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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. I think Shwab will come on board and i know that all three of connolly, stynes, and schwab are very close mates and will bind together to try and prove everyone wrong and get our demons back to being a force....

    Look how well being close mates ended for St Kilda........

  2. the article- First a new boss then a new home is the most concerning out of the bunch???

    That was my first thought too M.... why throw away another $250k...

    One thing I'll say for Jim is that he has an idea he is not afraid to run with it. We have hear for how long now the advantages of being tenants at Buddle Stadium will be good for us blah blah blah, now they want out of it.... Where will we have out training facilities then? Still train at Goschs paddock, but gym, pool etc that Buddle has to offer the G doesn't. And we certainly don;t have the money to add those to the G.... You think the MCC will build those for us <_<

    And can we for once in our life times have a cohesive approach to something, one board wants one way the next another. One CEO wants one way the next another, I mean for farks sake where is the continuity?

  3. From what has been revealed in the media Cameron Schwab has been a target for the current Board from day 1. And the way the current administration operates, Stynes is taking a front and centre in this situation and the process going forward. When questioned on 693 in response to a direct question from Dwayne R. Jimmy stated that he would love Cameron Schwab to apply. I understand Stynes has also repeated that angle for both Fox and Schwab. I would suggest that it is search between those two at best.

    I note the author of the latest media leak, Mike Sheahan has stated that Cameron Schwab is the front runner for the CEO role. I have no doubt there have already been discussions with Schwab given the Board talked of bring him in as a mentor for MacNamee.

    And it would be naive of a potential candidate to wonder why and how the fate of the last two CEO's have been effectively decided in the media and the Club on both occassions has been made to look stupid by the leaks. There are two possible sources of the leaks. Both disturbing.

    At the end of the day, with the new administration in, a CEO (especially one not support) is a dead duck and his removal may or may not have been a good thing. Cameron Schwab may well be the answer. We dont know.

    But the events that have transpired and process to has been terrible. And the character assassination that has been played in the Press has been appalling.

    This was a tough joh before but its I think its got far worse for the actions going on in the background. The "wide" search will be in line with the vested interests who been behind the media games

    It's being reported that he has said he is not entertaining the idead of being MFC CEO. He wants to take a break and do something different.

  4. I don't think I've copped more of a shelacking about the Dees than I've copped today. "Whats goin' on with that mob of yours?" " They're imploding" "Can't be Macca's fault" Hasn't the CFO gone too - who is running the show now? " "Who's going next?"

    Chris Connolly loves the limelight and is not the sort of bloke to sit back behind the scenes without putting in his two bobs worth.Well the gossip over a few beers tonight went something like this....

    Chris is great mates with Gary Lyon and Gary is Jimmy's AFL mentor.

    Surely Chris was well and truly in the loop when Jimmy was putting his ticket together and planning his coup - and surely Chris would be happier reporting another mate like Cameron Schwab than he would be reporting to a charismatic boss like Paul McNamee. If Chris can quietly sneak Cameron in as CEO, then in the space of a couple of months , he will have gone from a lowly office three seats from the top to a barstool alongside the CEO, the Chair , and Chair's mentor. He's on a roll!!

    Next thing you know , he'll be jumping from the interchange bench to the coaches box. If I was Dean Bailey, I'm not sure, I'd feel quite as comfortable in my job as I did a month or two ago.

    Now I used to love Chris when he ran around in #22 - but the Connolly- Schwab legacy at Freo is looking pretty shaky - and I not sure its the combination Melbourne needs right now.

    We need a business-orientated CEO who will get Chris to concentrate on managing football operations.

    Jim must get the best man for the job -quickly and professionally.

    We are but a few days away from 'Debt Demolition' month. Is there going to be anyone in the office to bank the cheques?

    I certainly hope not, he was not a very good coach to say the least, well at the minute he is better than Mark Harvey...

    I've mentioned it a few times on here. Connolls has quite a big match day role. He sits on the bench yelling instructions and directions out to players, he is the first bloke out to the group after wins talking to the team, before the coaches. I think Bails has faith in himself and Connolls to be professional and stick to each others roles.

    I couldn't think of anything more ridiculous to the future of our club and our stability than this happening. If it did happen that would be about enough for me i'd think

  5. Lighten up everyone.

    Surely the new Board would have only taken such a dramatic, controversial and costly step if it had good reasons. Or do some of the posters here think they are all crazy?

    Surely by now we should have no faith that the old Board got the appointment right.

    So give Jim a break. He's clearing the decks so we can start afresh. Hopefully he has got it right.

    Judge ONLY by the outcome over the next year or so.

    The issue is we do not have that much time, we are on our last gasps if we do not stop loosing money hand over fist. As one poster pointed out how much of our debt over the last two years has been to do with covering costs of employees we've moved on? Close to $1.5/$2mill?

    And if you want to judge Jim over a year or so why would Paul Mac not get the same time frames from the board?

    I don't know if it is a right or wrong choice but my goodness from the outside looking in we still look a mess.

    The reasoning behind the descision might be sound but at the same time I hope we can get someone into the role very very quickly, if a board member is running the day to day CEO function, it would surprise me if he had the time to do an exceptional job if he has a day job....

    The other worry is Casey, how does this affect that going forward? Is this going to be the 3rd person (Spargo) from the club who has been in charge of it now? Casey must be a little concerned with that.

  6. She is the most attacked journalist in her field, especially amongst fellow journalists.

    IMO that has something to do with her gender, as she's certainly one of the better football writers out there.

    Notice how nobody attacks Sam Lane, and that's probably because she writes crap fluff pieces and disappears nicely into the background. She does what women in sports journalism are expected to do. Caro doesn't, and I respect her enormously for that.

    I would see her being the most attacked because of what she writes not becuase of her gender. She has always been unafraid of writting what she thinks is the truth at the time on any story. Thus she is attacked by people associated with the stories and attacked by other journo's jealous of her position as head football writer for the age.

    And yes I agree Lane doesn't write the same articles so why would she be attacked? She is of the same gender and is not attacked is she? It is because of what they write.

    I will add one thing that i find difficult with all journo's is there lack of accountability if they are wrong in a story, if they are getit wrong they never admit the mistake and never retract it.

  7. Your stats are up the creek without a paddle................................................it misses players such as Garland

    Most Improved

    Answer: GARLAND

    Garland did not fit the criteria of games played in '07. 5 games in '07, 3 in '08.

  8. She's one of the few intelligent football writers and because of this she attracts the ire of her less intelligent male peers. Hutchinson being an absolute prime example. He knows she holds more kudos as a journalist because whilst he's sniffing around the gutters of "celebrity footballers" she's writing articles that provoke thought and interest in the football world.

    That is not because she is a woman though RI, it is beacuse he is a [email protected]

  9. I don't always agree with her but I respect her enormously for never backing down despite being constantly belittled by her male colleagues, who are mostly idiots.

    I'm not a fan either way but is she belittled because she is a woman or becuase of what she writes....... the times I've seen her "attacked" it has been for what she has written. All journo's are attacked at some point, she is still unafraid of broaching hard topics and going with sources even when previous stories have turned out to be untrue or not as she has written them. You have to give her credit for plugging away.

  10. Based purely on stats it is Bucks

    Name: Disposal Diff 07 to 08 (min 3games in 08)

    Simon Buckley 8.55

    Christopher Johnson 7.71

    Matthew Whelan 7.23

    Brock McLean 5.5

    Brent Moloney 4.28

    Colin Sylvia 3.69

    Paul Johnson 3.69

    Paul Wheatley 3.35

    Matthew Bate 3.13

    Brad Miller 2.95

    Jeff White 2.65

    Mark Jamar 2.6

    Nathan Jones 2.5

    Clint Bartram 2.24

    Daniel Bell 1.4

    James Frawley 1.31

    Brad Green 1.07

    Aaron Davey 0.98

    Nathan Carroll 0.86

    Cameron Bruce 0.38

    Russell Robertson 0.33

    Lynden Dunn -0.67

    David Neitz -1.87

    Michael Newton -1.97

    Adem Yze -3.87

    James McDonald -4.98

    - Bruce is the leading player for both seasons with a slight increase this season

    - Junior has dropped the most by almost 5 disposals a game

    - Brock increased his output by 5.5 disposals a game

    - Newton ave less than last season. I think if my calculations are correct we are ave 11 less inside 50's a game

  11. hhmmmm Holland making sure he was right to come back and has a big game..... Interesting that.

    "Ben Holland - looked like he was going to spoil Sautner's big day when he was plucking marks from everywhere in the first quarter. Continued to dominate in the air as Tassie had no answers to his size and strength. Very good first game back, ending up with four majors."

  12. When will Paul Wheatley finally give up his futile attempts at bombing the ball to absolutely nobody?

    Honestly, it makes him look like a dumb, lazy footballer, which he is not.

    JD continually doing the same thing for the same outcome = dumb, lazy when doing anything. If you don't learn over how many years will you ever learn?

  13. Spot on Cards, Jamars previous best was 12 vs Brisbane this year at the Gabba.

    He had a season high of 4(!) kicks today, and equal career high of 10 handballs, also against Brisbane at the MCG 3 weeks ago.

    Add to that another career-equalling high of 7 tackles to match his efforst against the Dogs last week, and he's doing OK.

    Fark me I was not being to serious with that one.... hmm good to see improvement for the big Russian, but gee wiz a career high 14 possies after how many years in the system is a worry, and even though R Warnock is young if he can't out point Jamar then he might not be an ideal choice for a PSD if he is interested.

  14. Relax, take a chill pill. Yes we were rubbish today, but we're young and we're going to have our bad days, even good sides have them (Geelong V Collingwood) With the delistings at the end of the year we'll be the youngest side in the league. We've got a reasonable list, good draft picks coming and a commited board and good coaches. Really, we're bottoming out and you'd better get used to days like today because there's more coming. But at the end is a light and in it are players like Martin, Grimes, Morton, Mclean, Miller, Bate, Buckley and others who are young and are going to be joined by other young guys at the end of the year. And in 3-4 years time we'll be competing again. Looking at those names I reckon everything's ok. So sit back, hand over some money and enjoy the ride. But be prepared for some poor days at the office!

    Whilst i agree RI on the chill it doesn't matter how young we are if our skills are clearly the worst in the league and do not look like improving any time soon. One step forward 2 steps back is a tough way to go through a footy season, we need to see signs of continued growth and improvement week to week let alone season to season.

    Some one like Bate doesn't seem to have improved on where he has been for the last few seasons. Sort of there, plays a few good to eye catching games but then drops away again.

  15. i reckon Bailey should sit him down, show a tape of that marking attempt 10 times over, then ask him which way he wants his career to go.

    I think he might have already, after round 1..... It is tough being a forward with no ball but you have to take the chances given to you.

    Unless his efforts were round 1 like he would on Yodas current for get another game or two to see if he is improving.

  16. Warnock had 13 disposals and 13 hitouts, but was barely noticed. He won't be the 'saviour' in the ruck if we do somehow manage to snaffle him in the pre-season draft.

    In comparison Jamar had 14 disposals/14 hitouts, Johnson 15d/7HO and big Sandilands had 15/23HO's. I would say there was no clear winner in the big-man stakes today, Jamar was certainly more than serviceable again today, his improvements are tending to be more baby steps than quantum leaps, but he's getting there..

    Oh, and all 3 of Sandilands, Jamar and Johnson kicked 1.0, although Sandilands did hit one out on the full as well...

    Cheers DD

    Jamar's stats would almost be a career high.......

  17. The loss doesn't hurt me, the pathetic effort for 3 quarters concerns me as it should all supporters. Check the other posts on the end of this topic mate; your the one out of touch. (Oh, and my preferred drug as alcohol, which I will now give a nudge.)

    I just thought you and a couple of others were overreacting to be honest. Crap effort I agree but its hardly likely to have any sort of lasting effect. We have a young, young team and stuff all leadership to turn them around when they lose their way, especially with Green out of the side. Its hardly unexpected that they don't play 4 quarters every week. That will come as they mature, and take more responsibility.

    It is funny as we all know we are playing terrible footy but we at least want to see some light at the end of the tunnel. One week we can see something, then next we realise it is not light is a pile excrement we wander by down this tunnel.

    It seems one step forward and two back, we need to see progression and the first qtr seemed like a good progression, the last 3 qtrs were steps backwards. It is frustrating to say the least

    Anyone give a report on Robbie Warnock???? If he is to be considered in PSD, if he is interested, did he outplay Jamar???

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