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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Shocked. They really captured Robbo's tweeting style and everything. Such hard work all shot down by the man himself.
  2. So don't leave WA in the first place. Simple.
  3. Love Mitch Robinson. Looks to have already deleted it. EDIT: Or it's fake.
  4. Good get by the Crows if it happens. 20 year old Grand Finallist/Premiership player. Kind of like Lever, though we probably won't kick up as much of a stink as the Crows did.
  5. Could actually be good for them. It’ll give their one pace midfield a shakeup and no one will be able to go “well we’ll just go again.”
  6. Why did he leave Freo in the first place? Always thought that was weird, but didn't look too much into it.
  7. My word the state of sports journalism in this country (in particular, channel 7): 1. Cribbing a Melbourne website interview with Steven May for a bit of soundbite credibility 2. Fake alarmist story based on grainy footage of a strapped calf 3. Sensationalist headlines galore (glad I didn't have to watch the story about the world number 1 women's tennis player and Wimbledon winner "crumbling")
  8. Hawkins and Cameron are clearly ahead of McDonald and Brown, but I'd take Fritsch over Rohan easily.
  9. Not a doctor, but I imagine you could cop an injury that fractures your skull but does not cause a concussion. Conceivable I suppose.
  10. I'm not quite in the same boat as you. I have a lot of family in SA who all go (to varying degrees) for Port, so I'm a bit partial to them. Obviously I love the dees and would do anything for a Melbourne flag, so my preference for how it all plays out from here is as follows: Dees … lots of daylight … lots more daylight ... Port … daylight again … Dogs (not much of a choice when there's only 4 teams left) …. COVID cancellation of season Supernova that destroys the solar system on grand final day ... more daylight ... Ok fine cats
  11. The year's four best sides get there. Dogs vs lions you could barely split them, in home and away, and in finals. But we're here now. Dees vs Port clearly the bookies choice. Dees vs Dogs is not without a chance. Cats vs anyone can GDIAF
  12. Harris Andrews has pulled a Tom McDonald and gone forward! Scores level.
  13. I have potted him all night, but great decision from Daniher to put the ball to the square, and mark goal from Fullerton. Whatever happens tonight, Port will be laughing, as the winner will be spent.
  14. Pretty sure there's a happy middle ground between putting the whistle away and allowing players to go full thug mode.
  15. 3 throws in 30 seconds there by the dogs. Throwing is the biggest blight on the game by a very wide margin.
  16. Lions in massive trouble now. They've stopped, and it doesn't look like they've got much left in the tank.
  17. Is there anything more dystopic than hearing a guy on the PA for a game you're watching on telly explain how you must wear your mask at all times except when eating and drinking?
  18. Not sure how Coleman wasn't pinged for holding the ball then. Lions lucky.
  19. As binman would say, it's not the frees paid, but the frees not paid.
  20. Both clear frees (clearly handball toward the boundary, and clearly dived on the footy).
  21. How can you not like Cody Weightman? The kid loves footy, loves his team, and is riding every bump even from the sidelines.
  22. Only the bulldogs are aloud to have advantage recalled if they aren't aware. Ben Brown might have liked that privilege last week.
  23. Phwoa! This is a final. Not sure what that pathetic display was last night but I'm glad we're getting something out of this weekend from a footy perspective.
  24. Lions all over them right now, but not putting it on the scoreboard. Need a goal from this dominance. And there it is!!!
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