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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. In keeping with the theme of famous quotes, here’s my offering: “The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.” - Willy Wonka My point is, motivational quotes are great ‘n’ all, but at the end of the day it’s actions and not words that win games. GO THE MIGHTY DEEEEEZ ❤️?❤️? incidentally, want your innocent childhood shattered in one fell swoop? Then look up Roald Dahl’s definition of snozzberries. I sincerely apologise in advance.
  2. Agreed, it’s not everything. But it’s also not nothing. At the very least it will serve as a confidence boost for the players. And for all those little kids, the mini Dees fans, who’ve seen no joy, top of the ladder would mean the world imo.
  3. At the risk of sounding cocky... Thanks for keeping the seat at the top of the ladder warm for us, Bulldogs. We’ll take it from here. Cheers.
  4. Am I the only one who didn’t understand a single word of this, bar the last line? ?
  5. I’m the complete opposite type of Demon fanatic. I don’t own a car, let alone a Range Rover; I only know what a charcuterie plate is coz I saw it on the Hans ad. on TV; and as for snow, the closest I would ever get to seeing white powder is if I’m walking down the main street of St. Albans and the meth-head in front of me falls over and the baggie of ice in his pocket comes tumbling out onto the footpath. (This actually happened.)
  6. At the local shopping centre and I just spotted an old guy sporting a Dees baseball cap that was so brand spanking new he may as well have left the label on it. I see this guy all the time and never knew he was a fan. In my neck of the woods Dees supporters are few and far between; ones who show their colours, anyways. It made me think about a tweet I read after Richmond won the grannie in 2017. It read along the lines of Now you’ll see only two types of Richmond regalia: Brand new gear or 32yo gear that reeks of mothballs. So I’m sure we have to expect a barrage of this type of discourse should we go all the way. Incidentally, the newest MFC merch I own is a guernsey I won in a competition two weeks ago. And not a single item of the sh*t-tonne of stuff I’ve amassed over the years smells of mothballs. Brave is the person who even entertains the idea of labelling me a bandwagonner. ?
  7. Great. Like we need another reason to hate Collingwood. ?
  8. “It’s ruck-craft, mate.” -Max to an umpire. God how I love him!
  9. The post’s original title contained an error in spelling which has since been amended.
  10. “Why is our spiritual home now named after the NZ PM?” might be something they’d say. ?
  11. You had one job, Collingwood. ? #iHateEssendonWithAnUnholyPassion
  12. So heartening to hear this from fans who obvs know the Dees inside and out. Thank you guys ❤️?
  13. Dusty concussed. You’re welcome, Bulldogs.
  14. Probs not. But it could be worse: we could be devoted to a club that’s synonymous with missing teeth. Or with a drug-fueled premiership. Talking to you, Eagles.
  15. I’m on top of the world and not planning on coming down anytime soon. ❤️?

  16. I had the strangest dream last night: I dreamt that I witnessed my beloved Dees bring down the reigning premiers. When I woke this morning, I realised it wasn’t a dream after all. (The first giveaway was my hoarse throat, second giveaway being the sincere entreaties of the fam who politely asked me to keep it to a dull roar in future.) And what made last night’s match all the more special was watching it with the awesome peeps of Demonland, a land hitherto unknown to me, until last week when serendipity brought us together. And I am stoked that it did. ❤️? P.S. even my phone is loud n proud today; it’s type-size has magically grown. ?
  17. Well picked! And yeah, I was sure young Angus was gonna burst outta the telly and into my lounge, such was his passion. Not that I would’ve minded. ?
  19. I bet against the Dees every week, no matter who or where we play. And I’m thrilled to say that I have yet to collect a single cent this year!
  20. SO worth it: put $10 on and enjoy the princely sum of $10.10 returned. ?
  21. Was gonna wish you Happy Birthday but pretty sure you already have had probs the best bday possible.
  22. Yeah, but don’t we deserve to revel in the win, even just for tonight?
  23. Same! He was like the protective big brother. Love him so much.
  24. They hear “Christian” and force of habit kicks in.
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