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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yeah, like the groundwork on Jimmy Toumpas!! I like Byrons Nephew a lot happy to pick him at 10 !!
  2. Oscar or Spargo would be a good deal! for a second rounder!
  3. The most talented player in the draft??? Well go get him! BUT I think he is light years away from that! You simply cannot waste a pick on someone who cannot kick Our team is full of them!!! Mystifying!!??
  4. Coz he can't kick.... Fits right in with many of our current list!!
  5. There aren't any!!! I really like the way we have done this! Get them both in.! I like it a lot!
  6. Agree IMO If we draft this kid at 3 It might go down as the greatest draft blunder of the Century. For a start this bloke can't kick!! Yeah thats what we need another poorly skilled player! DONT DO IT MFC!
  7. Gotta go with Young just a No No Brainer in a list with limited skills he stands heads and shoulders above all except perhaps Salem and Melky!
  8. Oh yes he can AVOID can't Kick IMO a worse pick than Lucas Cook!
  9. I didn't say he lacked courage or couldn't play a bit, I saw enough of him to make the judgement that he did not have the elite kicking skills some on this site suggested! That's all!!
  10. I saw James Strauss gather the ball in the back pocket and kick it 20 metres to the opposition resulting in...... A goal! Elite kicking skills??? I think not!
  11. SOLD!! get him in on a two year deal with a trigger for 3rd!
  12. Limited skills just blasts away when he has it . I reckon you have nailed it. Got the type of pace Oscar can only dream about!
  13. Why are we still talking about a bloke that has Zero relevance to Dees??
  14. Agree, take him Weeds well you never know what ur gonna get. he would want to show sustained improvement in 2020 otherwise we will struggle to kick goals. Take Brown for Insurance I reckon and he might just surprise
  15. Yep and yep Sad I still think of him quite often, I posted ny Ode on quite a few occasions, As I said to some of his close acquaintances, "Where has 5 + years gone?? Great player!! Better Bloke!! there can be no greater legacy!! Always remembered! Thanks for posting
  16. Most of my fingers look like that normally!!
  17. OK I've tempered it But Inane?? Yeah well up to you! Entitled to opinion I would have thought!
  18. Hnmm! Foster would have needed him but not Fish Creek!! Magnificent footy club Have seen a GF or two!
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