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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I personally don't give a crap who we lost to. We're in finals baby and nothing that happened in the last 12 years matters anymore.
  2. It's sad because he was playing great footy for us midway through last year. He was a Melbourne player and our GWH number 1 draft pick (albeit several years on from that). Now that he's at port, he's neither and has no motivation or identity whatsoever. After years of being in the spotlight, it's almost as if he's trying to have as little impact on his new team as possible.
  3. Not for us, but Carlton or GWS would be mad not to pick him up for a year.
  4. If only Adelaide was playing in this game too. Then I could watch every non-Melbourne supporting member of my extended family feel bad in one glorious night.
  5. Watching this game between the 9th and 10th best team, we are clearly a top 8 side. Melbourne's footy is streets ahead of what these teams are producing.
  6. Port players are ignoring Watts at every turn now just like Melbourne players did.
  7. We won a spot in the finals before getting it handed to us. How could you not love that?
  8. What is it with umpires paying random half-marks at Adelaide Oval in Port games?
  9. Port is an absolute rabble. I guess Jack Watts was the problem all along…?
  10. I've watched that last quarter a few times now and honestly Salem won us the game. Even better last quarter performance than Melksham IMO.
  11. I'll have you know I was named after Brock McLean. I've never lived it down.
  12. Might as well name me on the interchange bench.
  13. I didn't listen. Call me a fair-weather supporter if you must, but I'll be damned if I'm going to listen to 2 blokes rabbit on about a loss that I've already seen. Gonna listen tonight though for sure.
  14. I've never met a bulldogs supporter in my life. I know tons of Melbourne supporters of varying levels of disenfranchisedness. Mind you I live in the south-eastern suburbs and socialise exclusively with toffs, so...
  15. 2nd best on ground for us in the last quarter. Milkshake won it, but Salem and Jetta stopped us from losing it.
  16. Lobb is no hack. He's just about the 3rd best ruck in the comp this year.
  17. I always chuckle hearing/reading the AFL footy ground referred to as a "workplace". I know it is, but it just makes me think of Clarry Oliver or Nathan Jones rocking up to the centre square sighing a beleaguered sigh for another day's drudgery, dressed in a bad tie and sporting a briefcase.
  18. I just want to go on record as saying this thread was renamed without my consultation and totally against my will.
  19. Out of position for him maybe; but short of Lever apparating tomorrow with a rejuvenated ACL, there's no one I'd rather have playing his role at the MFC right now.
  20. Go nuts on the ladder predictors.
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