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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. Nieta says the injury has been around since Dec. Average tackle caused pain down neck, into back. He is questoning his body. Form is not what he would like and the injuries are a worry.

    He thinks maybe his time is up!! Bails and he decided to put him on the injruy list and he will come back after the 8 weeks.

    Last week he went to Bails/Match committee and asked if they thought he was still part of it as we are in the rebuilding phase. Theu said yes you are still wanted. He will retire............................................. at seasons end

  2. [censored] you Hutch!

    Thommo asked him how he could get it so wrong with Argus whislt Barret reported the next day he was in no way interested as Pres. Hutch said he might not be interested now or in two months or the short time...

    That is rubbish Hutch.

    Carro "a number of influencal Melb people want Argus and have told the media so."

    That was recorded Friday

  3. Hutchy, Damien Barrett, and Carro vs Richo, Neita and Thompson from North.

    Neita wanted to go on in '08, wanted to offer his leadership skills in the transition. Barrett said he should have pulled the pin after seeing round one.

    Hutchy "are you embarrassed by your footy club?"

    Nieta "We have issues that need to be fixed, MCC need to have a look at how the ground was built and need to work with the MFC." (Nice one Nieta!)

    (I'm doing this on the fly so might miss a few things)

  4. question, did gary lyon play a last game or not , or did he retire before having a final game i forget?

    Can't recall if he got a send off but he played two games.. Rnds 10 and 11. I think he believed he could have played out the year but then he realised the back was wallaby teds brother... roo ted.

  5. I think it is fair to say that even at this early stage we are unlikely to make a run for the eight so what harm will a Neitz send off game do.

    An even more important argument though is the issue of cultivating the right sort of culture and values for the footy club.

    We should send off all our players with as much dignity and appreciation as possible. If we want Melbourne Football Club to be around for another 150 years we should be looking for every opportunity to enhance the pride, value and honour of wearing the red and blue.

    Pause for a moment and consider how that may have helped just a little through the Chris Judd saga, if MFC, if nothing else, was known among all the clubs to be the best at revering their past players.

    If we fail to send off one of the undisputed champions of the club, how far are we along the path to a truly great club with a fiercely proud and strong culture?

    But if it is at the expense of a younger player then it defeats the purpose. Good players will look at us and say why would I play for them (besides a huge pay day and one last game check) when they don't care about winning?

    I recall seeing an article in on of the weekends papers from Crwaf saying how he would hate to be "holding back" a younger player. Holding back his development just so he can run around.

    If there is a player who is better (massive if at MFC at the minute) then they play ahead of Neita. If there is no one in the club who can kick more than 1 goal in 5 rounds at FF then the rookie player bumped up should be dropped back down and Nieta should play as many games as he can hold his spot.

  6. You would think it is an option if they did the same with Wonna. BUT Nieta is a forward so they might promote the Valiant one but play a Maric or maybe Bates if they think he is at the 100% threshold to get a run.

    To be fair who knows what happens at our selection meetings it has been very hard to judge this year to date.

    I think, Zomer and Frank (Spencer) both player 2's at Sandy didn't they so doubt they will get a list promotion this year but who knows.

  7. One thing that shits me to tears is the abuse we hurl at each other on these forums. For [censored] sake we are here for the one thing... Each poster has there own opinion, allow it to be expressed if you don't like the opinion then rebut...

    I'm not sure on this one. A hard nosed coach like Sir Alex Ferguson would say NO to a farewell match if the season was on the line, if it was not on the line then might say yes. Trying to recall if he gave one of his favorite sons (Becks) a farewell match or if it was a testimonial for someone else he played in.

    Our season is over, he is going on the long term list.... why would you bring him back for one game, at the expense of the rookie you have elevated and will hopefully play a heap of games for us? It seems nonsensical.

    Unfortunately his time looks to have passed, he has been our best and most prolific for a long time we can send him off but it doesn't have to be in a match.

  8. I'd argue that it has already happened. Last year 96 games were played by players who retired/delisted at the end of the year. This year Yze has played 1 game, Holland has not played a game, and Neitz will not play for at least 8 weeks.

    Bailey has already started and has a good look at players like Garland, Weetra, C.Johnson, Newton, Frawley etc. This is the beauty of Bailey.

    I think he has two goals, none of which revolve around winning a game this year.

    Firstly, he would love to have a relatively injury free squad at the end of 2008, so they can all get proper pre seasons, rather than have the likes of Whelan, Rivers, Bartram, Moloney being nursed through the early rounds.

    NB: He has not rushed any player back from injury this year, in fact it can be quite frustrating for a supporter to see him hold them back, but he's planning for the future.

    He will also be looking to get in as many games to those he sees has a future, and games given to those, for the purpose of confirming in his mind that they dont have a future.

    As an aside, I am very impressed with Yze's attitude, I've got no idea what has been said, but he looks to have accepted the role of developing and helping the young blokes at Sandy. He may get one more game, and I hope he does so we can send him off in proper style. He was a very good player for us for about 5 or 6 years, and was unlucky not to be an All-Australian (I think).

    Nice one. agree agree agree.... whether or not he has a game plan or not Bails is sorting the future today. The year is over.... deal with it. The issue for supporters is we are not seeing much to excite during games or for next season as yet. Hopefully (here's hoping) by rnds 15 onwards the young guys, some who have played already, some who have not are at least looking competitive.

    Off the field as well I hope to see something positive from Macca and the succesor are El Presidente. Gardner has signalled for awhile he wants out, just no one seems to be interested besides Jim Bob. I would love to see a guy like Ron Walker get it with Jim as Deputy. The top end of town with business acumen, profile and connections with an ex player who has worked with our youth to better them. Could see it working well

  9. I can't wait for us to change to Casey. I'm sick and tired of seeing a goal to goal line of Lamb,Crowe,Summers,Poyas and Sautner no wonder the Dees are stuffed. Garland BOG is great news. Play him at full back I don't know how many times Carroll has to get a bath before they drop him, I'm sure Lamb is wondering why he didn't get the chances that Carroll gets every week. If Bate doesn't get a game this week I may lose the plot I'll have to kill someone, to play him in the 2's last week was a disgrace they may as well have played him in the under 12's as to do that. I can see why Maric may have lost confidence this week to star last week with 5 goals and still not get a game in the worst team in the AFL must be hard to take. I thought Bailey was suppose to be good for the young kids we'll I haven't seen it. How he can justify not playing Maric against Carlton but play Weetra in the first 2 games is beyond me?

    Lamb?? He was drafted pick 13 and played 21 ave games. His highest disposals was 14..... 2 games in '99. 3 games in '01. 11 games in '02. And 3 games in '03.

    Games Kicks Handballs Disposals Marks Goals Behinds Tackles Hitouts Frees For Frees Ag.

    Career 21 3.2 2.6 5.8 1.5 0 0 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.7

    He got a go.... and was not up to it let alone a 13th pick...

    source footywire.com

  10. I'd keep mcdonald simply because he has earnt the right to wear the jumper and can show the younger guys how to play the ball and play it hard.

    Only thing I don't agree with here. We've done this with Yze this year and look where it has gotten us. 1 game and probably only one for the year because he "deserved" it. If you're good enough ala Brad Johnson then you play, if you're not good enough no matter how much of a club legend you are then you don't play.

    Look at the G Train. Played a few games now dropped and will be luck to get back in.

    They've already said rnd 6 is the change over period, even though we have been playing younger players who have not exactly earned a spot in the 1's. But the older players will be phased out from then on leaving us potentially even worse losses but hopefully with a lot more commitment

  11. Not sure who else watched Friday nights game but I tell you what if Bails does not get a highlights package of the St Kilda players 1% last night and show it to our boys before Sundays game he is kidding himself.

    They were all over the bumps, blocks, and sheperds to give team mates space and time. I saw more of that in one game last night that in the 3 games I've watched us play this season. For ____s Sake it is not hard, if a side like St Kilda who has never wanted to play that kind of game can do it then we can do it...

    I guess a rev up from one M Voss highlighting a weakness in the paper would do that to you..

    Some snippets from his Friday Age column (you could insert Melb where St Kilda is mentioned)

    "...It's merely intent. Great teams are willing to look out for one another. To cover for a teammate until they are able to resume their role. They have players who swallow their own ego and perform a role for the team, even though they think they may be too good for that role.

    Great teams have players who have the ability to not only perform their role but to help others achieve their goals. To think outside of themselves. To not only do this when they are playing well but when they are below their best.

    Great teams have players that ensure team rules are followed and that the style of game they want to play is encouraged and supported. By everyone.

    And they have a group of men who accept mutual accountability for the result of the team.

    Great teams share the glory or the pain irrespective of personal performance because their emotions are directly linked to team results.

    This is difficult to achieve because with high achievers and high performers, there will always be strong individual ambitions, goals, wants and needs.

    But at times it's about submitting your ego to the team cause. Accepting a role for the good of the team, and appreciating others who do likewise.Too many St Kilda players want to be the star. Not enough want to be the player who contributes the most to the team cause and has the most influence on the team result."

    And this..

    "Sydney is a team full of support and responsibility. Last Saturday night, we saw yet another excellent example when Kieren Jack did a magnificent job on West Coast's Daniel Kerr. In typical Swans fashion, whenever Jack got "lost", someone else would pick up the assignment. It didn't matter who — it was a team priority and a team result."

  12. I'm starting to think not :(

    Carlton is probably our best chance (can you trust them to win 2 in a row) but it's my wedding weekend, so can't make it.

    Brisbane is at the GABBA and thats out of the question

    Freo at the G is doubtful...but they lost to Richmond at home by 10 goals, so you never know.

    Adelaide at AAMI - LOL

    Hawthorn at MCG - LOL x 2

    St Kilda at TD - LOL x 3

    I thought I could at least get 1 farewell win before I head off to Seattle, but alas it doesn't look likely. Can anyone convince me otherwise?

    Hope the second half picks up for you poor suffering souls :P

    ha brother you've got it good.... I fly out May 7th so this week will really be my olnly chance to see a win for the next two years! I need something to keep me going after seeing 3 of the first 4 weeks live

  13. If Garland, CJ and Miller can get an opportunity to prove themselves, then surely Newton should have a chance.

    I think the difference for Bails is that no matter how average a player they are they bought into his "system" and he gave them a go. Newts needs to apply himself more and has been injured.... Couple of games at Sandy then we can ask the questions about him getting a go or not. Molon's is a worry...

  14. Good points, I mean what is the piont of having blokes on your list if you are nto going to see if they can actually play at the highest level, the reason you drafted them...

    I think the likes of Collingwood and West Coast seem to integrate 1st and 2nd year players better than most.

  15. He turns the ball over every second time he touches it, he's only kicked two goals and he's dropping sitters... he's in pretty bad form.

    Neita? turns it over? He only hjas shots at goal.... I agree his is not in the best form of his career but delivery is a huge factor for the forward line in general this season to date.

  16. I know what you mean Graz about the game. But I think geelong only scored goals in the first quarter due to errors - cut them out and they may have arrived at quarter time goalless in front of a dissatisfied crowd. Pressure is a funny thing.

    I like the accountability in Bailey's plan. I wonder how he will institute accountability in the leadership group - as leaders. Is neitz accopuntable to the coach for his leadership - which includes onground performance?

    TD great points again... The captain is as accountable as the rest of the playing group. If Bails does not think he is cutting it then he will be asked to spend some time at sandy showing he can play the way Bails wants the entire playing list too.

    Captains are sacred cows at all clubs but what a way to make a statement to the young blokes and the so called miscreants (ie Hi-Ho Sylvia etc) that no matter who you are if you are not pulling your weight there are consequences.

    Now whether his form deserves a dropping is open for debate by smarter footy brains than mine.

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