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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Sheeeeit with the mo he looks a lot like Freddie Mercury!!
  2. Based on what I have seen on his highlights reel and the fact he is related to Byron gives me goosebumps. i, Too would select him over Weightman. The other interesting thing about the Hun article this morning was that Byron has two sons around the 12/13 mark. Hey Dazzle, have you any info on these two? sons of Byron? PF
  3. Bout time we grew some Nads and took a chance. Hopefully we can have a Win here!
  4. Hnmm Pity we could do with someone Exactly like Toby Greene with ATTITUDE!!
  5. Well done Moon, you also got my best angle!
  6. Thanks why Richmond were Premiers and we were an abysmal 17th! Bloke is right on the money! Its Simon Goodwins job to develop players... If he has another Shizen start to 2020 he will be gorn by about round 8-10
  7. In spite of optimism,, I couldnt imagine a Worse start to 2020!! Goody under pump right from the start!
  8. Spoke to somone connected with the Stingrays on the weekend who I know as an aquaintance. More a good mate of a mate. Anyway he suggested very strongly that we would be negligent if we didn't take this kid. He further suggested he would be a future Captain and 200 gamer. Convinced me, not that I needed too much convincing already.
  9. Hnmm I was a very silky HFF who never handballed and would try to kick miracle goals at every opportunity. Would kick 5 one week, then have a quiet game for a week or two, nearly get dropped and then kick 7 then go a bit quiet then respond with another 4-5. Used to drive coaches mad. The one attribute I had was Kicking. I was a truly magnificent kick of the Sherrin/ Faulkner. The Ross Faulkner footy were a magnificent footy to launch torps. Ah the memories.
  10. Very very wise shocking luck but the right decision! Good luck young man!
  11. I had a Strange Fantastic Dream last night!! FROSTY WON THE NORM SMITH MEDAL IN 2020 In yet another inspiring display for the Hawks. Just remind me again Why we did this?? which will come back a bite us Hard on the rrrse!
  12. Dazz, I met him once with a Demon Luminary, and he was from that meeting a genuine bloke that had the Best interests of the players at heart. A winner for mine!!
  13. Other than the obvious Cardboard incremental salary inducements Why the FECK is Blueland Suddenly the place to be????
  14. Yep ! Our List management is just mindboggling!
  15. Jimmy Toumpas came to us with two crook hips. Massive MASSIVE risk! NO!
  16. That would be sooooo ....un MFC LIKE!!
  17. Having looked closely at all I have to Say YOUNG is potentially a better mans Bacher Houli and we all know how good he is!! Must be our first pick IMV
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