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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. And not to forget, this is their 57th year since they won their last premiership
  2. 16 frees to 6 in favour of Carlton. Hmmm
  3. Please, please, please, play football like you are the hunters. Take the game on, play fast attacking football. In other words, smash ‘em.
  4. Does look like the umpires do like Carlscum
  5. I’m glad it wasn’t ‘served’ up to him. Much prefer having Grundy on board with us.
  6. Just listened to the interview. It was very good and very informative. Well done! That’s all.
  7. I am oh so hoping that we outnumber the opposition supporters. It is our home game after all! So… not caring if you are a member or not (or even just a Richmond hater) please turn up (those of us that can) and support our boys. It is the most tangible way we can help our team on game day. It is the least that they deserve.
  8. Curiosity question. My understanding is that a member who has a reserved seat is given opportunity to buy guest passes and if they do they are reallocated to another section with designated seats. What happens to the seat that the member normally would be seating in? My guess is that it remains empty for the game.
  9. It just really goes to show that one cannot take any team for granted this season. If the team is not switched on, there is a fair chance it will lose. I still have confidence that when we are switched on, we are a very competitive unit, a contender. I just hope that positive, confident supporters rock up to the G for the Anzac Eve clash. It is our home game, we must outnumber the opposition fans, no excuses. We owe it to our team.
  10. Unfortunately, I agree with you, in fact it gave me less hope ….. but I oh so hope that I am wrong……again…… just like I was when I tipped us to beat Brisbane and Essendon.
  11. Another [censored] weekend coming up. Bummer!
  12. Not that it means anything to anyone, Rivers from the day he started was my favourite ‘non star’ player. I’m wrapped. GO DEES!!!
  13. Heard Moore saying after the game that they really missed not having a ruckman. Likewise, we missed having Gawney. But then again we had a fella called Grundy fill in and take on the job. I wonder if the Ferals have ever heard about him?
  14. In simple terms, my take on all this is that there must be some correlation between number of members and club revenue. Therefore more the merrier - not really fussed how it is counted. But my real interest is to see more of our fans (members or not) actually attend our games. Adds to the atmosphere for starters and I can only think that it helps our players. There is no doubt in my mind that in our last game against Collingwood, their supporters got them over the line. So….. gear up your family and friends for the Anzac clash. And the King’ birthday clash will upon us sooner than you think. (If you are struggling to find demon friends then just get Collingwood haters to come along- plenty of those people around). Turning up to games (for those of us that can) and making some noise is about the most tangible way we can actually help our players on game day. GO DEES
  15. I didn’t mind Petty being rotated through the ruck alongside JVR to back up Grundy towards the end of last week’s game. Made us that much unpredictable in both the centre bounces and forward line. I like the idea of resting BBB and bringing Kozzie back in for this week- create further chaos for the opposition in the centre and up forward. Then in coming weeks I cannot even start to think how you fit in Gawn and Salem and in particular who goes out. We have fantastic depth and growing flexibility. We can not only cover injuries and rest key players when needed but it gives our squad great exposure to our system / processes. If we are unlucky and incur injuries, if managed well we could still remain as serious contenders. GO DEES!
  16. Big pat on the back for all our supporters who rocked up and made some noise. I am certain the players pick up and feed of the positive vibes.
  17. They are a very, very good side. Sad but true.
  18. Also very disciplined and structured in defence (in fact all over the ground) - numbers at the ball / contest but generally only one contests the ball, the others ready to receive and run it forward
  19. Hope the adjustment to the game plan is along the lines of taking the game on- aggressive one on one, fast direct footy, through the corridor whenever possible. Take risks, don’t become predictable. Hope the team backs themselves in. We must become the hunters. As someone said in an earlier post, we will know which side turns up in the first 10 minutes of the game.
  20. I think a lot of people are being a bit harsh on Hawscum. I sincerely hope they pick up a few absolute gems in the next few years…… and then also hope that they choose to move onto other teams that have better prospects as soon as they can.
  21. Appreciate that physical fitness of players is carefully planned, measured and monitored for optimal performance. There would be many metrics to look at. How much attention is given to the ‘muscle’ between the ears? No matter how fit, if a player or players aren’t in the right head place this surely would affect their / team performance. Is this also somehow measured, monitored and managed?
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