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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Beautifully put, Jack! Well done! That song is so appropriate, too! Had me in tears! Vale The Kid!
  2. Thanks for the family background, DS. Condolences to you and the rest of the Sylvia family. So tragic! Just hope you are little heartened at the knowledge that Dees fans have very fond memories of that cheeky grin, the warm hearted reaching out to the ill and needy and, of course, those occasions when he lit up the "G" in the red & blue!
  3. Mate, I have the same problem, and I have never played AFL Footy!!
  4. Sorry to hear that, Saty. I appreciated his efforts in acting as a link between the players/coaches & supporters. I hope something works out for him, and would like to wish him all the best!
  5. "Point that camera at us for five seconds longer and one of us will punch your lights out...!!"
  6. So, does anyone actually know why he's leaving, and where he's going? As others have said, seemed like he loved the club, and did his best to put a positive spin on things, even when there wasn't much to be positive about. All the best to him whatever his future may be.
  7. And, let's not forget his mark on the boundary at the end of the Round 1 clash against Geelong this year, and the neat centering kick to big Max 20 metres out, straight in front, giving us the chance of snatching a win. (Pity Maxy kinda spoiled the moment!)
  8. Agreed, Nasher. Really said it all when Pedo was camped half way up the race to greet the boys coming off the ground after the Finals win over the cats a coupla weeks back. Seems like a genuine club man. Glad he has been part of the MFC these past few years. While not a star, he has been a very useful foot soldier.
  9. Sorry to hear it. Guess it helps explain why Clarrie seemed to be missing a lot of handball targets in the past few weeks. He certainly didn't seem to be the "same ole Clarrie". Here's hoping for no complications, and a speedy, full recovery!!
  10. Nice article from the guy who has to take huge amount of the credit for where we are. Was great to see him on Fox Footy after the hawks win last week. He was genuinely emotional about the win and the adulation of the fans nearby -- even if they were being a little whipped up by mad Eddie. (Doubt Eddie will be in the same mood if we make it to the big dance and knock off his mob! LOL)
  11. I think you're on to something there, Mono! Has a nice ring to it! (Although, to be honest, don't think my heart would survive that. Would prefer we get a commanding lead before 3/4 time, and hold it through the last 1/4.) But, first we gotta get it done today. Would be nice to put the crowd out of the equation by blowing them away in the 1st Qtr, lead by 7 goals at 1/4 time and extend the lead each 1/4 from there. I can dream! (54 years gives one a lot of time to develop very wild dreams!!) GO DEES!!!!!
  12. So, the old enemy awaits! We just gotta get it done tomorrow!!
  13. Absolutely awesome stuff! Yep, brought me to tears, too! Also reminded me of Rupert McCall's work a few years back, and I reckon it deserves a reprise... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj-s_A_gmOc The MFC has a great history. Never forget, the MFC started this great game! The rules of the game are officially known as "The Rules of the Melbourne Football Club"! We need to be proud of of our history! And, we need to be proud of our boys as they add a new page to that glorious history! GO DEES!!!
  14. How about that?! Was my wife's 12th Birthday! (Not that she recalls the event, being a Yank who grew up in the USA and didn't get a live satellite broadcast back then! LOL)
  15. VERY VERY SPECIAL!! The boys should feel privileged that the great man still takes the time and effort to continue giving to the Club. What a super inspiration! Well done, Neale!!
  16. Just let the Weed & Tom carve up Frawley (remember him vaguely? LOL) and his mates at one end of the ground, while Oscar & Co. build the impregnable wall at the other end! Well done Oscar!
  17. HASSA!!! One of my all time favourite players. His pic used to take pride of place on top of the Telly back in the day! great to hear him taking an interest in the new look Dees!
  18. What's the matter with you, Nash? How dare you try to derail this derailment...!
  19. Yep, Ethan explained it perfectly. It's NOT a word. It's an ACTION...!
  20. Well, they do say that people marry their opposites! Certainly couldn't be any truer in this instance! After all, if there was ever a total opposite of "The Melbourne Footy Club, the greatest football club in the world", it would certainly be Collingwood!!
  21. Assuming Tyson is passed fit to play, then you'd kinda think it might be a choice between Hannan & Spargo...
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