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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. Out- Hunted In - Hunters We are the reigning premiers, biggest change required is attitude and mindset.
  2. Your first paragraph just about says it all. I hope you will be proven wrong but am not confident. Fair weather supporters is what we seem to be, even after a premiership
  3. I have a sad horrible feeling that the level of passion and loud support we got over in the west from neutrals will never be beaten. They showed us how to barrack. We just haven’t got it in us to barrack the way other supporters do for their sides. We deserve all the ‘fair weather’ jokes etc that get levelled at us. Sad but true.
  4. I’m with you and did pretty much the same and felt the same as I don’t think our players get the benefit of a home ground / crowd advantage as other teams seem to get. Worse still, I don’t think it is going to change much. It is such a shame. Such is life.
  5. Equation hasn’t changed, need to win three in a row. Refinements needed: a) Attitude change, the hunted must become the hunters b) Become cleaner in general play, take the game on. We are a champion team, if we are ‘on’ anything can happen. GO DEES!
  6. Love it. We need plenty more supporters just like you. If you are still of breeding age you have a job to do. You know what to do.
  7. No, no no! After this year I’ll be saying ‘ two down, two to go’
  8. Funnily enough I missed the 2018 finals because I was travelling. My family was there and it looked sick! Ironically, I was travelling again last year and got to see all the finals. The noise was incredible, particularly in WA. Never experienced anything like it watching the Dees. Would like to think that after tonight, I’ll be saying ‘wow, the noise level even surpassed what occurred in WA last year’. GO DEES!!
  9. Watching Riewoldt saying ‘that wasn’t a point’ to the umpire after the final siren - priceless
  10. If as the other ‘training’ thread is saying that Hibberd was not training this morning (gastro symptoms?), who replaces him?
  11. I reckon you are on the money. On the app I use it suggests that there will only be a few showers very early Friday morning. Even the BOM app says the same this time round (it indicated that there was going to be showers for the Carlton and filth games - BOM got it wrong) Perfect football weather coming up. So for all demon supporters who suffer from ombrophobia ( fear of rain), you have no excuse, fill the G and be very loud! LET’S GO DEES.
  12. Bloody Ginnivan, first season and just one goal short of being leading goal kicker for the ferals! Still love to hate him.
  13. I reckon that could well have been a strategic move by Longmire. I think previous comments made by some posters have also suggested that the SCG ground size would suit us better against them. Having said that I think if we are on at the very start we should beat them this time round. It’s going to be a BIG game! All the more reason why we need to fill the G and be very loud from the very start. We need to take advantage of every advantage we have.
  14. I’m with you. In my opinion only near the end of a game if we are crushing a side or at the end when we win. In the scheme of things I am just a pawn with an opinion. I am relying on the likes of our true leaders like Walkingcivilwar to make these things happen….. and I would follow like a loyal sheep 🐑
  15. When the ferals start chanting ‘Coooollongwood’ when the game is stitched up is annoying but oh so effective (I’m jealous). Picture 50k plus demon fans right near the end of the game and when we win next Friday becoming like a possessed tribe yelling loudly, screaming call it what you like, and at the same time thumping their chests. Possessed demons. Pure emotion. We should only do it when we have got the game sown up and / or have won. (In other words, 3 more times this year) I think our boys would love it. Yep, I know I’m dreaming but it’s fun. Just like I used to dream for over 50 years that we’d win a flag in my lifetime. Dreams sometimes come true.
  16. And just so I don’t get shot down in flames, I will be singing our song, crappy tune or not, every time we win a game…..expecting to sing it 3 more times this year
  17. This is the type of thing that we need to do oh so much. To get a new signature or trade mark that is associated to / with Melbourne supporters. Easy to do and very emotive. One side of me says that there is a real chance this could happen this next game when we crush Sydney. Why? Because, I hope, a lot of noisy supporters will be coming out of the woodwork who want to have fun. The other side of me thinks not. Tradition (or perhaps more accurately bad habits) can be very hard to break. Eg. Irks me when I hear ‘opera’ type clapping after we get a goal. There should be no conservatism allowed in footy!
  18. It is good because it engenders emotive singing from the fans - ‘yellow and black’. I reckon the words to our song are great, the delivery of it when in ‘chant mode’ (the lads screaming it out loud after the game), is in my opinion unsurpassed. However, with all due respect to tradition etc, the actual song and melody or whatever you call it, when it is played over the PA after a win, again in my opinion, is pretty second rate, in so far as bringing raw emotions to the fore. Totally get it, many people will have differing views, all good. Mine is just one.
  19. I’m better looking and more modest than every second bloke- which I guess makes me very average- Seat 15
  20. Row H. (8 rows back?) Allegedly I’ve been told I could easily pass off for looking like a Collingwood supporter Other accusations (far less offensive) is I have been asked a few time ‘are you Max Gawn’s dad?) Look for a tallish old bugger that is bald and has a grey (white) longish beard
  21. Half my luck, I’ve landed seats in M4. Funny thing is I like watching footy from a tv perspective and tried to snag a seat in one of the stands. Turns out with the superior use of my technological skills I somehow ended down in the terraces. The upside being WCW, I’ve never seen you before but I’m sure I will be able to hear you (and I’ll be looking for the person that is fist pumping their chest after we smash the Swannies) LETS GO DEES!
  22. Totally agree, their’s is crap. I reckon we already have the formula ( look at how the boys in the room belt it out after a game- I love it) ….. appreciate there will be people that have different opinions on this matter. As they say opinions are a bit like asssholess, everyone has one
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