a half hearted "attempt" at a shepherd. Bucks was tackled, turn over goal. We do not seem to be learning from those mistakes.

    It is great to see players making the running but we have to be able to have players willing to play supporting roles and shepherding and blocking to give the ball runner time and space to find a target.

    Sylvia was at his frustrating best, when he is good he looks fantastic, leading, marking and goaling. Then he will brain fart and not chase or give away easy turn overs bombing it long, but he is not Robinson Crusoe there in the MFC colours

  14. I thought Juice might only get one year, but the coaching staff are showing a lot of faith in him. I'm glad they've done. The calls around here for him to be delisted were ridiculous. Let's hope he can repay that faith Bails is showing in him. He has the ability to do it.

    Great news on the other 5 signings too.

    Yea I was of the same thought, he would have got one more year, but it is good to see they have faith in him to go for the 2 years. I love the coaching staff's confidence that they can squeeze the Juice!

    Will be interesting to see the next few days then around White.

  15. I always thought it was short sighted by the AFL not to keep one of Princes, Vic park or Waverly around to revamp as a boutique option. Yo can only assume it would cost them less to revamp than build a new one...

    The issue now is where will it be built and how can we get onboard for a few years until we have the biggest crowds on the league again and end up being sole tenants of the G after sending the Pies and Tiges off to Punt road to play.

  16. I didn't think it was his worst game from the replay. He chased and ran hard all day, but the delivery was rubbish, and he was ignored on a number of occasions.

    On the negative side he dropped marks he should take, he losses his feet way to easily and he gets pushed off the ball way to easily for someone so big.

    Here is hoping he will improve his consistency

  17. just watching the replay. First half down... gees it is hard work waching it.

    Terrible, lackluster, lazy first qtr.

    Bell had one of the worst first qtrs of footy ever. 3 goals in the first 6 mins from his direct opponent. 2nd qtr he was battling away well trying to provide run out of the back half.

    Newton was not as bad as I would have thought in first half. Dropped a couple of marks he clrearly should have taken but he was leading hard, running and chasing the whole time. Didn't think it was a lazy half from him

    Miller was good for the opportunities he had.

    Junior had a terrible first half coming back into the side.

    PJ looked really good. His skill below the knees is fantastic and his kicking is good.

    Bucks was running very hard but turn overs sometimes. Whether or not that is a result of lack of movement up the ground or not is hard to see on a replay

    Our midfielders were nowhere to be seen in the first qtr at all, very ave display. Working back into it in 2nd qtr.

    Sylvia is frustrating. He is the almost there... always looks like he is almost there but never quite gets there. Will he come on that next step next season. Will it be at MFC?

    Jamar was not sighted.

    Davey might be in trouble along with Newton for reports. Mclaren's reports on Dunn were ridiculous.

  18. hhmm was there not a lot of discussions earlier in the year about how great it would be to have a "marquee" player down at the Dees after Macca said he was chasing a star? When we thought we might be better than we are? Now it is jumping all over him saying he has no idea.... interesting

  19. Also someone mentioned this supposed "old boys network" that has been bandied around over the last few weeks on here and in the media...

    The poster made a very valid point. We have been pissing and moaning for how long about ex players not being involved in the club and shunning us. Now they are coming back to the club to try and lead us out of our darkest hour this "old boys network" pops up.

    Who wants cake and to eat it as well?

  20. thats what shits me more than anything, there just never seems to be any stability, Jimmy comes in and the place seemed on the up then he does this and it spirals down again. I don't know how he's going to get people to dip into there pockets, when they keep making these stupid decisions that cost us money :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Agree. We hear from one board how we are turning everything around, new CEO, Casey summer base, Bubble stadium etc etc... All of a sudden we have none of those things in place, yet again, and it is costing us more and more money. As Steve Harris mentions in his Age article we have not had continuity forever and a day.

    Can we for once have a plan in place and follow it through and it continues on through successive boards??

    While the decision might be the best in the long run it just seems like one step forward, two steps back.

    Hopefully the interim CEO can keep momentum going whilst he find and pay the highest $$ possible to the best administrator in Australia to save our football club from death.

    Also what is the continued talk of factions within the club??? What factions? Where do they sit on game day? Is there a dark red jumper section in the cheer squad that is one faction, is there an alternitaive strip section in the Southern Stand, is there an 80's light blue section in the members section? If so FARK OFF AND LEAVE THE CLUB ALONE! We need to be united and move forward together, your continued bickering and underminng each other is killing us so for the good of the rest of us leave the club alone!

    /end rant

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