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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Give his money, or half his money because of the VL, to the kids and you will be inflating their price. I would prefer, as I said with his enormous pay packet in the last three years, Bruce gets overpaid rather than our kids.
  2. Contrition is not a weakness - some (most) in our society think it is. It's healthy. It means you're not a sociopath. Just putting it out there...
  3. Comparing Watts and Rich is as nonsensical now as it was when they were drafted. One is 195cm and 2 years off his body being solid enough to play consistent AFL footy. The other was ready as soon as he put the jumper on. You're limited by your body - and his has been ready to go for a couple of years. Others - Watts, Morton, Hill, et al have to wait. There is no mirror in the development of Watts and Rich.
  4. If we were unfortunate enough to finish below the other team, yes. I'd much prefer to win the effing thing than scream at the heavens about wearing white in our jumper. Our get-up used to be all white anyway... I know many of you only embrace 4 numbers from our pre-1933 history so that isn't a winning argument... Call it embracing history, call it sacrificing your soul, let's just win a flag and worry about staid principle later.
  5. I hope you know I don't know. I was basing that on the fact that no-one else becomes VL eligible until Jamar in 2013.
  6. While I agree that Bruce is not a leader of men and went missing in September (with a number of friends), there is a spot for him in the next two years if he wants it. We just aren't that willing to pay for it. And fair enough.
  7. So you don't like the AFL dictating to clubs but you want them to dictate to new clubs? Every club should have a clash strip. Collingwood will eventually take more black out of theirs and have an acceptable jumper. There will go the double standard and everyone can move on.
  8. As one-on-one football died - the need for clash jumpers emerged. The game has evolved, our eyes haven't...
  9. He says he did. So either Clint is a liar or players see clashes.
  10. But if clubs don't clash with other clubs, surely the umpires don't clash... Clint Batram wasn't handpassing to a pink shirt that night, either. He was... Crap? Vision impaired? Don't agree that there is something wrong with Clint? Throw him under a bus (and Brad Miller on Whelan at OO), or agree the AFL need clash jumpers because players get confused. Let alone spectators - it's either effing quick or a scrum. Clash jumpers are just trying to help everyone see the game. And don't give me the - the game survived 100 years without it, nonsense. The game has changed immeasurably from the one-on-one, slow kicking-based game it used to be. And one more thing - teams started off with just hats to differentiate each other. So the first colour strips could be called clash strips. And I have entered this argument again. It's Scorcher V...
  11. Before or after the p!ss destoys(ed) him?
  12. They are. He's on 850K in 2011 and 2012. They tried to get out of it, and failed... Nothing else will be done about it. Aside from apologies all 'round. But they're free...
  13. I guess it depends on whether you value the input on list management of McLaren or Wenn over Bailey and Connolly.
  14. rpfc

    Trade Week

    I would like to play for the Demons.
  15. We will still be pumping games into our talented core of youth but that doesn't mean that you can't maximise what the system allows - the Vets List. We won't have anyone eligible for the VL outside of Macca, Bruce, and Greeny until Jamar in 2013 and Davey in 2014. I wonder if Bruce realises that he has a free spot that they would be more than willing he keep as long as he can stay fit and effective - even if he were on the fringes of the 22. If he is given a one year deal, he will most likely be given another for 2012. All bets are off after that though... Decisions, decisions...
  16. It's definitely an option. I wonder what their price would be. From what we have discussed, in order of preference of established players: White then Hawkins then Hale then Lynch.
  17. Take this in the jest it was given: You are the king of passive aggressiveness.
  18. Can people take this in the best way possible, please? Thankyou.
  19. Jetta is worth more than Davey. I'd be keeping Jetta if this were a direct comparison.
  20. I really thought they would have given two. I don't trust Jon Ralph.
  21. Just to defend my reference to Flag Core players - it means those players that I feel will make up the core of a flag winning team. Hardly a silly little box, h007... It's an important box. A very important box.
  22. Yes, I do like to hear stories like this. If they are included on the trip it is a sign of respect, and perhaps a sign that the FD treats its players quite well, even when on the outer.
  23. You ain't popular are you? I'm starting to get my own 'following' myself, too. And I'm alot nicer than you... Not fair. And I say no to Bruce because he tosses the coin with his trackie dacks on. Unacceptable behaviour from an MFC captain.
  24. Ahh, no! You're breaking the adverb/adjective rule. You can ask Steven whether he thinks what he said was that stupid, or query him on level of stupidness. But asking someone whether they think they are stupid is definitely a no-no. Forum etiquette is tough to get ones head around. But this place will be all the better for it...
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